Sony Xperia 5 IV
Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Appareil photo secondaire: 12 MPix f/2.0, 24mm, 1/2.9", 1.25µm
Price comparison
Moyenne de 53 notes (à partir de 69 critiques)
Critiques pour le/la Sony Xperia 5 IV
Sony a fait beaucoup de choses différentes sur le Xperia 5 IV. Le téléphone dispose d'une prise audio, d'un lecteur de carte microSD et d'un Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 dans un boîtier compact. La société japonaise a-t-elle créé le smartphone parfait ?
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Bien que dépassant le millier d’euros, le Sony Xperia 5 IV est à l’origine pensé comme un smartphone de milieu de gamme ; dans l’ombre de l’excellent Xperia 1 IV. Toutefois, sa fiche technique donne à voir un smartphone compact (6,1 pouces) de très bonne facture, équipé de la puce Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 et offrant non seulement une compatibilité 5G mais aussi des performances de pointe. Son écran OLED rafraîchi à 120 Hz rate le coche de la justesse des couleurs, mais se rattrape sur l’excellent taux de contraste. En photo, le Xperia 5 IV joue des coudes avec son grand frère grâce à une configuration à trois modules cherchant à répliquer les focales les plus populaires de la photographie traditionnelle (ultra grand-angle, grand-angle et téléphoto). Pour le format, on se satisfera également de l’autonomie relevée par le Labo Fnac, touchant du doigt les 12h sur une seule charge. Petit bémol : la recharge est lente. Comptez presque 2h pour faire le plein.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 05/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 100% écran: 60% mobilité: 80%
Source: Journal du Geek

Le marché des smartphones compacts, hauts de gamme, et sous Android, n’est pas énorme mais bien présent avec des acteurs majeurs comme Samsung, Asus ou encore Google. Aussi, un peu comme l’année dernière, si certains peuvent trouver le Sony Xperia 1 IV trop grand, le Sony Xperia 5 IV propose un forme factor bien plus compact, surtout que cette année, les deux smartphones de Sony sont très proches. Dans l’absolu, le Sony Xperia 5 IV reste un excellent smartphone compact Premium, il a tout pour plaire avec d’excellentes performances, une bonne autonomie et une excellente prise en main. Si son bloc photo est en soi plus classique avec un trio d’appareils photo que l’on connait déjà, il n’en reste pas moins efficace. Si son positionnement plus geek lui donne une chance, surtout vis à vis des créateurs de contenus, il faut avouer que la concurrence est bien plus difficile aujourd’hui avec des concurrents tout aussi capable et moins cher. On pense par exemple à l’Asus Zenfone 9 ou au Google Pixel 7. Maintenant, avec sa fonction moniteur externe et son interface photo qui n’est pas sans rappeler les appareils Alpha de Sony, il a peut-être une chance vis-à-vis d’un certain public.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/06/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit France

Le Sony Xperia 5 IV fait tout mieux que son prédécesseur, le Sony Xperia 5 III. Il est clair qu'avec les améliorations apportées par rapport à son prédécesseur, il doit y avoir au moins une demi-étoile de plus sur sa note finale. Pourtant, le Xperia 5 IV n'est pas parfait. Le Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chauffe de manière assez désagréable et les processus de recharge pourraient être un peu plus rapides pour un produit phare. Sony devrait également se rapprocher un peu plus de Samsung en ce qui concerne les promesses de mise à jour. En revanche, avec son format 21:9, le smartphone est extrêmement ergonomique, avec un écran exceptionnel, une excellente autonomie, la recharge sans fil, le stockage extensible, la certification IP68, une prise jack et un module photo de qualité. Ce n'est pas le smartphone le plus facile à appréhender. Et son prix reste assez prohibitif. Mais le Sony Xperia 5 IV est une proposition tout à fait convaincante.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Presse Citron

Avec ce Xperia 5 IV, Sony nous fait du Sony pur et dur. Comprenez par là que le constructeur nous livre un smartphone pratiquement irréprochable en termes d’écran, de puissance, de son, de photo et de design. Son autonomie moyenne et sa charge lente sont à déplorer, mais ces défauts ne sont pas propres à Sony. On lui pardonne donc à moitié. Par contre, ce qui nous embête un peu plus, c’est cette propension de Sony à rester, trop, élitiste. Sur son marché de niche, un smartphone pour les semi ou pro de la photo et de la vidéo, le Xperia 5 IV est le meilleur de tous. Pour les cinéphiles et les mélomanes, c’est un smartphone que l’on peut sans problème mettre sous le sapin. Et les autres ? Pour tous ceux qui aimeraient entrer petit à petit dans ces univers, la marche paraît presque trop haute. La faute à une impression d’ensemble très « Pro » qui oublie clairement ceux qui ne le sont pas. À son prix de lancement, il risque donc de frustrer le grand public plus qu’autre chose. En promotion, la question se pose. Avez-vous la patience et la curiosité pour le prendre en main afin d’en tirer tout son potentiel ? À vous d’y réfléchir et de choisir en connaissance de cause.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/16/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83% performances: 80% écran: 95% mobilité: 75% finition: 80%
Source: Frandroid

Ceux qui attendent encore et toujours un retour en force de Sony sur le marché des smartphones... devront encore attendre. Il y a de bonnes idées sur cet Xperia 5 IV, comme ces modes Pro qui donnent vraiment envie de creuser la question, ou ce format 21:9 unique en son genre. Mais ouvrir ce smartphone donne la sensation de replonger dans un Android d'il y a quelques années, et l'expérience photo n'est pas à la hauteur de ce que l'on peut attendre de Sony. Le constructeur fait d'excellents capteurs, c'est indéniable, mais son mode Pro n'est que la parfaite expression du fait qu'il ne sait pas lui-même les utiliser. En résulte un smartphone vieux jeu, pas particulièrement plaisant à utiliser, duquel on ne tire pas grand-chose de positif, mais qui ne vient pas non plus être un énorme point noir au tableau. Un Sony de plus, dans la droite lignée d'avant.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/08/2022
Notes: Note globale: 60% performances: 80% écran: 70% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
Source: Phonandroid

Le Xperia 5 IV est un très bon smartphone compact. Il offre de nombreuses améliorations en comparaison du Xperia 5 III et même du Xperia 1 IV, que ce soit sur l'écran, les performances ou encore la photo. Facile à utiliser, plein de ressources, élégant, le Xperia 5 IV est certainement l'un des meilleurs smartphones de Sony sur ces deux dernières années. Sinon le meilleur. Et ce malgré quelques concessions, notamment au niveau de la photo.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/08/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Clubic

Il est vraiment dommage que le Sony Xperia 5 IV embarque un Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 au lieu de sa version Plus qui corrige les problèmes de chauffe que l’on peut rencontrer lors des activités les plus gourmandes, comme la pratique des jeux mobile. Néanmoins, il s’agit d’un choix compréhensible pour contenir autant que possible le prix de vente du smartphone, qui dépasse la barre symbolique des 1 000 euros. On pourra regretter la charge plutôt lente, par rapport à ce que peuvent proposer les concurrents du constructeur japonais, qui font la course aux Watts. L’absence de bloc de chargement dans la boîte pourra aussi agacer, bien que ce soit un geste écologique compréhensible. Mais lorsque l’on est déjà équipé, cela n’a aucune incidence.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/03/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 90% écran: 100% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Sony persiste et signe avec cette nouvelle génération de compact haut de gamme véritablement dans la continuité du Xperia 5 III de l’année dernière. Derrière un design identique, la marque introduit quelques nouveautés de poids, comme un processeur plus rapide ou une batterie de plus forte capacité. Les fans de la marque retrouveront une partie photo homogène et performante, parfaitement accompagnée par des applications très complètes qui raviront les passionnés. Autre plus, la présence d’une prise casque classique et d’un bouton déclencheur.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/17/2022
Source: CNet France

Avec son prix de lancement au-dessus des 1 000 euros, le Xperia 5 IV marche sur les plates-bandes d'Apple. Un choix audacieux de la part du fabricant nippon et cela même s'il possède une véritable histoire dans le haut de gamme. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'un bon smartphone, mais compte tenu du positionnement, on est en droit d'attendre encore mieux ! La partie photo n'est pas à la hauteur des meilleurs et même si son design est élégant, il mériterait une mise à niveau afin de réduire par exemple. De même, l'autonomie aurait pu être supérieure en choisissant le processeur Snadrapon 8+ Gen 1 plutôt que l'ancienne génération trop énergivore. Tous ces éléments font que l'on aimerait avoir le même appareil, mais à un tarif plus accessible…D'ailleurs, ce n'est pas un hasard sur le Xperia 5 de 3e génération est proposé à 699 € au moment de la rédaction de ce test.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/26/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Les Numeriques

Si le grand format adopté par le Sony Xperia I IV vous rebute, alors le Xperia 5 IV pourrait vous faire succomber. Sans être une copie exacte en termes techniques, ce smartphone constitue une excellente alternative à son aîné. Polyvalent en photo, doté d'un bon écran et de bonnes performances — malgré la chauffe et une autonomie un peu légère —, l'autre fleuron de Sony est un allié intéressant pour qui cherche un photophone compact.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/16/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 80% mobilité: 60% finition: 80% ergonomie: 80%
Critiques dans des langues étrangères
Source: Root Nation

To sum up, Sony Xperia 5 IV is a worthy evolution of the line. Compared to the previous model, the design is more modern, the display is brighter, the hardware is more powerful, and the shooting quality is better. There is also support for wireless charging, even the 3.5 mm jack has not been forgotten. And there is microSD support. At the same time, the body remains compact and durable, with water protection, and the design is recognisable. All in all, if you like small Sony and mobile photography, the new Xperia will be the best of the best for you. And even the problems with processor trotting won’t spoil the user experience. Although this is exactly the fly in the ointment – the thing that prevented us from calling Sony Xperia 5 IV the perfect smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/13/2023
Notes: Note globale: 87% prix: 80% performances: 80% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
Source: Android Authority

By sticking to the same price point and making some long-overdue tweaks to the 5 series formula, the Xperia 5 IV is a worthy alternative to the ever-popular Samsung Galaxy S23 Plus ($999.99 at Samsung) and Apple iPhone 14 Pro ($999.99 at Best Buy). Sporting photography, charging, and multimedia capabilities that closely match and even exceed its rivals, albeit in a much more compact form factor, the brand’s long-standing reputation with audio and video enthusiasts remains intact. The Xperia 5 IV isn’t quite a bargain like the Google Pixel 7 Pro ($749 at Amazon), even with all this tech onboard, but it’s close and much more palatable than the extreme price tag of the Xperia 1 IV, making it a solid pick for mainstream consumers who have their eye on Sony’s best-in-class features. That said, smoother performance can be found in more modern rivals, such as those sporting a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, and aspects of the phone’s design are a little dated. Unfortunately, Sony isn’t matching the long-term support offered by other leading manufacturers either, making the Xperia 5 IV impossible to recommend to anyone looking for a phone that will serve them well past the three-year mark when security updates will cease. Sony has a very tempting hardware and software package in the Xperia 5 IV; now it just needs to play with the big names in the update space as well.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/21/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%

While I would say that the Xperia 5 IV, like its bigger brother, is a year-on-year update over the last generation, the updates that have been given to this phone’s camera capabilities are, interestingly, significant. Once again, while the Xperia 5 IV lacks the ability to perform continuous zoom like the bigger 1 IV, the way the phone tastefully applies the bokeh effect to each and every picture is impressive and perhaps one of the better implementations on a Snapdragon 8 Gen1-powered device that I have personally used, to-date. Of course, it also helps that the phone isn’t a slouch, by any measure of the definition. Having said that, I do find it a little hard to justify the asking price of RM4899, especially since, as you can see in the competition section, there are other devices in its class that offer more in terms of real-world and day-to-day features, including digital wallets, such as Samsung Pay or Wallet, or Apple Pay. Is the Xperia 5 IV a lot of fun? Not necessarily. But, if you’re looking for a compact shooter that is capable of capturing pictures in low-light situations with just a moderate amount of post-processing, this could be the phone for you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/07/2023
Source: Trusted Reviews

The Sony Xperia 5 IV is a unique smartphone in 2023 with a focus on photography that remains unchallenged by any non-Sony device, though that can also be its downfall, requiring a lot of knowledge about photography to really squeeze the best out of the camera setup. Otherwise, it’s a pocketable smartphone that’s easy to use one-handed, offers great battery life and features like a dedicated shutter, an easy-to-access microSD port, a notification LED and a headphone jack that have been ditched by much of the competition. However, it’s not the very best Android tech on offer, lacking elements like an adaptive refresh rate, true fast charging technology and the latest processors used by most of the premium Android competition. If you’re a huge photography nerd you’ll likely love what the Xperia 5 IV offers, but for most people that simply want a great all-rounder, you may be better off elsewhere.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Expert Reviews

The Sony Xperia 5 IV is another stylish, highly capable phone that slips into the pocket better than most of its oversized rivals. However, with the arrival of the striking (not to mention significantly cheaper) Asus Zenfone 9, Sony no longer has the premium compact field to itself. Sony’s camera system is still incredibly quick and accurate, with a firm enthusiast focus that entails a physical shutter button and a host of manual controls. What’s more, Sony has finally rounded out the package with wireless charging, while boosting the phone’s battery life even further. With that said, the Xperia 5 IV remains a very expensive piece of kit, and its tall display aspect ratio still won’t be for everyone. Meanwhile, Sony’s Pro-focused camera still doesn’t offer quite enough automated assistance on the point-and-shoot front if you need it. The Xperia 5 IV falls tantalisingly short of being the ultimate compact flagship that we know Sony has in its repertoire, but that still makes it an excellent phone and an easy recommendation for anyone looking to downsize without compromise.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/06/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: DxOMark

The Sony Xperia 5 IV’s battery performance finds itself between the Xperia 1 IV and the Xperia 10 IV. Its global score almost reached the average of our database, showing a way better performance than the Xperia 1 IV across almost all use cases, but standing far behind the Xperia 10 IV and its outstanding autonomy. Compared with devices from the same Ultra-premium price range ($800+), the Xperia 5 IV achieved a decent global score mainly because of its excellent autonomy and efficiency, but its charging performance was among the lowest. The 30W charger struggled to fill the large 5000 mAh battery. Its efficiency, however, was excellent, and its residual consumption, among the lowest in our database, was well-managed. When testing each usage separately, the the Sony Xperia 5 IV’s autonomy was always above average, and its performance on the go was just the same, especially when calling. The discharge currents were low on average, showing that the device was well-managed.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/22/2022
Source: Expert Reviews

The Sony Xperia 5 IV is another stylish, highly capable phone that slips into the pocket better than most of its oversized rivals. However, with the arrival of the striking (not to mention significantly cheaper) Asus Zenfone 9, Sony no longer has the premium compact field to itself. Sony’s camera system is still incredibly quick and accurate, with a firm enthusiast focus that entails a physical shutter button and a host of manual controls. What’s more, Sony has finally rounded out the package with wireless charging, while boosting the phone’s battery life even further. With that said, the Xperia 5 IV remains a very expensive piece of kit, and its tall display aspect ratio still won’t be for everyone. Meanwhile, Sony’s Pro-focused camera still doesn’t offer quite enough automated assistance on the point-and-shoot front if you need it. The Xperia 5 IV falls tantalisingly short of being the ultimate compact flagship that we know Sony has in its repertoire, but that still makes it an excellent phone and an easy recommendation for anyone looking to downsize without compromise
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/16/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: It Pro

Despite its fantastic display, long battery life and genuinely brilliant performance, it is hard to fully recommend the Xperia 5 IV. The design, the narrow size, and the way the camera system is set up give it a more niche appeal. Worse, still, the £949 price is also off-putting. However, if you do like movies without borders and you're one for tinkering with photography controls, there isn't much better. This is a DSLR in smartphone form and considerably cheaper than an actual camera. So in essence it is potentially an alternative for street photographers that can't afford a proper camera.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/10/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: T3

The Sony Xperia 5 IV is a compact smartphone that doesn't skimp on hardware, it manages to pack an impressive camera system with lots of manual controls as well as solid battery life and speedy performance. While it won't be right for absolutely everyone, it will be perfect for those who don't like the idea of a huge handset.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/10/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: What Hi-Fi

The Xperia 5 IV really does feel like the middle child of the current Xperia range. It doesn’t get the fanfare of the all-singing, all-dancing Xperia 1, nor does it get the praise of the Award-winning budget performance of the 10. However, when given the chance to shine, the Xperia 5 IV is a really vital addition to the Xperia line for those who want something in between. If you want the quality build, audio performance and features of the 1 IV, and could happily live without the costly 4K screen in favour of a still very likeable 1080p alternative, then the Xperia 5 IV deserves your attention.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/08/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Techradar

Sony's Xperia 5-series has long been a fan-favorite, cramming some of the best bits from the larger Xperia 1-series into a more compact body – and the Xperia 5 IV gets a lot very right. Its battery lasts for ages, its screen is glorious, and its cameras are beautifully tuned for pros who want to tinker. There's still a heat issue when taking photos and shooting video, and the phone doesn't have the latest in 2022 power of the Xperia 1 IV's periscope zoom. Its auto mode also misses the mark in the dark – so won't be for casual point and shooters. Still, it's a mighty, compact option that's a great buy for a certain kind of user.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/03/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: DxOMark

We put the Sony Xperia 5 IV through our rigorous DXOMARK Camera test suite to measure its performance in photo, video, and zoom quality from an end-user perspective. This article breaks down how the device fared in a variety of tests and several common use cases and is intended to highlight the most important results of our testing with an extract of the captured data.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/24/2022
Source: ePhotozine

The Sony Xperia 5 IV gives the Sony smartphone experience in a smaller, easier-to-hold body that also has a slightly better price tag (although, we're not saying it's cheap by any means) than other Sony smartphones. There's a line-up of great features, including a that captures true-to-life photos, that will please most smartphoneographers but those who currently own the Sony Xperia 5 III may not find enough reasons to upgrade.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/24/2022
Source: ePhotozine

The Sony Xperia 5 IV had a lot to live up to when following on from the Sony Xperia 5 III and it's done a good job of standing up for itself. In fact, with a similar performance to that of the Sony Xperia 1 III, you'd do well saving a couple of hundred quid and going with the Sony Xperia 5 IV. Although, saying, that the Sony Xperia 5 III is still a worthy purchase, too, so you could save yourself even more cash and go with that device. There's a line-up of great features, including a that captures true-to-life photos, that will please most smartphoneographers but those who currently own the Sony Xperia 5 III may not find enough reasons to upgrade. The longer/taller body size and screen, which hasn't changed in terms of design for some time now, won't be for everyone but it is useful for watching films/tv shows and for viewing images. Overall, the Sony Xperia 5 IV gives the Sony smartphone experience in a smaller, easier-to-hold body that also has a slightly better price tag.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/24/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% prix: 80% performances: 80%
Source: Laptop Mag

The Sony Xperia 5 IV makes small tweaks to the already strong compact flagship formula to make for an uncompromising phone in pretty much all areas. It is a smaller device with great performance, cameras, and display, paired with impressive battery life and an unmistakably premium, pocketable construction. Some of the issues do persist from last year’s model, but while some of these are technical issues like the overheating, others are deliberate choices you will have to factor into your decision, such as the prosumer-focused camera software. Sony identified its niche and it’s going in hard for it. If you need a better balanced all-rounder, I’d recommend looking towards the Google Pixel 7 or OnePlus 10T. But if you are a camera enthusiast who can make the most of the Xperia 5 IV’s capabilities, you’ll love every second of your time with it.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/22/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Pocket Lint

The Xperia 5 IV updates Sony's compact flagship device, making this one of limited selection of devices that offer a full suite of specs in a smaller package. There's a great display and stellar battery life, in a package that's ideal for those who don't want to lug around a huge phone. But the camera retains its focus on manual usage, which isn't as quick and easy to use as many rivals, while the price is high.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/17/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: DxOMark

The Sony Xperia 5 IV’s overall display performance finds itself among the top devices in our database so far, supported by its outstanding color fidelity, which earned the device a top score in the protocol’s color attribute. Regardless of the light condition, the Sony Xperia 5 IV’s color rendering was excellent. The Xperia 5 IV display proved to be a good device for playing video games, with no frame drops, good accuracy, and good smoothness. However, despite no frame drops when watching videos, the device’s screen fell short in showing details, especially in dark tones. The device was also slow to react to changes in ambient light, and changes in the screen’s brightness were not smooth.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/10/2022
Source: Expert Reviews

The Sony Xperia 5 IV is another stylish, highly capable phone that slips into the pocket better than most of its oversized rivals. However, with the arrival of the striking (not to mention significantly cheaper) Asus Zenfone 9, Sony no longer has the premium compact field to itself. Sony’s camera system is still incredibly quick and accurate, with a firm enthusiast focus that entails a physical shutter button and a host of manual controls. What’s more, Sony has finally rounded out the package with wireless charging, while boosting the phone’s battery life even further. With that said, the Xperia 5 IV remains a very expensive piece of kit, and its tall display aspect ratio still won’t be for everyone. Meanwhile, Sony’s Pro-focused camera still doesn’t offer quite enough automated assistance on the point-and-shoot front if you need it. The Xperia 5 IV falls tantalisingly short of being the ultimate compact flagship that we know Sony has in its repertoire, but that still makes it an excellent phone and an easy recommendation for anyone looking to downsize without compromise.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/10/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Android Authority

By sticking to the same price point and making some long-overdue tweaks to the 5 series formula, the Xperia 5 IV is certainly a worthy alternative to the ever-popular Samsung Galaxy S22 Plus ($920 at Amazon) and Apple iPhone 14 Pro ($999 at Best Buy). Sporting photography, charging, and multimedia capabilities that closely match and even exceed its rivals, albeit in a much more compact form factor. Sony’s all-camera eye autofocus and 4K HDR capture capabilities stand out for photographers and videographers, in addition to the brand’s long-standing reputation with audio and video enthusiasts. The Xperia 5 IV isn’t quite a bargain like the Google Pixel 7 Pro ($899 at Amazon), even with all this tech onboard, but it’s close and much more palatable than the extreme price tag of the Xperia 1 IV, making it a solid pick for mainstream consumers who have their eye on Sony’s best-in-class features. That said, Sony doesn’t appear to be willing to match the long-term support offered by other leading manufacturers, making the Xperia 5 IV impossible to recommend to anyone looking for a phone that will serve them well past the three-year mark when security updates will cease. Sony has a very tempting hardware and software package in the Xperia 5 IV, now it just needs to play with the big names in the update space as well.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/07/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tech Advisor

Buying a Sony phone today is quite intentional. You probably won’t be swayed to get the rather specialist Xperia 5 IV if you had your eyes on an iPhone 14 originally. But if you want a phone that packs in every feature you can think of without compromising on performance, build, or battery life, then this is a great choice. Considering Sony doesn’t make many different phones anymore, I implore the company to extend software support for phones like the 5 IV – two years is insultingly little time for such a capable device to be considered up to date with modern Android features and security. Fix that, and I could recommend the Xperia 5 IV to a wider audience than I currently can. If you want a phone from the top drawer with a great screen, headphone jack, and cameras that act like actual cameras that don’t overly rely on software processing, it’s a superb choice.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/28/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: ben's gadget reviews

Sony's Xperia 5 IV brings a lot of the strengths of the Xperia 1 IV over to a more compact, more affordable, package. Features include real time eye auto focus, 4k/120fps shooting, and 20fps burst shooting mode, available across all three of the Xperia 5 IV's triple lens system.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/23/2022
Source: ben's gadget reviews

Sony's Xperia 5 IV brings a lot of the strengths of the Xperia 1 IV over to a more compact, more affordable, package. Features include real time eye auto focus, 4k/120fps shooting, and 20fps burst shooting mode, available across all three of the Xperia 5 IV's triple lens system.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/23/2022
Source: OI Spice Tech News

The Sony Xperia 5 IV smartphone does improve in terms of display quality, powerful performance, long-lasting battery, Pro camera tools, immersive camera software, and wireless charging compare to the previous gen phone. However, there’s no doubt that the phone does have a few flaws such as it doesn’t get top-level performance, definitely not a gaming phone with stable performance. If you are looking for a better gaming experience, we would recommend you to check out the Red Magic 7S, while on the other hand, Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra will give tough competition to this phone with its overall decent specs and 4 years of software support. Aside from this, the iPhone 13 Pro also comes as an all-rounder choice. If you want to experience pro levels of photography and videography, the Sony Xperia 5 IV is a great option.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/21/2022
Source: OI Spice Tech News

Sony Xperia 5 IV was announced in September 2022 with an expected price of approximately $999 (Rs 79,499 in India). It has a 6.1-inch full HD+ OLED display with 1B colors and HDR-BT. 2020, a 120Hz refresh rate support. The phone is powered by a 4nm Qualcomm SM8475 Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC with an Adreno 730 GPU. This smartphone is equipped with up to 8GB RAM with up to 128GB to 256GB of inbuilt storage. Sony Xperia 5 IV will be available in three colors- Green, Black, and Ecru White. It runs on the Android 12 OS. There are triple rear cameras with a 12MP primary camera with OIS support, 12MP ultrawide, and a 12MP telephoto with an OIS support lens for photography and videography. Besides this, you get a 12MP selfie lens in this smartphone. Thankfully, both cameras can record 4K videos at 30 frames per second with 5-axis gyro-EIS support. Sensors on the phone include an accelerometer, gyro, proximity, barometer, compass sensor, color spectrum, and side-mounted fingerprint sensor. The Li-Po 5000 mAh battery with fast charging is available in the Xperia 5 IV smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/18/2022
Source: L&B TechReview

On most points, the Sony Xperia 5 IV is better than its predecessor. The screen is brighter, the battery is bigger and now supports wireless charging – and the processor is faster. The camera software and all the automated settings have also finally been sorted out. Another significant improvement over last year’s Xperia 5 is the front camera, which is now 12 megapixels and has been equipped with a larger Exmor RS sensor. And compared to big brother Xperia 1 IV, it’s of course also understandable that some compromises have to be made when pressing the price, and some of Sony’s choices make good sense. There’s no need for a phone with a 6.1-inch screen to have 4K resolution, and we didn’t miss the iToF sensor when we tested the camera either. However, it’s a shame that the Xperia 5 IV gets so extremely hot if you challenge the processor. Moreover, the fact that the Xperia 5 IV has to do without the special periscope technology in the telephoto lens, which had become one of the Xperia models’ distinguishing features, is a bit of a drag on the overall balance. Unfortunately, in these times of inflation, it’s also not surprising that the Xperia 5 IV is more expensive than its predecessor, but for about the same price you can buy a true compact flagship like the Asus Zenfone 9, and that might be worth considering instead of Sony’s compact top model. The Sony Xperia 5 IV is a must-buy if the camera’s pro capabilities tempt. Then you won’t go wrong, because of course the little mobile is a good product overall, but the top rating and our special recommendation may have to wait until some other time.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/05/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Source: Phone Arena

And there you have it - the unmistakable Sony experience! It’s radically different from anything you’ve seen, if you've never tried an Xperia phone before, that is. This is a superhero under cover, ready to swap its tuxedo for a Superman costume and save the day. You just have to know which buttons to press. The Xperia 5 IV is a great phone for Sony fans, professional and semi-professional content creators, and people who like to go against the grain. If you’re feeling adventurous, or you want to switch your phone experience to something new and fresh, the Xperia 5 IV can do this for you. But at a price - a four-digit price to be exact.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/01/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Stuff TV

As generational updates go, the Xperia 5 IV brings plenty of improvements over last year’s model. Wireless charging and a bigger battery with real staying power are both welcome, as are the refined trio of cameras. It’s now essentially the flagship Xperia 1 IV, only distilled down and made more mainstream – which sounds like a winning move to us. It doesn’t have the absolute latest and greatest CPU, though, and anyone wanting a simple point-and-shoot camera experience should look elsewhere. This is a creator-first phone that insists you get to grips with its manual modes to get the best results. For those prepared to put in the effort, it’s an excellent alternative to top-spec handsets from Samsung, Apple and the rest.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/01/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: GSM Arena

With that being said, the Xperia 5 IV packs more than enough punch, even with the 50% throttling - it's still quite a powerful device. And if you won't be playing games all the time, or process videos on the go, we'd say most people won't ever experience these performance drops. So, at the end of this review, we can safely recommend the Sony Xperia 5 IV for its compact design and camera prowess, its battery life and speaker experience. It's one of the best 2022 flagships with excellent pocketability, and it has earned our big thumbs up.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/01/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: MrMobile

Back in May, I called Sony’s Xperia 1 IV “An Entire Film Studio In Your Pocket.” The trouble is … it’ll cost nearly $1600 when it finally launches in the US later this month. So Sony did what Sony does: packaged up most of the important parts of the 1 IV into a more petite package with a similarly shrunken shelf price. I’m Michael Fisher and I took the new Sony Xperia 5 IV to Sun Valley, Idaho to see how much compromise you need to settle for when you buy an Xperia for $999.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/01/2022
Source: Trusted Reviews

There’s a lot to like with the Sony Xperia 5 IV. It retains features, like expandable storage and a capable headphone port, that are often ditched elsewhere, while the smaller size helps to set it apart from the larger competition. But the camera is underwhelming and the phone is extremely expensive at over €1000.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/01/2022
Source: Android Authority

The Sony Xperia 10 IV is one of the thinnest and lightest phones to house a 5,000mAh battery. But Sony has sacrificed refresh rates, charging speeds, and camera quality to that end, resulting in a wildly imbalanced mid-ranger. There are a few upgrades over the Xperia 10 III and it has some genuinely flagship-tier features and specs, but with so many great phones at a similar price, you'd have to be a hardcore Xperia enthusiast to not shop around.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 08/31/2022
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Source: Tech Stage

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/10/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: PocketPC

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/05/2022
Source: Inside Handy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/30/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: MobiFlip

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/29/2022
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 93%
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/02/2022
Source: Hipertextual

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/10/2022
Source: Computerhoy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/09/2022
Notes: Note globale: 92% équipement: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 100%
Source: Xataka

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/07/2022
Notes: Note globale: 88% performances: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 93% finition: 85%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/05/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/28/2022
Notes: Note globale: 76% prix: 55% équipement: 85% écran: 85% mobilité: 75% finition: 95% ergonomie: 95%
Source: DDay IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/09/2022
Notes: Note globale: 75% prix: 60% finition: 70%
Source: Andrea Galeazzi

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 09/28/2022
Notes: Note globale: 72% prix: 60% écran: 85% mobilité: 79% finition: 83%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/28/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% équipement: 88%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/11/2022
Notes: Note globale: 75%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 74%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% finition: 100%
Source: Tabletowo

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/24/2022
Notes: Note globale: 75%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/15/2022
Notes: Note globale: 79% prix: 90% performances: 70% écran: 90% finition: 90%
Source: ITC UA

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/03/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: MobilArena HU

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/18/2022
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 100%
Source: MobilArena HU

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/15/2022
Notes: Note globale: 74%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/30/2022
Notes: Note globale: 89% performances: 86% équipement: 92% mobilité: 89% finition: 92%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/01/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: Mere

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Source: Lyd og Billede

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/01/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Source: Puhelinvertailu

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/06/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Qualcomm Adreno 730:
Puce graphique pour smartphones et tablettes intégrée au SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. Qualcomm affirme qu'elle est 30 % plus rapide que l'Adreno 660 du SoC Snapdragon 888. Pour Android, elle devrait être l'une des cartes graphiques les plus rapides fin 2021.
Ces cartes devraient être capables de faire tourner tout les jeux d'aujourd'hui, mais la plupart d'entre eux uniquement en détails moyens ou faibles et avec des résolution basses. Les plus vieux jeux ou les jeux moins gourmands restent jouables avec de beaux graphismes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des cartes graphiques mobiles et ainsi que dans notre liste des Benchmarks affiliés.
SD 8 Gen 1:
SoC haut de gamme pour smartphones qui a été introduit fin 2021 et fabriqué en 4 nm chez Samsung. Il intègre un "Prime Core" basé sur une architecture ARM Cortex-X2 cadencée jusqu'à 3 GHz. Trois autres cœurs de performance sont basés sur l'A710 mais cadencés jusqu'à 2,5 GHz. En outre, quatre cœurs d'économie d'énergie sont intégrés, basés sur l'architecture ARM Cortex-A510 et cadencés jusqu'à 1,8 GHz. En plus des cœurs de processeur, le SoC intègre un modem WiFi 6e, un DSP Hexagon (pour l'accélération de l'IA) et un ISP Spectra. Le contrôleur de mémoire intégré prend en charge la mémoire rapide LPDDR5 jusqu'à 3 200 MHz. La 5G est désormais incluse dans la puce avec le modem Snapdragon X65.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des processeurs mobiles.
6.10": Seuls quelques smartphones possèdent une telle diagonale d’écran.
Un écran de plus grandes dimensions permettent des résolutions plus élevées, les détails comme la finesse des lettres seront meilleurs. Néanmoins, un écran de plus petite taille est synonyme de consommation énergétique moindre et souvent d’un terminal plus compact, plus léger et plus abordable.
>> Pour en savoir un peu plus sur la finesse des pixels à l'écran, jetez un coup d'œil à notre liste des DPI (PPP, points par pouce).
Sony: Sony Corporation est l'une des plus grandes sociétés japonaises d'électronique. L'entreprise a été fondée en 1946 sous un autre nom et produisait initialement des poêles à riz. La société a lancé la première radio à transistors. En 1958, la société a été rebaptisée Sony. Sony est une combinaison du mot latin sonus (son) et du mot anglais sonny (petit garçon). Aujourd'hui, son cœur de métier est l'électronique grand public. La société est engagée dans le développement, la conception, la fabrication et la vente d'équipements électroniques, d'instruments, d'appareils, de consoles de jeux et de logiciels. Sony opère dans les segments suivants : jeux et services réseau, musique, images, divertissement et son à domicile, produits et solutions d'imagerie, communications mobiles, semi-conducteurs, services financiers et autres.
82.17%: Cette note est moyenne, Car la quantité de portables avec de meilleures notes est à peu près égale avec le nombre de portables avec de moins bonnes notes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre guide d'achat pour les ordinateurs portables.