Xiaomi 12T Pro 5G
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Moyenne de 65 notes (à partir de 122 critiques)
Critiques pour le/la Xiaomi 12T Pro 5G
Le Xiaomi 12T Pro abrite des spécifications haut de gamme au prix d'un smartphone premium. Il s'agit notamment d'un Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, d'un appareil photo de 200 MP, d'un écran AMOLED 120 Hz et d'une fonction de charge rapide de 120 watts. Lisez la suite pour savoir où Xiaomi a fait des coupes dans son flagship killer
Source: Les Mobiles

De notre point de vue, le Xiaomi 12T Pro est un smartphone très réussi. Son design, bien que sobre, est intéressant avec un format agréable en main malgré le fait que l’empreinte digitale soit placée un peu trop bas. L’écran est excellent, grand, assez lumineux, réactif et offrant une très bonne fluidité lors des défilements et compatible HDR10+ et Dolby Vision ce qui n’est pas si courant. Les performances sont à saluer même si ce ne sont pas les meilleures du plateau, elles figurent parmi le haut du panier comme la vitesse de charge même si celle-ci n’est, dans les faits, pas aussi rapide que veut bien le dire le fabricant. Il s’agit malgré tout de l’un des smartphones qui se rechargent le plus rapidement au monde. L’autonomie est meilleure que celle offerte par le Xiaomi 12 et nous avons apprécié les photos prises avec ce téléphone surtout en 50 mégapixels, pour nous, le meilleur compromis depuis le capteur principal. Un petit regret sur l’étanchéité, mais Xiaomi a l’air fâché avec les programmes de certification…
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Frandroid

Le Xiaomi 12T Pro est un bon choix à 800 euros tant que vous faites ce choix de manière éclairée. En effet, si le smartphone est doté d'impressionnantes et indéniables qualités, il fait des compromis sur d'autres points qui peuvent être gênants selon vos critères. Dans les qualités à souligner, saluons l'écran soigné, la puissance de feu sur les jeux 3D, la charge très rapide et les performances du capteur photo principal globalement satisfaisantes malgré quelques incompréhensions. Parmi les bémols, difficile de passer à côté de l'absence de certification IP, de l'impasse faite sur un vrai téléobjectif ou sur les aléas de MIUI (applications tierces préinstallées, antivirus inutile, pas de fonction Monet...). On peut donc très clairement recommander ce smartphone à 800 euros… mais pour celles et ceux que les défauts cités ne gênent pas.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
Source: Presse Citron

En positionnant son 12T Pro face à des références du marché, Xiaomi prenait un risque. Celui de se planter royalement. S’il évite la catastrophe, le constructeur chinois peine à convaincre. Malgré des effets de manche et l’intégration de composants dernier cri, le résultat n’est pas à la hauteur des espérances. Le capteur de 200 Mpxl se révèle décevant, comme l’ensemble de l’expérience photographique d’ailleurs. Le design n’est pas des plus séduisants et l’interface manque d’ergonomie. Surtout, elle est truffée d’applications pré-installées, un défaut que l’on accepte sur un modèle à moins de 300 euros, mais pas après avoir déboursé 800 euros. Certes, le Xiaomi 12T Pro ne manque pas d’atouts : son écran est sublime, il est très performant, endurant, et il est livré avec l’un des chargeurs les plus rapides du moment. C’est bien, mais insuffisant lorsque l’on souhaite se frotter aux références du marché.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 71% prix: 60% performances: 90% écran: 90% finition: 50%
Source: Frandroid

Le Xiaomi 12T Pro est un bon choix à 800 euros tant que vous faites ce choix de manière éclairée. En effet, si le smartphone est doté d'impressionnantes et indéniables qualités, il fait des compromis sur d'autres points qui peuvent être gênants selon vos critères. Dans les qualités à souligner, saluons l'écran soigné, la puissance de feu sur les jeux 3D, la charge très rapide et les performances du capteur photo principal globalement satisfaisantes malgré quelques incompréhensions. Parmi les bémols, difficile de passer à côté de l'absence de certification IP, de l'impasse faite sur un vrai téléobjectif ou sur les aléas de MIUI (applications tierces préinstallées, antivirus inutile, pas de fonction Monet...). On peut donc très clairement recommander ce smartphone à 800 euros… mais pour celles et ceux que les défauts cités ne gênent pas.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
Source: 01Net

Avec son 12T Pro, Xiaomi prouve une fois de plus qu'il sait faire des smartphones avec un bon rapport qualité-prix. À 799 euros, il reste cependant un peu moins attractif que le 11T Pro qui était commercialisé 669 euros à sa sortie. Il conserve malgré tout les qualités de son prédécesseur : un très bel écran AMOLED 120 Hz, des performances au top, une autonomie confortable et une recharge ultra-rapide. Il fait également les mêmes concessions au niveau du design et de son bloc caméra, privé de module téléobjectif. Nous conseillons le Xiaomi 12T Pro à ceux qui cherchent un smartphone haut de gamme à moins de 800 euros, mais qui ne sont pas trop exigeants sur la partie photo et vidéo.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 90% mobilité: 100%
Source: Nextpit France

Le module photo 200 MP est encore trop brouillon. Le traitement logiciel de Xiaomi n'est pas encore au point et ne permet pas de pleinement exploiter cette grosse résolution. Mais ça viendra sans aucun doute avec les futures mises à jour. Dans tous les cas, les photos en 12,5 MP par défaut sont très bonnes. On a aussi une assez bonne polyvalence avec un zoom numérique efficace. Le capteur macro de 2 MP est un peu indigne de cette gamme de prix, par contre.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/20/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: CNet France

Le Xiaomi 12T Pro opte pour une caméra principale de 200 mégapixels et une configuration technique dernier cri. Le tout est plus accessible que le 12 Pro mais pour rentrer dans les clous, quelques sacrifices ont été commis. Le jeu en vaut-il la chandelle ? Xiaomi a officialisé ses 12T et 12T Pro en France début octobre aux côtés de nombreux appareils venus renforcer son écosystème. La formule du 12T Pro présente de nombreuses similitudes avec le 12 Pro mais quelques éléments différenciants sont à relever et font de ce smartphone une proposition tout aussi cohérente compte tenu de son prix de 799€.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Les Numeriques

Le Xiaomi 12T Pro est un smartphone réussi. Même s'il est fait de compromis par rapport à un 12 Pro, il corrige les principaux défauts de ce dernier — notamment l'autonomie, qui se révèle bien meilleure sur ce nouveau modèle. Le module de 200 mégapixels est intéressant, même si pas encore parfaitement exploité : il est dommage que ses photos en 12,5 mégapixels (soit la définition par défaut) soient aussi inégales. L'apport de l'expertise Leica à ce niveau aurait été grandement bénéfique, mais Xiaomi semble la réserver à ses modèles ultra haut de gamme. Sans pour autant être un "tueur de haut de gamme", selon l'expression consacrée, ce Xiaomi 12T Pro constitue néanmoins un ajout intéressant au catalogue du constructeur qui, jusqu'ici, a parfois peiné à convaincre pleinement avec ses modèles les plus onéreux.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80% ergonomie: 80%
Source: Phonandroid

Avec le 12T Pro, Xiaomi livre une bonne copie, mais pas sans défauts. Un smartphone idéal pour les joueurs qui ont besoin de puissance ou ceux qui sont en quête d'autonomie. Il l'est un peu moins pour ceux qui aiment prendre beaucoup de photos. Une réussite en demie teinte, mais il est difficile de trouver mieux pour 800 euros.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/07/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit France

Le Xiaomi 12T Pro débarque en France juste après les nouveaux smartphones pliables de Samsung et les iPhones d'Apple et juste avant les nouveaux Pixel de Google. Xiaomi la joue fine en lançant un smartphone haut de gamme sous la barre des 800 euros. Et après ma prise en main, j'ai trouvé le rapport fiche technique plutôt cohérent. L'écran est parfaitement calibré, le SoC est très puissant sur le papier, le module photo de 200 MP a l'air efficace de jour et la grosse batterie de 5000 mAh rechargeable en 120 W confère à Xiaomi un avantage indéniable sur ses concurrents. Mais quand je regarde le Xiaomi 12T de base, vendu 150 à 200 euros moins cher, je me demande si le modèle Pro a vraiment assez d'avantages pour justifier cet écart de prix. Oui, on a un SoC moins puissant avec le Dimensity 8100 de MediaTek, mais il reste très efficace (allez voir mon test du Realme GT Neo 3 pour en savoir plus). On fait aussi l'impasse sur l'objectif de 200 MP. Mais est-ce que ça suffit pour faire la diff? J'espère pouvoir vous donner une réponse définitive dans mon test complet. À très vite.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Frandroid

Le Xiaomi 12T Pro veut faire jouer son capteur de 200 mégapixels, son Snadpragon 8+ Gen 1 ou encore sa charge rapide de 120 W pour s'imposer dans le marché haut de gamme. Nous l'avons pris en main. Globalement, il est bien parti pour séduire. Le temps est venu, les Xiaomi 12T et 12T Pro sont annoncé ! Ils ont été présentés lors d’une conférence le 4 octobre en même temps que les Smart Band 7 Pro, Redmi Buds 4 et 4 Pro et les Redmi Pad. Si le constructeur est très connu pour ses smartphones aux rapports qualité-prix alléchants, il s’aventure aussi régulièrement dans le segment haut de gamme. Et il compte bien s’y faire une place de choix.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Plus cher que le modèle de l’an dernier, le Xiaomi 12T Pro a-t-il ce qu’il faut pour convaincre ? Pas si sûr. Ce nouveau modèle aligne, certes, les bons points et les gages de bonne foi (écran d’une meilleure définition, processeur plus rapide, appareil photo performant). Mais dans un monde où Xiaomi renouvelle son parc de smartphones tous les six mois, n’est-il pas plus pertinent d’attendre le début d’année afin de se positionner sur d’inévitables Xiaomi 13 ? Beaucoup de questions en suspens, concernant un produit au demeurant de bonne composition.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Les Mobiles

Le nouveau smartphone Xiaomi 12T Pro vient d’être annoncé par la marque se positionnant comme un modèle haut de gamme et étant l’un des tout premiers à être équipé d’un capteur photo Samsung ISOCELL HP1 de 200 mégapixels, comme le Motorola edge30 Ultra. Pour le faire fonctionner ainsi que tous les autres composants, il s’appuie sur le chipset le plus puissant du moment pour les téléphones sous Android, le Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 de Qualcomm sans oublier un très grand écran de 6,67 pouces AMOLED 120 Hz compatible HDR10+ et Dolby Vision pour l’optimisation des contenus HDR. Une large connectivité est aussi représentée pour des débits maximums et une capacité de se recharger rapidement grâce au support d’une puissance de 120 watts prometteuse d’une charge complète en moins de 19 minutes. Nous avons pu l’essayer rapidement pour vous livrer nos premières impressions à son sujet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Phonandroid

Notre première approche avec le Xiaomi 12T Pro s’avère très positive. Nous ne sommes pas vraiment séduits par le design ainsi que par la surcouche, mais c’est avant tout une question de goût. En revanche, tout l’aspect technique semble extrêmement soigné, que ce soit au niveau de l’écran, de la puissance, de l’autonomie ou encore de la photo. Un premier contact très encourageant, mais le terminal devra transformer l’essai lors de notre test.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Critiques dans des langues étrangères
Source: Amateur Photographer

The Xiaomi 12T Pro has a lot going for it, for the price, with a flagship-level processor, ultra-fast charging, and a great looking screen. Unfortunately, in the camera department, it feels as if Xiaomi spent the majority of their money on the 200MP camera, and then had to cut back on the other cameras, with an 8MP ultra-wide camera, and the almost entirely forgettable 2MP macro camera. The 200MP sensor seems to serve very little purpose, other than being a marketing tool. You can shoot 50MP or 200MP images if you want, but as this is only available in a specific UltraHD or Pro mode then you are forced to shoot at 12.5MP in the vast majority of shooting modes. It will be interesting to see how the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, with a 200MP main camera performs in comparison, although it’s worth noting that this is roughly twice the price of the 12T Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/07/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: GSM Choice

At any rate, purchasing Xiaomi 12T Pro will not be a mistake. It is certainly not that I advise you against it, but before you buy it, look well, look, compare with competitors, even among Xiaomi, and only then decide. Once you decide on this model, I think you'll be pleased, because it's a nice phone, just a bit boring. I hope that the next smartphone that I will test will arouse a little more excitement, but at the same time it will not be worse than this one.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/14/2023
Source: GSM Arena

All of those are fair and reasonable points, we think, and things to take into account if you're looking into buying this device. The Xiaomi formula at the low-end, mid-range, and even in the so-called 'flagship killer' realm where this phone lives has, for the past few years, been something like this: outspec the competition for the same price, but offer sub-par software support (at least compared to Google and Samsung). And that's not something we can ignore. All that aside, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is, in the end, a good product that we assume struggles to really stand out in a sea of decent competitors. We hope this long-term review has made you aware of all its quirks, its high points and low points, and can thus help aid a purchasing decision if you have one to make. This one is definitely easy to recommend, but only if you love its understatedness and can live with its downsides - there aren't very many, but they're still there.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/22/2023
Source: Irish Mirror

I was able to live with Xiaomi 12T Pro’s compromises over the past month and still enjoyed immensely the experience of using the handset every day. It’s a polished smartphone with an excellent main camera and more power and speed than most users will ever need. Xiaomi 12T Pro ships with Android 12 with Xiaomi's MIUI 13 on top. The software experience is the same as on previous Xiaomi flagships. Animations are smooth, the UI is super responsive, and everything works as it should.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 02/15/2023
Source: Root Nation

Like other models of the latest lineup, Xiaomi 12T Pro left a generally pleasant user experience. The smartphone has good battery life and super-fast charging, a bright, contrasting screen, and a great main camera. Among the 12T Pro’s weaknesses, I can note a frankly weak macro camera, mediocre sounding speakers, and a plastic case that may not seem like a premium choice of materials. As you can see, the disadvantages are not critical, especially if you take into account all the other advantages and the model’s good price positioning in terms of price and performance. Like other models of the latest lineup, Xiaomi 12T Pro left a generally pleasant user experience. The smartphone is characterized by good battery life and super-fast charging, has a bright contrast screen and a great main camera. Among the 12T Pro's weaknesses, I can note a frankly weak macro camera, mediocre speaker sound, and a plastic body that may not seem like a premium choice of materials.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/22/2023
Notes: Note globale: 84% prix: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
Source: Techradar

In most departments, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is either an incremental or a negligible upgrade over the 11T Pro. It has a few key features that may appeal to you, such as its powerful chipset and 200MP camera, but a few downgrades over the Mi 11T Pro might also put you off.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/24/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: Phone Arena

At the end of the day, the Xiaomi 12T Pro fits perfectly in the "affordable flagship" category of phones that typically have a flagship chip, but make some other compromises, usually in the camera department. This describes the phone well: the performance is on flagship level and especially for gaming this phone is remarkable as it stays cool even after longer gaming sessions. The lack of a telephoto camera and the sub-par ultra-wide shooter, however, steal a bit from the otherwise solid main camera, so we wouldn't call this a "camera phone". The other downside is MIUI, which aggressively kills apps in the background, which means some notifications may not arrive on time, which can be a huge pain in some cases. For all else, this phone is an easy recommendation and a great way to save some money and still get a fast and long-lasting device.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: L&B TechReview

It is very natural to compare the Xiaomi 12T Pro with the OnePlus 10T. Both mobiles can be said to be downgraded upgrades compared to the respective top models, both come with the fastest Qualcomm processor, Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, and the two mobiles cost roughly the same. With the Xiaomi 12T Pro you get a better camera, IP53 certification and a higher resolution screen, while the OnePlus 10T actually comes with even faster charging, namely 150 watts, than the Xiaomi 12T Pro. Amazing, but true. On the other hand, it is crazy that the Xiaomi 12T Pro will cost substantially more than the 11T Pro did a year ago. In some respects, the 12T Pro is actually worse than its direct predecessor – such as the brightness of the screen, the size of the camera’s telephoto lens, and the choice of Gorilla Glass 5 for screen protection, where the 11T Pro came with Gorilla Glass Victus – so if you already own than Xiaomi 11T Pro you’ d better keep it.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/19/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Source: Hardware Zone

All in, Xiaomi 12T Pro satisfies what it’s designed to offer. You can’t really go wrong with this phone choice if your core focus is on a fluid display, good battery uptime, and a powerful processor in your phone. It's true that there are cheaper, more polished alternatives to choose from, but the Xiaomi 12T Pro is functional in those areas too. It's a good overall package that also convinced us to give our Best Value accolade. If you want to spend as little as possible and still get a phone with an SD8+G1 processor and all the ‘core’ flagship perks, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is quite literally it (at least in Singapore). In our initial launch coverage, you'll also note that Xiaomi still offers a non-Pro Xiaomi 12T at somewhat similar pricing to the Xiaomi 11T Pro, but you don't get the top-tier treatment like its choice of camera sensors, less memory and trading Snapdragon for a Mediatek processor.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 80% performances: 90% finition: 75%
Source: OI Spice Tech News

The Xiaomi 12T smartphone is a thoughtful choice in the premium mid-range segment as it brings most of the interesting features with lots of additional perks. But it might not get the flagship killer tag, as the Xiaomi 12T Pro smartphone. It depends on what you want. If you are willing to stretch your budget, we would suggest going with the Xiaomi 12T Pro. However, if you are tight on the budget, the Xiaomi 12T is not a bad deal either. On the other hand, if you are looking for an alternative option the Redmi Note 12 Explorer comes out as a well-rounded deal for every user as it brings exceptional features with 200MP camera support. So, definitely take a look at the alternative options to get the best deal.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/27/2022
Source: Hardware Zone

All in, Xiaomi 12T Pro satisfies what it’s designed to offer. You can’t really go wrong with this phone choice if your core focus is on a fluid display, good battery uptime, and a powerful processor in your phone. It's true that there are cheaper, more polished alternatives to choose from, but the Xiaomi 12T Pro is functional in those areas too. It's a good overall package that also convinced us to give our Best Value accolade. If you want to spend as little as possible and still get a phone with an SD8+G1 processor and all the ‘core’ flagship perks, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is quite literally it (at least in Singapore). In our initial launch coverage, you'll also note that Xiaomi still offers a non-Pro Xiaomi 12T at somewhat similar pricing to the Xiaomi 11T Pro, but you don't get the top-tier treatment like its choice of camera sensors, less memory and trading Snapdragon for a Mediatek processor. Xiaomi 12T Pro is available at S$1,099 on its official platforms. If you want a greater bargain, you should check out its physical Causeway Point store opening promotion too.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/26/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 80% performances: 90% finition: 75%
Source: DxOMark

In our testing, the Xiaomi 12T Pro delivered a decent audio experience but was not quite up there with the very best. Overall, its audio performance was very similar to the standard 12T, with only a few differences here and there. In playback, the 12T Pro performed best for listening to music and playing games, scoring slightly lower for watching movies. The testers liked the dynamics, with good attack and punch as well as an overall precise bass, and the almost artifact-free experience. However, they also noted an inconsistent tonal balance, with a weak bass and dull trebles. The distance of instruments and voices in the sound scene was not rendered correctly either. As a recording device, the Xiaomi 12T Pro did fairly well across all use cases, but it isn’t a great option for recording loud events, for example, at concerts. Recordings also showed a lack of bass and slightly excessive treble. This said, the tonal balance was overall pleasant, the recordings showed good dynamics in all situations, and a wide recorded sound scene contributed to an overall excellent spatial performance.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/23/2022
Source: Cashify

The Xiaomi 12T Pro attempts to position itself strongly at this budget price with a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset. The 200 megapixel camera on it may sound impressive, but it isn’t really cut out for professional use. It’s great for the price but cannot compete with the flagship giants in the market. There are some compromises and it isn’t cheap. For example, there is no wireless charging, and the plastic frame doesn’t feel premium and the low-resolution secondary camera lenses are not just up to the mark. I believe the Xiaomi 12T Pro will make an excellent gaming smartphone for anyone who enjoys taking photos.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/17/2022
Source: Hardware Zone

If you want to spend as little as possible and still get a phone with an SD8+G1 processor and all the ‘core’ flagship perks, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is quite literally it (at least in Singapore). In our initial launch coverage, you'll also note that Xiaomi still offers a non-Pro Xiaomi 12T at somewhat similar pricing to the Xiaomi 11T Pro, but you don't get the top-tier treatment like its choice of camera sensors, less memory and trading Snapdragon for a Mediatek processor.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 80% performances: 90% finition: 75%
Source: Trusted Reviews

The Xiaomi 12T Pro is big, powerful and ready to entertain, but some 2022 design downgrades, overheating issues and an over-reliance on an impressive-sounding-but-not-quite-killer 200-megapixel camera mean it’s not the best buy at £700. However, there’s still a lot to like here if you find the phone selling for less – deep discounts aren’t exactly rare for Xiaomi.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/08/2022
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Source: Laptop Mag

The Xiaomi 12T Pro is an impressive follow up to the already commendable Xiaomi 12 Pro — not just because of its improved specs, but also because of its affordable price tag. There’s little else you could want from a high-end smartphone that Xiaomi 12T Pro doesn’t offer, from the dazzling 6.7-inch 120Hz AMOLED display to the powerful Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chip it boasts. That said, its sacrifices are apparent the more you use it. The 200MP wide camera is alluring, but support from its ultra-wide and macro lens is disappointing. The design is comfortable, but it lacks character and an IP rating. For a smartphone at this price, however, these can be excused when the battery life is long and the performance surpasses competition that’s far more pricey. The Xiaomi 12T Pro is a fantastic option for those looking for the latest flagship qualities for a cost-effective price, making it one of the best smartphones you can pick up.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Expert Reviews

The Xiaomi 12T Pro is another strong almost-flagship from the brand, offering some seriously compelling specs for a price just south of the genuine top contenders. It’s not quite as convincing a package as last year’s Xiaomi 11T Pro (£592), however, for a couple of reasons. Most obviously, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is £100 more expensive than its predecessor. While it’s still good value for what you’re getting, the phone is now priced that much closer to flat-out flagships, and well in excess of the latest breed of compelling mid-rangers, which means its compromises are cast in a slightly harsher light. It’s a little trickier to ignore the mid-range design, the lack of wireless charging and the poor secondary camera offering. Indeed, while the phone’s 200MP main camera certainly grabs your attention and is capable of capturing detailed, nicely balanced shots, it’s not among the very best in the business. If you have a strict £700 budget, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is a fine choice. But with the likes of the Google Pixel 7 on the market for less money, it’s far from the only one.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/31/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tech Advisor

With a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, the Xiaomi 12T Pro tries to make a good case for itself at this sub-flagship price. However, Motorola’s Edge 30 Ultra is a better choice for most people. It doesn’t come with lots of bloatware, doesn’t mess around too much with Android and offers more than enough hardware upgrades over the 12T Pro to make it worth spending a little more. Ultimately, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is still great value: Xiaomi bundles the charger and a clear case in the box and pre-installs a screen protector. Essentially, then, if you see it on sale or cheaper than the regular £699 price, it could tempt you away from the Edge 30 Ultra.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/28/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Stuff TV

Don’t think of the Xiaomi 12T Pro as a mid-life upgrade of the Xiaomi 12 Pro – it’s a more mainstream alternative, with a lower price and hardware that isn’t quite as cutting edge. That said, there’s lots here to like – not least the £699 starting price, which bests Samsung’s entry-level Galaxy S22, the OnePlus 10 Pro, and Motorola’s Edge 30 Ultra. Early birds can get an even better deal, with Xiaomi selling it for £599 directly from the Mi store, although it’s not clear for how long the discount will stick around for. If you manage to bag one for that price, consider it a five star phone. Xiaomi’s photography image processing algorithms and rapid charging abilities earn it a place among some seriously tempting handsets, at a tempting price that falls neatly between Google’s two new Pixel 7 models. The glass/plastic construction and somewhat tepid secondary cameras might make you pause before opening your wallet, though.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: DxOMark

Compared with devices from the same Premium price range, the Xiaomi 12T Pro’s global score was excellent, boosted by its decent autonomy, which included the best on-the-go score for the segment. But efficiency was slightly below average because of high discharge currents.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/19/2022
Source: DxOMark

The Xiaomi 12T Pro’s display provided a smooth experience in most usages. Color and brightness were quite uniform, and the screen’s adaptation to light transitions was smooth. The display under sunlight, however, was unreadable, making it difficult to see content. HDR videos also appeared to lack brightness on the screen. Still, the Xiaomi 12T Pro’s display performance was an improvement over its predecessor, the Xiaomi 11T Pro. The 12T Pro’s display provided excellent smoothness, particularly during gaming, web browsing and viewing the photo gallery. Our testers saw an improvement over the 11T Pro in color rendering and white-point management. Artifacts on the 12T Pro were well-managed, flicker in particular, and the display’s touch performance was quite good. However, readability on the 12T Pro was marginally better than on the 11T Pro, even though the 12T Pro’s score was more than 10 points lower than the 12T version. Xiaomi’s website says the 12T Pro’s display can reach a maximum 900 nits, but we measured brightness going up to 970 nits in sunlight. Overall, the Premium-segmented 12T Pro, which is equipped with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8+ (Gen1) processor, did not outperform the 12T, which is fitted with MediaTek’s Dimensity 8100 Ultra chipset. This was also the case last year when the 11T also outperformed the 11T Pro version.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/19/2022
Source: DxOMark

With a DXOMARK Camera score of 129, the Xiaomi 12T Pro offers a decent performance for a device in its class, but it cannot quite keep up with the best because of a slightly limited dynamic range in photo mode and very noticeable exposure and white balance adaptations in videos. When using the zoom function, images lack detail at ultra-wide and long-range tele zoom settings. This said, still images show high levels of details, pleasant colors and a good exposure in all light conditions. Overall, the device is even better for video than for stills, achieving a better Video score than the Xiaomi flagships 12 Pro and 12S Ultra. Strong points for video include good exposure down to low light levels, a wide dynamic range, good detail, and well-controlled noise.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Source: XDA Developers

The Xiaomi 12T Pro is in a vacuum another polished and well-made phone by Xiaomi that doesn't cost too much relative to its peers. At $750 (converted), it's a better deal than the closest Samsung flagship (the $999 Galaxy S22). But the 12T Pro has some stiff competition with the Google Pixel 7 series having just launched.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/15/2022
Source: Android Headlines

The question to ask here is, what are we getting for a bump of about €100 in base price from last year? Basically, the premium is for the latest and greatest Snapdragon processor. Followed by the superlative jump to a 200MP main camera sensor. Besides these two big upgrades, there’s a better display with an integrated fingerprint scanner. Not to mention an absolutely stellar haptic motor. Xiaomi also didn’t mess with the battery capacity, the 120W HyperCharge support, or the excellent dual stereo speakers. You also get 5G connectivity, a clean software experience, and 3 years of OS updates. Overall the 12T Pro has a lot of great things packaged in a great modern-looking design. The 12T Pro starts at €750 for the 8GB / 128GB version. At first glance, it seems that it is priced quite well. But if you look closer, the pricing splits the difference between the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. I would argue that for a little bit more the Pixel 7 Pro offers a better display, better software smarts, and a better overall camera experience. And if you want to save a bit of money then definitely don’t overlook the base Pixel 7 if it is available in your country. Alternatively, the Xiaomi 12 Pro from earlier in the year might be available on sale for a comparable price. That device offers a better display, better audio, and a better overall camera experience. So it is going to be up to you to decide if the 12T Pro is worth your hard-earned money.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: OI Spice Tech News

Xiaomi 12T Pro smartphone was announced in October 2022 and the phone is expected to arrive at the price of $760 (Rs 62,490 in India) approx. As for the primary specs, let’s start with the display that renders a 6.67-inches AMOLED panel with an impressive 120 Hz refresh rate, HDR10+, 68B colors, and 900 nits peak brightness. As for the internals, you can expect the Xiaomi 12T Pro to arrive in multiple variants with 8GB/12GB RAM and 128GB/256GB internal storage. Besides this, the 12T Pro phone runs on the latest Android 12 OS with MIUI 13 user interface. The device is powered by a 4nm Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 chipset and Adreno 730 GPU. As for the camera section, you will get a triple rear camera setup including an impressive 200MP primary lens, an 8MP ultrawide, and a 2MP macro lens. With this setup, you will be able to record 8K videos at 24fps. For selfies, you get a 20MP front camera on this phone. For the battery section, you will get a Li-Po 5000 mAh battery with 120W fast charging support. Besides this, you can choose color variants from Silver, Blue, and Black.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/11/2022
Source: Emkwan Reviews

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/11/2022
Source: Hardware Zone

All of that, for just S$1,099 (12GB RAM + 256GB storage) in Singapore with options for Black, Silver, and Blue colourways. What’s missing is Xiaomi’s Leica partnership, but we doubt the Xiaomi 12T Pro was conceptualised after the kawan-kawan (friend-friend) ink has dried.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/09/2022
Source: Tech X Reviews

The modern Xiaomi phone has a large battery of 5000 mAh, which supports 10W fast charging, which adds to the capabilities of the phone despite the low price. Other features of the phone include a single speaker next to the USB port, a 3.5mm headphone jack, a Micro-USB port, a dual nano SIM card, a dedicated microSD card, VoWiFi, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth 5.0.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/09/2022
Source: The Tech Revolutionist

The Xiaomi 12T Pro is an incredibly well-rounded device. It checks a lot of the right boxes: It has an excellent display, great stereo speakers, an impressive camera array, quick charging, a solid battery life, a sleek design, and a high-performing chipset to match. While there are some drawbacks, namely the lack of expandable storage, wireless charging and a proper IP rating, these aren’t dealbreakers for us. If the same goes for you, the Xiaomi 12T Pro is an easy recommend.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/08/2022
Source: Techradar

The Xiaomi 12T Pro combines a premium spec sheet with safe styling to hit a competitive price despite its mighty 200MP main camera. Highlights include its 120W fast charging, adaptive 120Hz AMOLED screen, and an ample 5,000mAh battery, but with Motorola's similar Edge 30 Ultra already available and impressing us with features missing from the 12T Pro – we're interested to see how Xiaomi's 200MP camera phone stacks up to its main competition.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/05/2022
Source: Stuff TV

Don’t think of the 12T Pro as a mid-life upgrade of the Xiaomi 12 Pro – it’s a more mainstream alternative, with a lower price and hardware that isn’t quite as cutting edge. That said, there’s lots here to like – not least the £699 starting price, which bests Samsung’s entry-level Galaxy S22, the OnePlus 10 Pro, and Motorola’s Edge 30 Ultra. While Xiaomi has impressed with its image processing algorithms in the past, and its rapid charging abilities give an edge over Samsung and Apple, we’ll need to properly test the battery and take a lot more photos before we can give a final verdict. The glass/plastic construction and somewhat tepid secondary cameras might also make you pause before opening your wallet. Based on first impressions, though, performance and display image quality are easily worth the price of admission.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Tom's Guide

Xiaomi may have provided an appealing alternative to the Galaxy S22 and Pixel 7 Pro with a cheaper flagship-grade phone, complete with some of the fastest charging and most detailed main cameras on any phone available today. It's a shame U.S. buyers can't get it, and that Xiaomi decided to leave off common flagship features like a telephoto camera and wireless charging.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Trusted Reviews

Ultimately, with only a limited amount of time on our hands with this phone, it’s far too early to be able to give a definitive verdict on its capabilities. Nonetheless, there are already a few aspects that jump out; the processor is likely to deliver very strong performance standards based on its peers, the 200-megapixel main camera looks promising and the screen is alluringly attractive too, thanks to its smoothness and richness. What’s more, the price seems eminently reasonable for a phone with such specs. However, there are still a few potential drawbacks; for one thing, the secondary cameras could potentially be a step-down from the main shooter, though we’ve not yet had enough time to establish that as a fact just yet. Additionally, the design does feel noticeably less premium than that of its older brother, the Xiaomi 12 Pro. However, for the time being we’re feeling rather optimistic about the potential of this new premium smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Pocket Lint

On the whole, the first experience of looking at and using the Xiaomi 12T is very much like using a lot of other Android phones. Except when you enable the 200-megapixel camera mode in good daylight and then see the sharpness on offer.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: GSM Arena

Honestly, it's hard to find any serious omissions or faults with the Xiaomi 12T Pro. A proper ingress protection rating would have been great, and so would wireless charging. The same goes for a telephoto camera and perhaps some expandable storage. At that point, however, we would be daydreaming about a "perfect phone," and there is no such thing out there, particularly not without affecting its price point substantially. We are definitely giving the Xiaomi 12T Pro a hearty recommendation.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: ben's gadget reviews

The Xiaomi 12T Pro is one of the first phones to use Samsung's new ISOCELL HP1 200MP camera sensor, which allows Xiaomi to apply 16-in-1 pixel binning for a superb 12.5MP photo in many conditions. Xiaomi 12T Pro comes in three storage variants, 8GB+128GB, 8GB+256GB, and 12GB+256GB, with a price starting from EUR 749.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: ben's gadget reviews

The Xiaomi 12T Pro is one of the first phones to use Samsung's new ISOCELL HP1 200MP camera sensor, which allows Xiaomi to apply 16-in-1 pixel binning for a superb 12.5MP photo in many conditions. Xiaomi 12T Pro comes in three storage variants, 8GB+128GB, 8GB+256GB, and 12GB+256GB, with a price starting from EUR 749.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: TechTablets

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: TechTablets

Xiaomi 12T Pro camera review. A detailed look at exactly what you can expect from the 12T Pro's cameras and that new Samsung ISOCELL HP1 200MP sensor.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Yugatech

Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Smartphone Magazin - 3/24

Comparaison, , Très courte, Date: 07/01/2024
Notes: Note globale: 94% performances: 100% équipement: 82% écran: 90% mobilité: 88% finition: 100%
Source: ChinaMobileMag

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/05/2023
Source: Allround-PC.com

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/14/2022
Source: Inside Handy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Chinahandys.net

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/22/2022
Notes: Note globale: 87% performances: 95% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 75%
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/26/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tech Stage

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/26/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 94%
Source: MobiFlip

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/08/2022
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/06/2022
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/05/2022
Source: Netzwelt

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Futurezone.at

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Futurezone.at

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Computerhoy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/06/2022
Notes: Note globale: 89%
Source: Hipertextual

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/15/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tuexperto

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/30/2022
Source: Zona Movilidad

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/27/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: Xataka

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 91% performances: 90% écran: 95% mobilité: 95% finition: 95%
Source: PC Guia

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 04/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tudo Celular

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60% prix: 60%
Source: Android Geek

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 02/21/2023
Notes: Note globale: 68% performances: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 50%
Source: 4G News

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/01/2023
Notes: Note globale: 82% prix: 80% performances: 90% écran: 80% mobilité: 85% finition: 75%
Source: Canaltech

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/12/2022
Source: 4G News

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/07/2022
Source: Everyeye.it

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 79%
Source: Techprincess IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Source: Multiplayer IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/16/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: AndroidWorld.it

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/07/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 70% équipement: 85% écran: 85% mobilité: 80% finition: 75% ergonomie: 75%
Source: Andrea Galeazzi

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 72% écran: 80% mobilité: 85% finition: 72%
Source: HDblog.it

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 75% prix: 79% équipement: 88%
Source: Tutto Android

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83% performances: 94% mobilité: 85% finition: 78%
Source: Diskidee.nl

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/02/2022
Notes: Note globale: 65%
Source: GadgetGear.nl

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/24/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Want.nl

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: AndroidWorld.nl

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/14/2022
Source: Want.nl

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/06/2022
Source: m GSM

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/18/2023
Source: Video testy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/05/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Telepolis

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tabletowo

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/01/2022
Notes: Note globale: 82%
Source: Komputerswiat

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/15/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100% performances: 100% équipement: 66% écran: 93% mobilité: 100%
Source: Android.com.pl

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 86% performances: 100% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Source: DGL.ru

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/05/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Source: 3DNews.ru

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/07/2022
Source: Hi-Tech Mail

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/02/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85% performances: 100% écran: 10% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
Source: MobilArena HU

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/24/2022
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 80%
Source: Tech World

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% prix: 90%
Source: Svet Androida

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/03/2022
Source: Smartmania.cz

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Notes: Note globale: 88% performances: 95% équipement: 85% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Source: The Gioididong

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/15/2023
Source: Cell Phones

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/06/2022
Source: FPT shop

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/16/2022
Source: Cell Phones

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/13/2022
Source: Cell Phones

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/10/2022
Source: Viettelstore

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/30/2022
Source: FPT shop

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/19/2022
Source: The Gioididong

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: Nghenhin Vietnam

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/07/2022
Source: Cell Phones

Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Tek.no

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/26/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Komputer for alle

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 12/07/2022
Notes: Note globale: 91%
Source: Komputer for alle

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 10/28/2022
Notes: Note globale: 91%
Source: Alt om Data

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/11/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Source: Mere Mobil.dk

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Source: M3 PC för alla

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/17/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Mobil.se

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 76%
Source: Computerblog.ro

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/04/2022
Qualcomm Adreno 730:
Puce graphique pour smartphones et tablettes intégrée au SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. Qualcomm affirme qu'elle est 30 % plus rapide que l'Adreno 660 du SoC Snapdragon 888. Pour Android, elle devrait être l'une des cartes graphiques les plus rapides fin 2021.
Ces cartes devraient être capables de faire tourner tout les jeux d'aujourd'hui, mais la plupart d'entre eux uniquement en détails moyens ou faibles et avec des résolution basses. Les plus vieux jeux ou les jeux moins gourmands restent jouables avec de beaux graphismes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des cartes graphiques mobiles et ainsi que dans notre liste des Benchmarks affiliés.
SD 8+ Gen 1:
SoC haut de gamme pour smartphones, introduit fin 2021 et fabriqué en 4 nm chez TSMC. Il intègre un "Prime Core" basé sur une architecture ARM Cortex-X2 cadencée jusqu'à 3,2 GHz. Trois autres cœurs de performance sont basés sur l'A710 mais cadencés jusqu'à 2,5 GHz. En outre, quatre cœurs d'économie d'énergie sont intégrés, basés sur l'architecture ARM Cortex-A510 et cadencés jusqu'à 1,8 GHz. En plus des cœurs de processeur, le SoC intègre un modem WiFi 6e, un DSP Hexagon (pour l'accélération de l'IA) et un ISP Spectra. Le contrôleur de mémoire intégré prend en charge la mémoire rapide LPDDR5 jusqu'à 3 200 MHz. La 5G est désormais incluse dans la puce avec le modem Snapdragon X65. Par rapport à la version non plus, le 8+ Gen 1 offre un Prime Core cadencé à 200 MHz de plus et un GPU cadencé à 10% de plus. De plus, elle est désormais produite par TSMC et non plus par Samsung.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des processeurs mobiles.
6.67": Seuls quelques smartphones possèdent une telle diagonale d’écran.
Un écran de plus grandes dimensions permettent des résolutions plus élevées, les détails comme la finesse des lettres seront meilleurs. Néanmoins, un écran de plus petite taille est synonyme de consommation énergétique moindre et souvent d’un terminal plus compact, plus léger et plus abordable.
>> Pour en savoir un peu plus sur la finesse des pixels à l'écran, jetez un coup d'œil à notre liste des DPI (PPP, points par pouce).
80.73%: Cette note est moyenne, Car la quantité de portables avec de meilleures notes est à peu près égale avec le nombre de portables avec de moins bonnes notes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre guide d'achat pour les ordinateurs portables.