Xiaomi 13 Ultra
Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Appareil photo secondaire: 32 MPix (f/2.0, 22mm, 0.7µm)
Price comparison
Moyenne de 36 notes (à partir de 73 critiques)
Critiques pour le/la Xiaomi 13 Ultra
Avec son smartphone phare, Xiaomi vise à monter sur le trône de l'appareil photo cette année encore dans le segment des smartphones. Le 13 Ultra utilise même quatre objectifs avec une résolution de 50 MP et une distance focale allant jusqu'à 120 mm. Découvrez ici si les appareils photo Leica sont convaincants dans notre test et où se situent les problèmes.
Après avoir comparé le Galaxy S23 Ultra avec des smartphones haut de gamme tels que l'iPhone 14 Pro Max et le Pixel 7 Pro, il est maintenant temps de tester les caméras des téléphones phares de 2023 : Le Xiaomi 13 Ultra, l'Oppo Find X6 Pro et le OnePlus 11. Lequel s'est le mieux débrouillé ? Découvrez-le dans notre test.
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Le Xiaomi 13 Ultra est un smartphone d’exception. Luxueux de pied en cap et vendu 1500 €, le smartphone du fabricant chinois excelle dans tous les domaines ou presque. En effet si les protocoles de test du Labo saluent la qualité de la réception réseau, l’excellence de l’écran, l’autonomie de 12 h 30 ou encore les performances indétrônables offertes par le Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, le bilan photographique se révèle plus tiède que prévu. Configuré avec des lentilles conçues par Leica, le smartphone est parfois trop agressif dans son traitement numérique, qui empêche la pleine appréciation de ses qualités dans le cadre du protocole Labo. Il est en revanche difficile de ne pas reconnaître sa grande polyvalence : le smartphone sait tout faire. Et à ce prix, ce n’est que tout naturel.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 08/31/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 90%
Source: Les Mobiles

Loin d’être le meilleur rapport qualité prix du marché, le Xiaomi 13 Ultra mise clairement sur ses capacités photo mais finalement n’arrive pas à proposer mieux que la concurrence malgré une configuration des plus avancées. Les photos sont toutefois d’excellente qualité, en différentes circonstances. On apprécie également la très forte luminosité de son écran, incurvé, très bien rafraîchi et qui sait également se limiter dans la pénombre. Les performances sont bel et bien au rendez-vous et l’autonomie appréciable. Son design est remarquable mais il faut prendre en compte le fait qu’il est relativement lourd, comme la plupart des mobiles haut de gamme cependant, et légèrement déséquilibré. Reste à en avoir le budget car il s’agit de l’un des mobiles les plus chers du marché, hors modèle pliant.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 07/21/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Clubic

Voilà un smartphone qui mérite bien son nom. Le Xiaomi 13 Ultra coche toutes les cases, à commencer par celle sur laquelle on l’attendait le plus au tournant : la photo ! Le savoir-faire de Leica se retrouve dans tous les objectifs que comporte ce téléphone, et permet à tous les photographes, même les moins aguerris, de capturer des clichés et des enregistrements de qualité professionnelle. Ce smartphone n’est pas en reste sur les autres aspects, bien au contraire : entre un design élégant, un écran impeccable, des performances élevées et une autonomie généreuse, il est bien difficile de trouver quoi que ce soit à reprocher à ce modèle — si ce n’est son prix, qui reste élevé, bien qu’il se justifie au regard de la fiche technique généreuse, ou l’interface MIUI 14, manquant parfois de finesse.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
Source: Frandroid

Le jeu du smartphone premium s'est considérablement musclé en 2023, mais Xiaomi a su se mettre au niveau. Son 13 Ultra répond présent sur le niveau de confort attendu. Que ce sur les performances, la qualité d'affichage, l'autonomie, même l'interface... on est bien installés dans un fauteuil et c'est ce qu'on souhaite. La partie photo, si elle répond bien présente en proposant une belle polyvalence, est plutôt à compter au rang de nos déceptions. Certes, les clichés sont rarement complètement ratés et les photos sont propres en soi, mais à ce niveau de prix, on attendait mieux. Le mode nuit n'est pas extraordinaire de netteté, il y a des petits soucis d'autofocus sur le téléobjectif 70mm... Bon, bien sûr, tout n'est pas à jeter et on profite même d'un mode portrait assez convaincant.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 80%
Source: CNet France

Xiaomi s'essaye depuis plusieurs années maintenant à l'exercice périlleux de proposer du haut de gamme sur un marché saturé et occupé par des historiques. Mais le 13 Ultra est sans aucun doute la copie la plus aboutie du constructeur. Son écran très lumineux couplé à des performances de haute volée et à un volet photo polyvalent et convaincant en font un flagship accompli. Dommage que l'addition salée réduise les chances du smartphone de détourner le regard des consommateurs d'une concurrence bien installée.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/01/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Les Numeriques

Avec son 13 Ultra, Xiaomi abandonne toute quête du meilleur rapport qualité-prix au profit d’une démonstration technique efficace. Ce smartphone profite d’un très bel écran ultra-lumineux, une puissance sans faille, une autonomie confortable, mais avant tout d’un volet photo très polyvalent. Il n’en reste pas moins un mastodonte dont le format et le tarif de lancement le réservent à un public de niche, qui saura en exploiter à fond le potentiel.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 80% ergonomie: 80%
Source: Journal du Geek

Le Xiaomi 12S Ultra l’année dernière et le Xiaomi 13 Pro en début d’année nous avaient déjà bien impressionné. Mais certains en veulent toujours plus et c’est pour ça qu’on retrouve désormais le Xiaomi 13 Ultra dans nos contrées. Alors oui, il pèse son poids et il n’est pas spécialement fin mais il propose ce fameux téléphoto supplémentaire qui permet à Xiaomi d’aller concurrence les autres flagships des concurrents chez Samsung, Oppo ou encore Vivo. Est-ce que tout le monde en aura besoin ? On en est pas sûr mais pour ceux qui ont vraiment besoin de pouvoir zoomer avec leur smartphone, le Xiaomi 13 Ultra est une solution fiable et efficace. Le zoom périscope n’est pas aussi impressionnant que le téléphoto de 3,2X mais il permet des prises de vues qu’on n’aurait pas pu faire avec une telle qualité avec le Xiaomi 13 Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Presse Citron

Est-ce que le 13 Ultra n’aurait pas été développé dans le but de premiumiser la marque, pour ensuite potentiellement habituer les consommateurs à payer des smartphones Xiaomi plus cher ? On saluera tout de même la prise de risque et le savoir-faire du constructeur en terme matériel. On aime aussi le choix du partenariat avec Leica, afin d’en faire un excellent photophone, mais aussi son hardware de haute volée qui propose globalement une excellente expérience multimédia.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/22/2023
Notes: Note globale: 79% prix: 80% performances: 65% écran: 90% mobilité: 70%
Source: Phonandroid

Avec le Xiaomi 13 Ultra, le constructeur chinois montre tout son savoir-faire, aussi bien au niveau de la technique que du visuel. Puissant, doté d’un écran de qualité et d’un design fort, c’est bien avec la photo que le téléphone arrive à convaincre. Leica et Xiaomi livrent une partie photo de haute volée, avec des clichés gérant parfaitement les contrastes et apportant une vraie personnalité au niveau du rendu. Tout n’est pas parfait, notamment sur la partie logicielle, sur la gestion de la chauffe, sur l’autonomie ou sur les clichés de nuit, mais le 13 Ultra est sans aucun doute possible un excellent smartphone, le meilleur de Xiaomi. Reste son prix élevé qui en fait un produit de niche et qui le place face à des terminaux plus équilibrés, comme le Galaxy S23 Ultra ou l’iPhone 14 Pro Max. A réserver à ceux qui veulent un photophone avec la patte si particulière de Leica ou un produit au design original.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit France

Le Xiaomi 13 Ultra est bien sûr un excellent smartphone même s'il n'est pas le meilleur smartphone photo de 2023 selon vous. Il est équipé du SoC le plus puissant actuellement disponible pour les smartphones Android. La batterie se recharge suffisamment vite, et l'écran est tout simplement énorme. Le design flamboyant est peut-être une question de goût, mais les matériaux sont de qualité et la finition est très bonne. L'OS n'est pas encore tout à fait au niveau de ses meilleurs concurrents, mais Xiaomi a rapidement rattrapé son retard en matière de politique de mise à jour. Ensuite, il y a le module photo, qui est bien plus qu'un ensemble de capteurs juxtaposés au pif. Il suit un concept rigoureux et est pensé comme peu d'autres smartphones Android.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit France

Le Xiaomi 13 Ultra est bien sûr un excellent smartphone même s'il n'est pas le meilleur smartphone photo de 2023 selon vous. Il est équipé du SoC le plus puissant actuellement disponible pour les smartphones Android. La batterie se recharge suffisamment vite, et l'écran est tout simplement énorme. Le design flamboyant est peut-être une question de goût, mais les matériaux sont de qualité et la finition est très bonne. L'OS n'est pas encore tout à fait au niveau de ses meilleurs concurrents, mais Xiaomi a rapidement rattrapé son retard en matière de politique de mise à jour. Ensuite, il y a le module photo, qui est bien plus qu'un ensemble de capteurs juxtaposés au pif. Il suit un concept rigoureux et est pensé comme peu d'autres smartphones Android. Actuellement, seuls le Honor Magic 5 Pro et les iPhone peuvent rivaliser en termes de cohérence, mais ils offrent tous deux moins de diversité et d'après le test, ils sont également à la traîne en termes de qualité d'image. À la fin de notre test complet du Xiaomi 13 Ultra, il reste donc la question cruciale du prix final en Europe. On pense que le fondateur et PDG par intérim de Xiaomi, Lei Jung, ne le fixera pas à moins de 1700 euros. Mais nous verrons bien, car nous allons tester la version définitive vendue en France afin de vous dire ce qu'il en est réellement.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/07/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit France

Le Xiaomi 13 Ultra est bien sûr un excellent smartphone. Il est équipé du processeur le plus puissant actuellement disponible pour les smartphones Android. La batterie se recharge plus rapidement que celle de tous les autres produits phares et l'écran est tout simplement énorme. Le design flamboyant est peut-être une question de goût, mais les matériaux sont de qualité et la finition est très bonne. Le logiciel n'est pas encore tout à fait au niveau de ses meilleurs concurrents, mais Xiaomi a rapidement rattrapé son retard en matière de politique de mise à jour. Ensuite, il y a l'appareil photo, qui est bien plus qu'un ensemble de capteurs juxtaposés au pif. L'appareil photo suit un concept rigoureux et est pensé comme peu d'autres smartphones Android. Actuellement, seuls le Honor Magic 5 Pro et les iPhone peuvent rivaliser en termes de cohérence. Mais ils offrent tous deux moins de diversité - et d'après le premier test, ils sont également à la traîne en termes de qualité d'image.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/19/2023
Source: Frandroid

Le Xiaomi 13 Ultra, tout juste dévoilé, vient couronner la gamme de Xiaomi. Nous avons pu passer quelques heures avec ce nouveau fleuron dans la poche. Voici nos premières impressions. Alors que le Xiaomi 13 Ultra est encore tout fraichement annoncé, Frandroid a pu l’essayer à Beijing. La version du logiciel installé étant réservée au marché chinois, nous allons ici surtout nous concentrer sur nos impressions en main ainsi que sur la photo, enjeu capital pour un smartphone ultra premium. Spoiler : a priori, il semble bien porter son nom d’Ultra. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/19/2023
Critiques dans des langues étrangères
Source: DxOMark

In the DXOMARK Selfie tests, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra delivered an overall decent performance and showed some significant improvements over its predecessor the 12S Ultra, especially in terms of photo color and exposure. In addition, video stabilization was more effective, resulting in higher levels of detail. On the downside, the shallow depth of field prevented good sharpness on all subjects in group shots, just like on the 12S Ultra, and in some challenging light conditions, we observed strong tone compression, which resulted in a lack of contrast on the face, as well as unnatural colors. While the Xiaomi 13 Ultra could not match the overall front camera results of some Ultra-Premium rivals such as the Apple iPhone 14 Pro or the Huawei Mate 50 Pro, it was better in some areas. Unwanted image artifacts were better under control than on the Huawei Mate 50 Pro; noise reduction worked more effectively, and flash mode was better than on the iPhone 14 Pro.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/11/2023
Source: Tech Amaze

As we mentioned in the review of Xiaomi 13 Ultra, this smartphone is an amazing product. You are dealing with a smartphone that has a good performance in every aspect. In fact, it is very hard to find a key weakness for this phone. This phone has a very high-quality display that shows everything perfectly. The high refresh rate and high resolution make the display great for watching movies and playing games. On the other hand, it has excellent speakers that have a good performance. The high-quality cameras that can take very high-quality photos in day and night are also one of the important features of this phone. Video recording with Xiaomi 13 Ultra will be amazing. Video recording with 4K and 8K resolution with this phone is great and you can even use these videos for professional clips. The very powerful hardware that was used for Xiaomi 13 Ultra makes this smartphone very suitable for playing games and running very heavy processes.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/16/2023
Source: DxOMark

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra display showed good overall readability, with smooth lighting transitions whether rising or falling. A comfortable device with great color rendering under most lighting conditions, its very high frequency of 1920 Hz also means that it is flicker-free. Compared to prior models, the 13 Ultra showed improvement in its handling of frame drops, but the display was not uniform, with a visible vertical gradient at the top of the screen. Its HDR10 brightness was low under dark indoor conditions, and while its brightness was decent in outdoor shade conditions (20,000 lux), it was not exceptional. The Xiaomi device showed a strong shift toward green when viewed at an angle.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 08/08/2023
Source: Geek Culture

Alas, the greatest obstacle for the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is its sky-high price. At S$1,899 for the 12GB RAM / 512GB storage model, it charges a premium that most will find difficult to commit, especially in a space where options like the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 14 Pro Max (both of which are lower-priced, by the way) are so readily available. There’s no denying the phone’s exceptional quality, performance, and design, but it needs more oomph to convince the wider user base. For some, the camera is reason enough. The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is many things – powerful, pretty, impressive, and pricey. A powerhouse in every sense of the word, it promises something special and premium for those willing to commit the cash.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 08/07/2023
Notes: Note globale: 84% prix: 70% performances: 90% finition: 85%
Source: DxOMark

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra’s battery performance earned the device a very good global score, thanks to strong showings in charging and efficiency. The device’s autonomy was good at 2.5 days when used moderately. When testing in usages individually, autonomy did better than average when listening to music, while watching videos and gaming also yielded very good autonomy. On-the-go performance was a bit higher than average, even though GPS navigation showed poor autonomy. Equipped with a 90W charger, the charging experience proved to be very good. Charging the entire battery by wire took 48 minutes and 51 seconds, while and a quick 5-minute boost provided 7.5 hours of autonomy, which is an excellent result. The results for wireless charging were also excellent, taking only 55 minutes to fully replenish the battery.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 07/27/2023
Source: Petapixel

Yes, though you should wait for a global version to come out. I think those that do pick it up won’t regret the choice every time they take a photo or video — it’s that good.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/13/2023
Source: DxOMark

In our DXOMARK Audio tests, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra delivered an overall good performance that was consistent across all playback and recording sub-tests. In playback, it performed best when gaming, but results were on a similarly high level when listening to music or watching movies. Recording results were best with the main camera and great with the memo app. Reduced wideness of the audio scene and blurry localizability meant front camera audio performance was a touch lower. Sonority was very good and Dynamics were punchy and accurate, both with the built-in speakers in Playback and in Recording. However, our experts found the device to not be suitable for recording at high sound pressure levels, for example concerts, and the audio zoom feature was not very effective at focusing on one particular sound source.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/06/2023
Source: OI Spice Tech News

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra smartphone provides a flagship look and experience. No matter what task you are trying to achieve on your smartphone, you can rest easy knowing it will be done. And to back all that up, it has the battery required to power all the components you need inside the smartphone. It’s truly a worthy device of being called a flagship smartphone. It even has an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance and special display protection, among other things. There are other smartphones in the market with similar features or even better specs on paper, but none of them comes close to the experiences you get from the new Xiaomi 13 Ultra. It is a heavy and bulky device that may not be comfortable for everyone. It also lacks a headphone jack, a microSD card slot, and a radio. Moreover, it is quite expensive, especially for the higher memory options.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 07/06/2023
Source: Expert Reviews

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is arguably unnecessary given how strong this year’s Xiaomi 13 Pro is, but it does make a couple of meaningful improvements if photography is your priority. It has a much more flexible camera system to shoot with, offering greater options at range and more nuanced control when up close. More generally, it’s just a great camera system to shoot with in any conditions. The Xiaomi 13 Ultra design is also much more appealing than the bland and indistinct Xiaomi 13 Pro. Though it’s still quite a hefty handset, I dig the whole ‘pro camera’ aesthetic. Add in the high quality core components that it shares with the Pro – a brilliantly bright and accurate display, top level performance, and speedy wireless charging – and you have a phone that’s worthy of its premium flagship billing. MIUI continues to be a bloated mess, but at least it’s a highly customisable one. It is weird that we’re paying more for slower charging, though.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Hardware Zone

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra Professional Photography Set is the most interesting pre-order gift item offered by the brand. In some other territories, the set is purchased separately and it’s not readily available. It comes with a protective case that’s compatible with its camera grip (that packs a wireless connection to its two-stage shutter and zoom jog dial). There’s also a 67mm adapter that lets you use standard camera lens filters or the provided lens cap on the Xiaomi 13 Ultra’s massive camera housing.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/24/2023
Source: Nextpit EN

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is touted as the ultimate camera smartphone—how good is it really? The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is—how could it be otherwise—of course, a great smartphone. Although you might not agree with our flagship camera blind test! It currently has the most powerful processor available for Android smartphones. The battery charges sufficiently fast enough, and the high-resolution display is simply wonderful. The eye-catching design might be a matter of taste, but the materials are high-quality and the build is excellent. The software is not quite on par with the best rivals yet, but Xiaomi has quickly caught up in terms of its update policy. Then there is the camera, which is much more than just a few sensors nailed together without any concern. The camera follows a strict concept and is more sophisticated than in almost any other Android smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Android Authority

As we’ve highlighted throughout this article, the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ($1178 at Amazon) is the obvious competitor to the Xiaomi 13 Ultra. With a global launch now underway, the entry-level Galaxy S23 Ultra is €100 cheaper than Xiaomi’s €1,499 (~$1,616) asking price. When spending this kind of money, the extra longevity of Samsung’s flagship makes it hard to argue against. However, buying the equivalent 12GB/512GB option is more expensive at €1,579. With that in mind, customers willing to pay for ample storage, an extra-brilliant camera, and a more unique and luxurious design should definitely consider the Xiaomi 13 Ultra as solid value for money. Outside the Android ecosystem, the Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max ($1099 at Best Buy) also weighs in at this price.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/17/2023
Source: Tech Advisor

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is an exceptional phone in almost every sense, a comprehensive, well-rounded hardware proposition that only risks being let down by Xiaomi’s unsophisticated software. The display and camera are among the absolute best out there, with strong performance and battery life to seal the deal. You’ll have to be able to live with (or better, love) the chunky build and chunkier camera, but if they work for you then the 13 Ultra hardly puts a foot wrong. Software aside, the biggest problem is the price: this is comfortably more expensive than even the likes of the Galaxy S23 Ultra or iPhone 14 Pro Max. For some the extraordinary camera will be enough to justify that cost, but make sure you’ll see the benefits before you commit your cash.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/12/2023
Source: Android Central

Xiaomi went all-out with the 13 Ultra, and the device feels more like a high-end camera that also has a few phone bits. The quad 50MP cameras at the back deliver the most versatile camera package of any phone available today, and all four lenses take magnificent photos and videos in any situation. Combine that with an exquisite design that grabs attention, the latest hardware, ultra-fast charging tech, clean software with minimal bloat, and all the extras you need in a flagship, and the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is a phone like no other.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: DxOMark

With its performance in our tests, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra has secured itself a position among the top part of the DXOMARK camera ranking. The camera benefitted especially from its remarkable results in the zoom category. Thanks to the impressive combination of four camera modules and clever tuning, the 13 Ultra was capable of providing one of the most consistent experience across the zoom range we have seen to date. When compared to its predecessor, the Xiaomi 12S Ultra, the 13 Ultra produced images with a similar rendering, with a significant improvement in zoom, as well as in video color and video autofocus. Although the 13 Ultra performed well in many attributes, exposure instabilities remain a common issue in Xiaomi devices.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/08/2023
Source: Trusted Reviews

There’s currently no UK, European or US pricing or availability for the Xiaomi 13 Ultra yet and judging by the Chinese price it’s going to cost a far whack more than the £1099 Xiaomi 13 Pro. If it was to arrive in the UK, there’s every chance this could be priced between £1300-1400 – but that’s pure guesswork at this stage. The 13 Ultra does a lot though and the camera hardware is some of the finest I have seen on any phone to date. The huge sensor, variable aperture, duo of telephoto sensors and four 50MP sensors make for a tempting package, especially if you want more creative control over your snaps than you get from an iPhone 14 or Galaxy S23.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: The Indian Express

Once the king of affordable phones, Xiaomi now wants to play with the big boys – the premium market, which is currently dominated by Apple and Samsung. The company’s most premium device currently being sold in India, the Xiaomi 13 Pro, is a compelling offering on its own merits, but isn’t the crown jewel of the company’s global portfolio. That honour belongs to the Xiaomi 13 Ultra. Although the camera powerhouse will never see the light of day in the country, Xiaomi decided to tease the Indian consumers with its photographic prowess. I was lent the phone for a few hours and during my limited time, I was blown away by its daylight imagery. Below is my in-depth review of the camera and its performance.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Tech Advisor

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is an exceptional phone in almost every sense, a comprehensive, well-rounded hardware proposition that only risks being let down by Xiaomi’s unsophisticated software. The display and camera are among the absolute best out there, with strong performance and battery life to seal the deal. You’ll have to be able to live with (or better, love) the chunky build and chunkier camera, but if they work for you then the 13 Ultra hardly puts a foot wrong. I’ll await the phone’s international launch and Western pricing to issue a final verdict, because much hinges on how aggressively the company positions this S23 Ultra rival, given how expensive its Pro model already is. I’ll also be keenly awaiting a global software version. Using an imported Chinese model is at times an exercise in frustration – even after adding Google in and setting the device language to English there are unexpected apps and notification pops in Chinese.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/08/2023
Source: TechTablets

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/07/2023
Source: Nextpit EN

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is, of course, a great smartphone. How else can we put it? It currently has the most powerful processor available for Android smartphones. The battery charges sufficiently fast enough, and the high-resolution display is simply wonderful. The eye-catching design might be a matter of taste, but the materials are high-quality and the build is excellent. The software is not quite on par with the best rivals yet, but Xiaomi has quickly caught up in terms of its update policy. Then there is the camera, which is much more than just a few sensors nailed together without any concern. The camera follows a strict concept and is more sophisticated than in almost any other Android smartphone. Currently, only the Honor Magic 5 Pro and the iPhone series can keep up, but they both offer less variety—and will also have to take a back seat in terms of picture quality based on our hands-on experience.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/02/2023
Source: Android Headlines

So, should you buy the Xiaomi 13 Ultra? Well, first of all, I’d suggest you wait for the global model, if you do plan on buying it. This one can be tweaked to run fine, but the point is, you do have to run through hoops in order to get there. The model with global software will be an entirely different story. That being said, this is one of the most fluid smartphones on the market, and also one that delivers an outstanding camera experience. Xiaomi and Leica truly managed to provide an outstanding setup for both photography and videography here, and if you love taking pictures, this phone won’t let you down. There are other positives we’ve talked about, and if the price ends up being right, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra will surely be worth your money. The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is a true powerhouse smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: GSM Arena

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra is a very competent smartphone. It's got a top-class display. Excellent battery life, fast charging. Powerful chipset, of course. Great speakers, too. All in a good-looking and water-resistant body. But you'd expect all of the above - we'd argue they don't make for selling points at this level. It's the camera system that is the real attraction here, and the promising specsheet translates into real-life performance that, as a whole, is almost unrivaled. Perhaps it does a few missteps that can be exploited by one phone or another to score single-category victories - like the meh selfies, or the dark videos at night, or the drop in sharpness when shooting in 60fps. But you can't find a cameraphone package as complete as the Xiaomi 13 Ultra. Now, when's that global version coming out, again?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 96%
Source: Igeekphone

Xiaomi has never given up on the field of self-developed cores. It has introduced the latest research and development results in Xiaomi Mi 13 Ultra. The Xiaomi Surging dual-core power system composed of the Surging P2 fast charging chip and the Surging G1 battery management chip allows the mobile phone to operate in ultra-low temperature extreme environments. It can also have fast charging and long-lasting battery life. At the same time, it also realizes the ability of a single cell to carry 90W ultra-high power and ensures the safety of charging. Based on Leica image tuning, Xiaomi Mi 13 Ultra has created a set of image systems that suits itself by changing the characteristics of various hardware and in-depth Optimization. It is enough to see that Xiaomi is pursuing the “Leica style” while having unique photography skills and insights. Forecast, Xiaomi is likely to launch its independent imaging brand in the future, so it has been absorbing the imaging training experience brought by Leica. It is also possible that the next generation of imaging flagships can see a joint name independent of any imaging. This cross-generation Ultra flagship machine can stand alone on its own.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/22/2023
Source: Tech Spurt

Unboxing the Xiaomi 13 Ultra, with a five day review of the camera tech, gaming performance, battery life and beyond. Vs the Pro model, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra boasts an overhauled camera with upgraded zoom tech and a variable aperture primary lens. You also have a snazzy new design and some of the other specs have been boosted. So is this one of the best smartphones of 2023? The Xiaomi 13 Ultra boasts Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 performance so like the Pro it can blaze through Genshin Impact and other Android games. That display is a QHD stunner with LTPO tech and Dolby Vision support. And battery life seems good so far, with 90W fast charging - although using the camera does drain it fast. Speaking of that camera, the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is a strong rival to the likes of Samsung's Galaxy S23 Ultra and Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max. You can grab crisp night photos and the telephoto zoom is insane.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/22/2023
Source: Tom's Guide

Xiaomi has taken cameras on smartphones to a new level with the 13 Ultra's four 50MP cameras, while still covering essential bases like performance, display and charging. Aside from it not being sold in the U.S. or U.K., the biggest drawback is how chunky the phone is, due to its many included camera tricks.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/20/2023
Source: Phone Arena

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra shapes up to be one of the most impressive flagship releases in 2023. It shifts the paradigm for smartphone photography with what might well become the best camera of the year. But it also has stellar performance, it's a great device for gaming, it has a stand-out design, fast charging and all the bells and whistles you could think of. The thing that might be holding it back the most is the restrictive MIUI software which aggressively kills apps in the background and might not be to everyone's liking. But let's hold back until we finalize our testing. Stay tuned for our final review with detailed camera and performance measurements of the Xiaomi 13 Ultra coming soon.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/20/2023
Source: Pocket Lint

Our initial takeaway with the Xiaomi 13 Ultra is that the manufacturer looked down every single element of the spec sheet decided to make every part of the phone as 'ultra' as it could. It's delivered 50-megapixel sensors on all four cameras, really high-end recording capabilities, and a display that is - on paper - probably the best display on the market. Add that to a phone with premium styling and top level internals and you get the flagship to end all flagships. At least, as far as specs go. The only real downside to this phone is that - at the moment - it appears it's not launching outside of China. No word has been said on an international launch, and the fact it came to us without Google Play Services/Play Store or any Google apps installed suggests this is a China market phone. Based on the price of the Xiaomi 13 Pro which did launch in western markets, we can safely assume that if it did launch anywhere else, it would be very expensive.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/19/2023
Source: Trusted Reviews

There’s currently no UK, European or US pricing or availability for the Xiaomi 13 Ultra yet and judging by the Chinese price it’s going to cost a far whack more than the £1099 Xiaomi 13 Pro. If it was to arrive in the UK, there’s every chance this could be priced between £1300-1400 – but that’s pure guesswork at this stage. The 13 Ultra does a lot though and the camera hardware is some of the finest I have seen on any phone to date. The huge sensor, variable aperture, duo of telephoto sensors and four 50-megapixel sensors make for a tempting package, especially if you want more creative control over your snaps than you get from an iPhone 14 or Galaxy S23. This is the definition of a niche phone, but after using it just a few days it’s also clear it’s full of innovation and if everything works as well as Xiaomi is touting it will, then there’s every chance this could be the best Android phone of the year.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 04/19/2023
Source: Stuff TV

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra starts at 5,999 Chinese Yuan (roughly £700), which sounds like a steal compared to top-tier phones out now in the West, but don’t get too excited. History dictates the China export markup is real, so we’d anticipate when it does launch here, the 13 Ultra will cost at least as much as the 13 Pro’s RRP, which starts at £1,099. After the excellent Oppo Find X6 Pro landed on our desk with no promise of a global release, it’s good to see that Xiaomi has confirmed wider availability for the 13 Ultra. So far, it looks set to be one of the best smartphones, and specifically, smartphone cameras we’ve ever tested – and matched with the camera grip accessory, it’s a serious gadget that should scratch photography enthusiast’s itch like no other.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 04/19/2023
Source: Android Authority

Xiaomi hasn’t dished out global pricing but the phone will indeed land outside China in the next few months. Unfortunately, US consumers will need to import this one. The Xiaomi 13 Ultra will start at 5,999 yuan (~$873) in China. That’s an excellent price, but the Xiaomi 13 Pro launched at a similarly impressive 4,999 yuan (~$727) in China and then landed in Europe for an eye-watering €1,300. That leads us to believe that the Xiaomi 13 Ultra could retail for €1,400 or more when it comes to global markets. The biggest rival to the Xiaomi 13 Ultra in Europe has to be the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra ($999.99 at Amazon). It costs €1,400 in Europe and shares common features like a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, a 5,000mAh battery, wireless charging, and an IP68 rating. The Samsung phone also brings a longer update pledge, an S Pen slot, and a dedicated 10x camera. Meanwhile, the Xiaomi handset serves up a more impressive main camera, a brighter screen on paper, and faster charging across the board. It’s a little too soon to make a definitive verdict on the Xiaomi 13 Ultra, then. But the prospect of an ultra-premium price tag and stiff competition from Samsung means discerning camera enthusiasts will likely be the primary audience.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/19/2023
Source: Tech Spurt

The Xiaomi 13 Ultra hasn't officially launched yet, but we've already seen some leaks and rumours emerge on the specs, camera tech and other features. Here's a closer look at that Xiaomi 13 Ultra smartphone ahead of the global reveal, hopefully happening before Summer 2023. With that Leica partnership in full swing, we're intrigued by the camera hardware that'll be crammed inside of this super-premium phone. Especially as the Xiaomi 13 Pro already boasts an excellent setup, including Sony's 1-inch IMX898 sensor and a solid telephoto shooter. Other specs for the Xiaomi 13 Ultra are mostly predictable, including the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 and a mighty AMOLED screen. However, will we see some battery innovations, or is the 90W charging rumour accurate? Check out my reviews of the Xiaomi 13 Pro and Xiaomi 13 (the latter is coming early next week), hopefully we'll have more on the Xiaomi 13 Ultra soon! For now, what do you reckon - let us know your own wants and must-haves for this super-premium smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/10/2023
Source: RP-Online

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 07/22/2023
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 97%
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/17/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Chip.de

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/15/2023
Notes: Note globale: 98% performances: 98% équipement: 97% écran: 98% mobilité: 99%
Source: Netzwelt

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86% équipement: 80% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 97%
Source: PC Welt

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/30/2023
Source: Chinahandys.net

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/25/2023
Notes: Note globale: 89% performances: 85% écran: 100% mobilité: 85% finition: 95%
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/02/2023
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/20/2023
Source: Hipertextual

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/29/2023
Source: El Español

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/04/2023
Source: Xataka

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 92% performances: 98% écran: 95% mobilité: 83% finition: 98%
Source: Tudo Celular

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 60%
Source: PC Guia

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 08/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 08/30/2023
Source: Mister Gadget

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 08/07/2023
Source: Batista70Phone

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 95% équipement: 90% écran: 95% mobilité: 90% finition: 90% ergonomie: 90%
Source: Evo smart

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 75% écran: 90% finition: 75%
Source: Andrea Galeazzi

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 85% prix: 70% écran: 85% mobilité: 82% finition: 87%
Source: Wired IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 04/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Unite4buy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 04/20/2023
Source: 3DNews.ru

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 08/03/2023
Source: DGL.ru

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/30/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: MobilArena HU

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/30/2023
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 100% mobilité: 85% finition: 100%
Source: Svet Androida

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95%
Source: FPT shop

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 08/19/2023
Source: Cell Phones

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/05/2023
Source: Viettelstore

Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 04/24/2023
Qualcomm Adreno 740:
Puce graphique pour smartphones et tablettes intégrée au SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Qualcomm affirme qu'elle est 25 % plus rapide que l'Adreno 730 du Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 et les premiers benchmarks montrent que le GPU peut battre l'iGPU A16 d'Apple (auparavant le GPU le plus rapide pour les smartphones).
Ces cartes devraient être capables de faire tourner tout les jeux d'aujourd'hui, mais la plupart d'entre eux uniquement en détails moyens ou faibles et avec des résolution basses. Les plus vieux jeux ou les jeux moins gourmands restent jouables avec de beaux graphismes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des cartes graphiques mobiles et ainsi que dans notre liste des Benchmarks affiliés.
SD 8 Gen 2:
SoC haut de gamme pour smartphones qui a été introduit fin 2022 avec un noyau principal rapide basé sur une architecture ARM Cortex-X3 cadencée jusqu'à 3,2 GHz. Deux autres cœurs performants sont basés sur l'A715 et ne prennent également en charge que les applications 64 bits. Les deux autres cœurs A710 prennent également en charge les applications 32 bits, tout comme les cœurs Cortex-A510, qui permettent d'économiser de l'énergie. En plus des cœurs de processeur, le SoC intègre un modem WiFi 7, un DSP Hexagon (pour l'accélération de l'IA) et un ISP Spectra. Le contrôleur de mémoire intégré prend en charge la mémoire rapide LPDDR5x jusqu'à 4 200 MHz. La 5G est incluse dans la puce avec le modem Snapdragon X70.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des processeurs mobiles.
6.73": Seuls quelques smartphones possèdent une telle diagonale d’écran.
Un écran de plus grandes dimensions permettent des résolutions plus élevées, les détails comme la finesse des lettres seront meilleurs. Néanmoins, un écran de plus petite taille est synonyme de consommation énergétique moindre et souvent d’un terminal plus compact, plus léger et plus abordable.
>> Pour en savoir un peu plus sur la finesse des pixels à l'écran, jetez un coup d'œil à notre liste des DPI (PPP, points par pouce).
88.4%: Voici une bonne note au dessus de la moyenne. Mais vous ne devez pas oublier qu'il y a de 10 à 15% de portables avec de meilleures notes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre guide d'achat pour les ordinateurs portables.