Google Pixel Tablet
Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Appareil photo secondaire: 8 MPix (f/2.2, 1,12 μm, fixfocus)
Price comparison
Moyenne de 61 notes (à partir de 109 critiques)
Critiques pour le/la Google Pixel Tablet
Avec la tablette Pixel, Google propose une alternative intéressante à l'iPad 10 ( Apple ) ou à la tablette S9 ( Galaxy ). La tablette Pixel de 10,95 pouces n'est pas seulement une tablette classique, mais, avec sa station d'accueil, elle est aussi un hub domestique intelligent ou un haut-parleur intelligent avec un écran XXL, à la Apple's HomePod.
Source: Presse Citron

« Votre quotidien simplifié, à portée de main ». Voilà comment Google présente sa Pixel Tablet sur son site officiel. Un slogan que l’on peut valider après plusieurs mois d’utilisation de la Pixel Tablet. Si nous utilisons toujours un iPad en tablette de productivité, la Pixel Tablet est devenue notre tablette du quotidien, toujours à portée de main, toujours prête à rendre service. Peut-on recommander la Pixel Tablet à tout le monde ? Pas vraiment. Elle s’impose incontestablement comme la meilleure tablette familiale, celle que l’on se partage dans le foyer, que l’on saisit à la volée pour regarder une vidéo, jouer quelques minutes ou faire une recherche sur le web. La Pixel Tablet peut aussi faire office de second appareil de travail pour les étudiants. Mais à 680 euros, mieux vaut en avoir une vraie utilité ou être très à l’aise financièrement. D’autant qu’il faudra débourser quelques euros supplémentaires pour un étui clavier-souris.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 82% prix: 80% performances: 90% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 90% ergonomie: 90%
Source: Geekbecois

Mon conjoint et moi avons beaucoup apprécié l’ajout d’une tablette à notre flotte d’appareils électroniques. Celle-ci, plus accessible qu’un ordinateur portable, devient une alliée dans la routine quotidienne. On apprécie l’avoir à portée de main pour visionner une vidéo, chercher une information, etc. Toutefois, elle sera rarement aussi accessible que notre téléphone intelligent, ce qui nous fera parfois faire la concession de l’écran plus petit. Pour que la Pixel Tablet devienne un incontournable, il faudra lui choisir un emplacement judicieux dans notre demeure, un endroit fréquenté quotidiennement, au centre de toutes nos activités. Ceux qui utilisent déjà les produits Google tel que les téléphones (Pixel 7 Pro, Pixel 7a) ou les écouteurs (Pixel Buds Pro) apprécieront la compatibilité des produits et l’interface comparable. Les autres découvriront l’environnement épuré de Google OS. Quoi qu’il en soit, la Pixel Tablet s’avérera efficace et pratique pour tous les utilisateurs.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 07/24/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 90% finition: 80%
Source: Nextpit France

Google a sorti une tablette, et elle est assez impressionnante. Personnellement, je trouve que la station d'accueil pour haut-parleurs est un complément intéressant, bien qu'elle n'apporte aucune fonctionnalité supplémentaire, se contentant d'améliorer les capacités audio et de recharge. Pour l'instant, je ne suis pas convaincue par les fonctionnalités smart home, et voici pourquoi : elles n'offrent rien de nouveau ou d'exclusif. C'est juste un mode ajouté. Alors, à qui s'adresse la Pixel Tablet? Aux familles et personnes partageant le même logement. Il y a une chose que je n'ai pas mentionnée et c'est le fait qu'Android offre la possibilité d'avoir des profils bien distingués.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/08/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Geeks and Com

Pour conclure, la Pixel Tablet est un bon retour à la forme pour Google dans le marché des tablettes. Ce ne sera probablement pas l’appareil qui va faire remplacer l’iPad dans les maisons, mais avec ses fonctions hybrides, il apporte quelque chose de plus. C’est à la fois une bonne enceinte qui couvre facilement les pièces et une tablette qui se décroche facilement pour lire nos courriels ou les nouvelles. Il se distingue aussi de l’appareil Amazon que j’utilisais jusqu’à maintenant en n’affichant pas toutes sortes d’informations inutiles et en été moins intrusif. Bref, si vous êtes dans l’écosystème Android et que vous appréciez la gamme Pixel, la Pixel Tablet est un bon complément.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 07/04/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 90% finition: 90%
Source: CNet France

La Pixel Tablet est incontestablement réussie. Google n’a pas cherché à réinventer le concept mais l’a judicieusement peaufiné. De très bonne facture, elle offre toute la polyvalence et la convivialité que l’on peut attendre de ce type d’appareil. Ses performances la placent dans le haut du tableau. La station d’accueil est un coup de maître qui étoffe l’utilisation et donne à la Pixel Tablet une vocation familiale qui s’impose comme une évidence.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: 01Net

On est à peu près certain que l'idée de Google d'associer un dock à une tablette sera copiée dans les mois qui viennent. Car elle est fondamentalement bonne : on apprécie d'avoir une tablette toujours chargée, et qui profite de quelques fonctions supplémentaires liées à cette petite enceinte sur laquelle elle vient s'aimanter. Oui, mais voilà, la copie de Google n'est pas parfaite, loin de là, surtout à ce prix. Le format d'écran n'est pas idéal, le mode « hub » mériterait d'être peaufiné, et surtout, surtout, la qualité sonore n'est pas au rendez-vous, alors qu'une excellente enceinte aurait pu justifier le tarif de 679 euros pour la version de base, simplement dotée de 128 Go de stockage. À ce prix, il nous est difficile de conseiller ce produit face à un iPad, même de neuvième génération, dont la version 256 Go est un peu moins chère. Pourquoi ? Parce qu'Android n'est toujours pas aussi mûr qu'iPadOS et ses milliers d'applications optimisées pour son écran.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/24/2023
Notes: Note globale: 76% performances: 80% mobilité: 90%
Source: Nextpit France

Google a sorti une tablette, et elle est assez impressionnante. Personnellement, je trouve que la station d'accueil pour haut-parleurs est un complément intéressant, bien qu'elle n'apporte aucune fonctionnalité supplémentaire, se contentant d'améliorer les capacités audio et de recharge. Pour l'instant, je ne suis pas convaincue par les fonctionnalités smart home, et voici pourquoi: c'est une tablette! À quand remonte la dernière fois que vous avez entendu parler d'un appareil de maison connectée qui se double d'une tablette? À qui s'adresse ce produit? Et à quel genre de besoins? Google doit encore améliorer l'expérience Android sur tablette, et je crois fermement que la Pixel Tablet constitue un bon premier pas.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/24/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Frandroid

La Pixel Tablet est un super produit. J'ai adoré le concept du dock qui ouvre beaucoup d'usages et qui offre un vrai confort. L'écran est très convaincant, les performances, bien que pas monstrueuses, suffisent pour un usage de tablette et la Pixel Experience s'adaptent bien à l'usage tablette. Seulement voilà, la Pixel Tablet est vendue 670 euros. À ce tarif-là, elle se place face à l'iPad et à l'iPad mini, les cadors du genre avec des années d'expérience derrière eux. Si la tablette de Google veut adoucir l'addition avec un bloc de charge qui fait enceinte d'une belle manière, elle a affaire à de redoutables adversaires. Résultat, certains défauts qui auraient pu paraître minimes sautent beaucoup plus vite aux yeux. On peut citer le manque de puissance, la fabrication un peu plastique, un capteur d'empreinte mal placé ou encore l'écran 16:10 qui interdit l'usage vertical.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 70% écran: 70% mobilité: 60% finition: 70%
Source: Les Numeriques

Avec sa Pixel Tablet, Google parvient à proposer une bonne tablette. Elle en fait juste assez pour s'intégrer pleinement dans le quotidien d'une famille, qui constitue son cœur de cible. C'est d'ailleurs avec son dock qu'elle trouve toute sa place dans un foyer, jouant tantôt sur la carte tablette, tantôt sur celle de Nest Hub pour piloter des produits domotiques. Si Google a compris comment faire en sorte qu'une tablette familiale ne soit pas vouée à prendre la poussière sur une table basse, c'est peut-être là son seul défaut : parfaitement adaptée et même optimisée pour un usage domestique, la Pixel Tablet manque du brin de folie que nous attendions. Et une fois sortie de la maison, elle se laisse distancer par des modèles plus doués pour le jeu, la productivité ou la création.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100% performances: 80% écran: 80% mobilité: 100% ergonomie: 80%
Source: Journal du Geek

A l’heure de la conclusion, on est quelque peu déçu par ce que propose Google. La Google Pixel Tablet est une bonne tablette en soi mais en dehors de la partie logicielle, elle n’apporte pas vraiment de nouveautés par rapport à la concurrence. C’est d’autant plus dommage parce qu’il aurait suffi à Google d’avoir un peu plus confiance en son concept pour proposer un produit plus abouti. En l’état, on a droit une bonne tablette et une partie audio décente avec la station d’accueil. On a vraiment cette impression d’avoir un produit encore à l'état expérimental et qui n’est pas allé au bout de ses idées. Maintenant, avec les retours des futurs utilisateurs, Google est capable de rectifier le tir avec le temps et proposer une expérience plus aboutie comme le support des stylets USI 2.0.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: CNet France

Disponible en précommande, la Pixel Tablet arrivera en juin. C’est tout à la fois une tablette partageable et un hub pour la maison connectée avec une station de recharge. En attendant notre essai complet, voici les première impressions de nos confrères de qui ont pu prendre en main la Pixel Tablet. La Pixel Tablet, initialement annoncée l'année dernière, arrivera en juin après avoir été présentée en détail lors de la conférence Google I/O. Son prix débute à 679€ avec sa station de recharge qui fait office d’enceinte lorsque la tablette y est connectée magnétiquement. Le design est séduisant, les performances semblent bonnes.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 05/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Critiques dans des langues étrangères
Source: Android Central

While I've come around to One UI and am okay with software interfaces from other OEMs, there's just something about Pixel UI that brings me back. It's part of the reason why I wanted to see a Google Play Edition of the Galaxy Z Fold 3 or 4 until Google announced the Pixel Fold. The Pixel Tablet is not the best at any one thing but still manages to stand out from the pack with Material You and the Charging Speaker Dock. I'm still holding out hope that Google will release a keyboard case and its own USI stylus, but there are some pretty great options already available. It's also not often that I actually want to pick up and use a tablet while sitting on the couch, as opposed to just using my phone. To answer the question of what is "the one" from the title, the Pixel Tablet is the master of doing everything you want. Including things, you wouldn't have expected.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/30/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%

Should you choose a Pixel Tablet to use as a smart home panel over an Echo Hub or Google Nest Hub Max? Compared to both, the Pixel Tablet is a portable device, whereas the Google Nest Hub and Echo Hub are stationary smart displays. Although many users prefer the $229 Nest Hub Max's function as a dedicated smart display, I like having a multipurpose display at the center of the smart home with the 2-in-1 Pixel Tablet. Grabbing the fully charged tablet on my way out the door or upstairs makes it easier to use than other tablets. Setting it down to become a smart display gives it a second life when idle, whereas other tablets are off or stowed away. The Echo Hub is specifically designed as a smart home display for Amazon Alexa. If you prefer the Alexa voice assistant and already have other Echo devices, a $180 Echo Hub would likely be a better addition to your smart home than a Pixel Tablet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/16/2024
Source: Ricks Tech

Soutien, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 09/13/2024
Source: Chrome Unboxed

So overall, what do I think about the Pixel Tablet, one year later? Well, I’ll tell you this, I left it at the office the other day after making a quick social media video of the EIP keyboard case, and I found myself really missing it around the house! So, while it’s not perfect, it has some really useful applications for me and I’ve really come to lean on it as my main smart display in my home office desk and as a tablet that I can actually get some work done on and I think that says a lot about the Pixel Tablet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 08/27/2024
Source: Tech Advisor

It’s a year old but the Pixel Tablet is a better buy now than it was when it first launched. Google has finally decided to let customers buy the tablet alone or bundle the docking station – though I still think additional docking stations should be a lot cheaper. This choice means you can go in whatever direction you prefer, buy a tablet like many rivals or use it as a smart display when docked. There are still downsides that won’t go away like the slow charging (which isn’t uncommon in the tablet world) and the lacklustre audio the dock provides, but nothing that’s enough to be too offputting. And with five years of security updates and three years of OS updates from launch, the Pixel Tablet is still good to go for many years.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/08/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%

Should you choose a Pixel Tablet to use as a smart home panel over an Echo Hub or Google Nest Hub Max Compared to both, the Pixel Tablet is a portable device, whereas the Google Nest Hub and Echo Hub are stationary smart displays. Although many users prefer the $229 Nest Hub Max's function as a dedicated smart display, I like having a multipurpose display at the center of the smart home with the 2-in-1 Pixel Tablet. Grabbing the fully charged tablet on my way out the door or upstairs makes it easier to use than other tablets. Setting it down to become a smart display gives it a second life when idle whereas other tablets are off or stowed away. The Echo Hub is specifically designed to be a smart home display for Amazon Alexa. If you prefer the Alexa voice assistant and already have other Echo devices, an $180 Echo Hub would likely be a better addition to your smart home over a Pixel Tablet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 05/02/2024
Source: 9to5google

After months of daily use, let's dive into the Pixel Tablet's long-term performance, exploring its strengths and limitations as a productivity tool and smart home hub. Together, we'll analyze Google's Android tablet experience, covering battery life, software optimization, speaker dock functionality, and its overall value proposition.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/25/2024
Source: Digital Trends

So that’s the Google Pixel Tablet. I firmly believe that the idea behind the Pixel Tablet is a good one. As someone who has multiple smart displays scattered throughout my apartment, the concept of a smart display that also doubles as a tablet is one that gets me excited. Google gave that concept a fair shot, but its execution with the Google Pixel Tablet completely misses the mark. There’s not one single deal breaker that immediately stands out, but it’s a perfect case of a death by a thousand cuts. The oddly placed speakers that ruin the tablet’s audio quality. The 60Hz display that looks slow and outdated. The poorly designed charging dock that could have been so much more. The wonky software experience that makes the Pixel Tablet infuriating to use at times. If you want an Android tablet for about the same price, you’re far better off with the OnePlus Pad or Lenovo Tab P11 Pro Gen 2.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/13/2024
Notes: Note globale: 40%
Source: Tom's Guide

With its speaker dock, Chromecast capabilities and smart home controls, the Google Pixel Tablet is designed to be more of a home companion rather than a productivity device. And that’s probably a good thing, as it might struggle in a more head-to-head comparison if you’re looking for a tablet to get stuff done. But, if you’re looking for a tablet just to have around the house and mindlessly browse the web while you’re watching something on TV — and really, isn’t that how you normally use a tablet? — then the Pixel Tablet will get the job done. And, the Tablet’s charging dock/speaker gives you something you won’t find with the competition. At the very least, it’ll help ensure that its battery isn’t dead the next time you go to pick it up.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 02/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Digital Trends

So that’s the Google Pixel Tablet. I firmly believe that the idea behind the Pixel Tablet is a good one. As someone who has multiple smart displays scattered throughout my apartment, the concept of a smart display that also doubles as a tablet is one that gets me excited. Google gave that concept a fair shot, but its execution with the Google Pixel Tablet completely misses the mark. There’s not one single deal breaker that immediately stands out, but it’s a perfect case of a death by a thousand cuts. The oddly placed speakers that ruin the tablet’s audio quality. The 60Hz display that looks slow and outdated. The poorly designed charging dock that could have been so much more. The wonky software experience that makes the Pixel Tablet infuriating to use at times. If you want an Android tablet for about the same price, you’re far better off with the OnePlus Pad or Lenovo Tab P11 Pro Gen 2.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/22/2023
Notes: Note globale: 40%
Source: Expert Reviews

It’s a sad case of ups and downs with the Pixel Tablet. On the one hand, we have a nicely designed tablet with solid specifications and best-in-class battery life. On the other, we have that frankly bonkers bundle price. It’s a bizarre decision and one that I don’t think will pay off for Google. There’s a chance I could be proven wrong, of course, but I simply can’t see consumer demand for a hybrid device such as this when rival devices are available for so much less. If Google did give buyers the option to purchase separately at a reduced cost, I might be tempted to give the Pixel Tablet a tentative recommendation. As it is, you might as well just buy a Next Hub Max and an iPad.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Source: 9to5google

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/23/2023
Source: Expert Reviews

It’s a sad case of ups and downs with the Pixel Tablet. On the one hand, we have a nicely designed tablet with solid specifications and best-in-class battery life. On the other, we have that frankly bonkers bundle price. It’s a bizarre decision and one that I don’t think will pay off for Google. There’s a chance I could be proven wrong, of course, but I simply can’t see consumer demand for a hybrid device such as this when rival devices are available for so much less. If Google did give buyers the option to purchase separately at a reduced cost, I might be tempted to give the Pixel Tablet a tentative recommendation. As it is, you might as well just buy a Next Hub Max and an iPad.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Source: Hot Hardware

This tablet is not, however, made for more intensive compute tasks such as graphics design or high-end photo/video editing. But then again, this device isn't targeted at those use cases. A Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 or an iPad Pro perhaps would be more suited for those applications, but they're also about double the price. The Google Pixel Tablet is intended for everyday family use, while also being able to remain unthethered for long periods, with great battery life when needed. While not a deal breaker, it would have been nice to have a microSD card slot to add additional storage to the Google Pixel Tablet. One could easily see the need to plug in a microSD card with a library of movies and games stored on it while traveling, for example. The Google Pixel Tablet with its included Charging Speaker Dock is a solid deal at $499 for the 128GB variant ($599 for the 256GB) and it has earned the HotHardware Recommended Seal of Approval.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/07/2023
Source: Expert Reviews

It’s a sad case of ups and downs with the Pixel Tablet. On the one hand, we have a nicely designed tablet with solid specifications and best-in-class battery life. On the other, we have that frankly bonkers bundle price. It’s a bizarre decision and one that I don’t think will pay off for Google. There’s a chance I could be proven wrong, of course, but I simply can’t see consumer demand for a hybrid device such as this when rival devices are available for so much less. If Google did give buyers the option to purchase separately at a reduced cost, I might be tempted to give the Pixel Tablet a tentative recommendation. As it is, you might as well just buy a Next Hub Max and an iPad.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/12/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Source: Android Guys

The seamless integration with Google services and the overall user experience are the standout features of the Pixel Tablet. It doesn’t feel, to me, as if it’s a first-generation approach. And where things might be a touch unrealized or less than rich, I imagine an update or two could change things up. The device’s audio quality is impressive, delivering immersive sound for both work and play. Anticipated timely software updates from Google should ensure that users have access to the latest features and security enhancements. In the chance you hadn’t heard, Google promises the Pixel Tablet will get three OS updates and five years of security updates. While the Pixel Tablet excels in many areas, there are a few areas that could be improved. The availability of third-party apps optimized for tablet interfaces is relatively limited.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 08/14/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 70% performances: 80% mobilité: 80% finition: 80%
Source: CNet

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 07/29/2023
Source: What Hi-Fi

Truthfully, the Pixel Tablet is probably more suited as a smart display for your kitchen that you can detach and watch the occasional movie on the go with; but as a smart display/tablet hybrid, it works quite well. It's quickly becoming a desktop companion that we use to play background music and stick the occasional video on, and it's even a solid tablet for productivity tasks. So has Google succeeded in reviving its Android tablet ambitions? With an overall pleasant image and generally impressive sound (not counting headphones that is), we’d say yes… mostly.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 07/25/2023
Source: Mobile Tech Review

Google has a new Android tablet for 2023, the Pixel Tablet. It’s an 11” standalone tablet that converts to a home hub using the includes charging speaker dock. The tablet has a QHD+ display, Google’s usual Tensor G2 processor, an aluminum casing and up to 256GB storage. It’s a new product category in a way, combining a high quality tablet and most of the capabilities of a Google Nest Hub Max into one $500 device.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/20/2023
Source: Android Authority

As tablets have become larger and more powerful, the leading examples have all crept closer and closer toward the realm of laptops in terms of design and functionality. The Google Pixel Tablet bucks that trend entirely. Let’s start with the Pixel Tablet’s obvious differentiator: the dock. As an avid tablet user, I’m confident in telling you immediately that it’s the only real reason you might want to part with just shy of $500 to buy the Pixel Tablet. That’s not to say the rest of the deal isn’t pretty good, more so that all of its best bits arise from its hybrid nature as both a portable slate and a pseudo-Google Nest smart display. Undocked, the Pixel Tablet is just that: everything you’d expect from a Pixel phone (mostly), but larger.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 07/08/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit EN

The Google Pixel Tablet is an impressive device. Personally, I found the speaker dock station to be a valuable addition, even though it didn't provide any extra features apart from improved audio and charging capabilities. For now, I remain unconvinced by the Smart Home functionalities, and here's why: they don't offer anything new or exclusive. It's just an added mode. So, who would find this a worthy investment? Families and people sharing the same home. Here's something I haven't mentioned before: Android has a very useful feature—well-distinguished profiles. The Pixel Tablet supports up to eight profiles per device, with the possibility to set up five fingerprints per user profile. In other words, your roommates will love it. Your whole family will love it. It even comes with a Child Account.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/07/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Ausdroid

Honestly I’m torn here. At $899, the Google Pixel Tablet is a rather affordable 10.95-inch tablet that’s great for consuming media around the house. If you couldn’t be bothered to sit up and watch a movie in the lounge, it’s light and comfortable enough you could easily watch a movie on it in bed without dropping it on your face. If you’re prone to bash out a few emails while watching TV at night, it’s great too – the big screen gives you plenty of room to see what you’re doing while giving you a decent keyboard to tap away at also. For reading the news, playing a casual game, or anything in between, the Google Pixel Tablet fills a nice little gap.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 07/02/2023
Source: Phone Arena

Sorry to go so grim and dreary on the final point. We find the Pixel Tablet a fascinating experiment and we are happy to see that Google was actually looking for a different angle when it comes to tablet devices instead of repeating the same old "Oh, here's a keyboard, here's a pen, have at it". But ultimately, the Pixel Tablet failed to impress us as a standout device that deserves its full $499. At that price, one can stretch their budget a bit, go find a Galaxy Tab S8 deal and pair it with a $50 Nest mini or two. We understand and appreciate that the $500 price tag includes a speaker dock that is not half bad... but it's fully useless unless the tablet is docked on it, unlike a dedicated speaker, which you can use and stream to at any point.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/29/2023
Notes: Note globale: 75%
Source: 9to5google

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/28/2023
Source: Tech Spurt

Reviewing the Google Pixel Tablet, with an unboxing and full verdict on this iPad rival and its bundled dock. In the UK it costs from £599, but for that price you get two devices: the Google Pixel Tablet, and the makeshift smart display it converts into. So is it worth that cash? For alternative options, check out my review of the Amazon Fire Max 11, OnePlus Pad and other best tabs of 2023. The primary barrier to buying this Google device is the asking price, which is rather steep here in Blighty. You can buy a premium slate like the Pixel Tablet for almost half the cost, with similar specs (if not the stock Android experience with strong update support).
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/27/2023
Source: Tech Guru Daily

The Google Pixel Tablet is a multi-talented product that offers the convenience of a smart speaker, the portability of a tablet, the content possibilities of a mini smart TV and a dashboard for your smart devices. And it provides an excellent experience no matter what mode you’re using.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Mobile Syrup

Somehow against all the odds, the Pixel Tablet has integrated perfectly into my life. Who knew how much power a big charged-up screen would have over me? I find myself reaching for it all the time, and if you’re like me and enjoy YouTube as background when you’re doing chores around the house or streaming TV when you’re sitting outside, the nature of the Pixel Tablet having a dock is perfect. It’s always charged and has a home where I know it always is, waiting to be picked up. It would be nice if Google could maximize its tablet/smart home combo software, but I guess I’m just happy with a big screen that feels very comfortable floating around my home playing media. I rarely feel like I get the maximum use out of my smart displays or tablets, but this device changed that, and now those auxiliary devices I barely use turned into one that seems good enough to be the jack-of-all-trades computer in my home.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/25/2023
Source: Lon.TV

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/25/2023
Source: Sydney Morning Herald

So while the price is a bit of an eyebrow-raiser compared to the competition, it’s also tough to compare the Pixel Tablet to any other single device. It’s a different take on the tablet, which gives a lot of consideration to what the device could be doing in your home when it’s not actually in your hands.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/23/2023
Source: Expert Reviews

It’s a sad case of ups and downs with the Pixel Tablet. On the one hand, we have a nicely designed tablet with solid specifications and best-in-class battery life. On the other, we have that frankly bonkers bundle price. It’s a bizarre decision and one that I don’t think will pay off for Google. There’s a chance I could be proven wrong, of course, but I simply can’t see consumer demand for a hybrid device such as this when rival devices are available for so much less. If Google did give buyers the option to purchase separately at a reduced cost, I might be tempted to give the Pixel Tablet a tentative recommendation. As it is, you might as well just buy a Next Hub Max and an iPad.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 60%
Source: Chrome Unboxed

I think as a smart home controller and content consumption device, the Pixel Tablet can find a seat at the table. As a smart display or a Nest Hub sort of device, though, a lot of that rides on what Google does with the Assistant in the coming months. If it all shakes out and the Google Assistant is helpful again and Google continues to integrate with the Matter standard, the Pixel Tablet could end up being quite useful doing what it was designed to do. But until then, it’s better to think of the Pixel Tablet simply as a solid Android tablet that many of you might enjoy…if you like tablets.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/22/2023
Source: Chrome Unboxed

I think as a smart home controller and content consumption device, the Pixel Tablet can find a seat at the table. As a smart display or a Nest Hub sort of device, though, a lot of that rides on what Google does with the Assistant in the coming months. If it all shakes out and the Google Assistant is helpful again and Google continues to integrate with the Matter standard, the Pixel Tablet could end up being quite useful doing what it was designed to do. But until then, it’s better to think of the Pixel Tablet simply as a solid Android tablet that many of you might enjoy…if you like tablets.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/22/2023
Source: The Verge

But it’s also a safe device. The Pixel Tablet is not pushing the boundaries of what a versatile touchscreen slate could be used for, or even trying to compete with something like the iPad Pro. The door is wide open for Google to come out with a “Pixel Tablet Pro” that has accessories designed for productivity and perhaps some more advanced software down the road. The company could be testing the waters for how much appetite there is for an Android tablet before it goes all-in on them again. Or not. Google’s now got the basics covered and that might just finally be enough.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70%

The Pixel Tablet is the Android tablet I wish Google would have made years ago. The way you interact and use all apps, regardless if they're optimized for a bigger display or not, is a huge leap forward for Android tablets as a whole. At $499, it's an investment, no doubt. But it's one that gives you an Android tablet that pulls double-duty as a smart display when you're not using it. And while it may not make sense at first, once you start using it, you'll get it. The $500 question of whether or not you should buy one. And, I think that all comes down to whether or not you want or need an Android tablet. If the answer is yes, then ask yourself if you want the tablet simply for entertainment, web browsing and similar tasks. If so, then the Pixel Tablet is certainly for you. If you need something that's better suited for productivity, then the OnePlus Pad keeps you in the Android ecosystem, otherwise, Apple's iPad line is where you'll want to look.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: T3

The Pixel Tablet is a really interesting reimagining of what Google sees a tablet as being. No longer is it work machine-focused like the older Pixel Slate. Nope, the Pixel Tablet is the wannabe hub of your home, while still offering great battery life when used handheld for content consumption. That said, however, I don't really know who the Pixel Tablet is aimed at. Its straddling of multiple camps and the inclusion of the dock in the box makes it half home hub, half tablet in effect – and is that even something you're even in the market for, especially at this price point?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Slashgear

The Google Pixel Tablet is more expensive (approximately $500) than a new (10th generation) iPad (around $450). The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 (with an 11-inch display) costs around $700. You get the Charging Speaker Dock with the Pixel Tablet, while neither the iPad nor the Samsung Tab includes a dock. Of course, both the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 and the iPad (10th generation) are capable of outpacing the Pixel Tablet in terms of processing power (and display brightness and refresh rate, and so on). If you want power, go with Samsung or Apple. If you want a new experience, go with Google. If you're thinking about buying a new tablet in 2023, you could do a lot worse than the Google Pixel Tablet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Stuff TV

Google fans hoping the Pixel Tablet was going to wipe the floor with every iPad are going to be disappointed, but those with more realistic expectations are in for a treat. The 2-in-1 device is an effective smart display while docked, and a capable entertainment slate while carried around. There’s a lot more on offer here than you’ll get from a Nest Hub Max. The sorely-needed software improvements are also a firm step in the right direction for Android tablets in general, even if it still lags behind Apple in areas like productivity and creator-focused apps. At £599 it’s not exceptional value here in the UK either, although US prices are more competitive. At $499 including the dock it’s only $50 more than a a 64GB iPad 10th-gen. It’s not going to replace your laptop, and probably won’t spend much time away from home. But for curling up on the sofa for a Netflix binge, then having somewhere other than a desk drawer to stash your device when you’ve finished watching, it nails the brief.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tech Advisor

The Pixel Tablet is a tricky customer and the frustrating thing is that it doesn’t need to be this way. I really wanted to love this device – as both a fan of older Google Nexus tablets and the Nest Hub range of smart displays. And in various ways, I do love the Pixel Tablet; mainly in terms of its design and build along with premium performance. However, Google has created an unnecessarily complicated system here by making you buy the tablet with the Charging Speaker Dock, overcharging for additional docks and limiting the smart display experience compared to, in particular, the extremely similar Nest Hub Max. As it stands, the Pixel Tablet ecosystem is a bit of a hard sell.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 72%
Source: Techradar

The Google Pixel Tablet delivers great value for a home tablet that doubles as a smart display, but it could have been so much more (and it could still be). It’s not the most premium slate for the price, and it’s smaller than you’d expect, but it delivers in some impactful ways, including great performance and great sound, on or off the speaker dock. The software still feels like a phone trying to be a tablet, especially when you run third party apps but hopefully the Pixel Tablet marks the start of a serious commitment by Google to improve Android on tablets, because this slate is ready for Android to catch up.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% prix: 80% performances: 80% écran: 70% finition: 60%
Source: Tom's Guide

With its speaker dock, Chromecast capabilities and smart home controls, the Google Pixel Tablet is designed to be more of a home companion rather than a productivity device. And that’s probably a good thing, as it might struggle in a more head-to-head comparison if you’re looking for a tablet to get stuff done. But, if you’re looking for a tablet just to have around the house and mindlessly browse the web while you’re watching something on TV — and really, isn’t that how you normally use a tablet? — then the Pixel Tablet will get the job done. And, the Tablet’s charging dock/speaker gives you something you won’t find with the competition. At the very least, it’ll help ensure that its battery isn’t dead the next time you go to pick it up.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Trusted Reviews

The Pixel Tablet is a solid if slightly underwhelming Google slate. The ‘hub’ functionality and included charging dock help it stand out from the crowd and offer a unique reason for its existence, but beyond that, it doesn’t do much to propel Android tablets forward in any meaningful way. It’s a good content-consumption device with a sharp display and nice software. It pairs well with Google’s other products, like the Pixel Buds, and is visually appealing in a basic sort of way. Yet, the competition is tough. If it’s just media watching you’re after, something like the £249.99/$279.99 Amazon Fire Max 11 offers good specs and is far cheaper. Samsung’s Tab S8 series is pricier but has the tools to offer more productivity skills and the OnePlus Pad is not only cheaper but supports various accessories and has a much nicer 144Hz display.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: Pocket Lint

The appeal of the Pixel Tablet is that it's a Pixel device, therefore the bloat-free software and promise of updates means that it will offer a good experience compared to much of the rest of the Android tablet market. And we know that Google has a refreshed interest in larger screens, so it's likely to get better. But at the same time the Pixel Tablet stumbles in a number of areas. It's the same price as an iPad, but the software experience and build quality isn't as good. It's sold with a bundled dock with the idea of docking it, but the docked experience is a little boring and I wouldn't say that's a reason to buy this device - get a Nest Hub or Echo Show instead. That makes the Pixel Tablet a bit of a mixed bag. We've waited a year for it to arrive, perhaps while Google was trying to decide what it wanted to achieve with it. I'm just not sure if it has decided yet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: PC Mag

If Google wanted a way to familiarize people with Android on the big screen, the Pixel Tablet is it. It's a great device that can sneak into your home as a tablet and double as a smart display. At $499, however, the competition is fierce. If you're mostly interested in a smart display, the aging Google Nest Hub Max costs $229, and the Amazon Echo Show 10 costs $249.99. Both work with plenty of smart home devices and leave room in your budget to also pick up an inexpensive tablet. The Editors' Choice-winning Apple iPad ($449) remains the tablet we recommend to most buyers. However, if you want a device that can act as both a tablet and a smart display, the Google Pixel Tablet is an interesting take on the concept.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: Android Central

For the most part, Google didn't try and reinvent the wheel with the Pixel Tablet. As an Android tablet, it's pretty much the perfect tablet for almost everything. But it really flexes its muscles when attached to the included Charging Speaker Dock, transforming it into a supercharged smart home display. There are a few quirks here and there, but honestly, it's nothing that's earth-shattering.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Android Headlines

It’s easy to say that the Pixel Tablet is also a smart display, but according to Google, it is not a Nest Hub replacement. A key reason for that is because it does not have Thread or Matter support in the dock. So, if you are thinking of buying this tablet, buy it for the tablet and as a secondary smart display or smart home hub. As a tablet, it’s a really impressive product, and will only get better with more updates.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Digital Trends

So that’s the Google Pixel Tablet. I firmly believe that the idea behind the Pixel Tablet is a good one. As someone who has multiple smart displays scattered throughout my apartment, the concept of a smart display that also doubles as a tablet is one that gets me excited. Google gave that concept a fair shot, but its execution with the Google Pixel Tablet completely misses the mark. There’s not one single deal breaker that immediately stands out, but it’s a perfect case of a death by a thousand cuts. The oddly placed speakers that ruin the tablet’s audio quality. The 60Hz display that looks slow and outdated. The poorly designed charging dock that could have been so much more. The wonky software experience that makes the Pixel Tablet infuriating to use at times. If you want an Android tablet for about the same price, you’re far better off with the OnePlus Pad or Lenovo Tab P11 Pro Gen 2.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 40%
Source: Laptop Mag

I love what Google has done with the Pixel Tablet. While it isn't the first to try to blend a tablet with a smart display, it's done it far more seamlessly and with a tablet that can still go toe-to-toe with the sub-$500 competition. If you have ever considered either purchasing a tablet or a Nest Hub, then Google just made this decision very easy for you as this is the best of both worlds. Has Google created the perfect tablet? No, of course not. I said at the outset that the Google Pixel Tablet is the perfect tablet for me and my family, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. If you want a tablet that can be a laptop replacement, this is not the tablet for you. If you want a tablet predominantly to throw in your bag for travel, this is also not the tablet for you.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Engadget

Maybe Android tablets aren’t dead after all. Maybe all they needed was a dock to call home and kickstand/hanger that made them more functional. But, despite its name, the Pixel Tablet is far less exciting as a tablet than a smart display. With its charging speaker dock and $80 case, Google presents a far more compelling proposition for its latest product. And despite some quirks, I’ve found life with the Pixel Tablet to be enjoyable, and most of its problems seem solvable. I can only hope Google keeps working on it and doesn’t unceremoniously cast the Pixel Tablet into its graveyard of unloved products. With some software updates, there’s a potentially bright future for the Pixel Tablet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: Gadgetguy

The Google Pixel Tablet has a lot going for it, but your impressions of it will really come down to what you expect from it. If you’re primarily looking for a powerful Android tablet, while treating the Hub features as a nice optional extra, then it certainly delivers the goods. It’s not cheap, but the price is comparable to the Wi-Fi-only 11-inch Samsung Galaxy Tab 8. It’s a shame Google can’t offer a cheaper version without the charging dock for those who don’t need it. But if you’re primarily interested in the Pixel Tablet as a substitute Nest Hub then you should just go out and buy the $299 Google Nest Hub Max. You’ll save a lot of money and get a device that’s a much better digital photo frame and pumps out better sound when it comes to listening to music.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 83% prix: 80% performances: 80% finition: 75%
Source: Mobile Syrup

Because of that price difference, I think anyone looking to buy the Pixel Tablet needs to really consider what they want it for. If you’re looking primarily for a smart home display, you can save a good amount of money by going for either Nest Hub. Meanwhile, those looking for a tablet-first experience will likely appreciate the device more since the hub functionality feels like more of a nice add-on rather than a central use case. Still, at $699, you’re getting into iPad territory, and most iPads will be better tablets than this. It’s no fault of the Pixel Tablet, of course. And since most of its issues as a tablet stem from software neglect rather than hardware problems, the only obstacle to resolving the Pixel Tablet’s woes is Google’s commitment to Android tablets for the long run. Google says it is, but we’ve been down this road before.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Android Police

Google's hit on a compelling idea with the Pixel Tablet, but it stumbles on execution. I wish you could buy the tablet on its own with no dock; sure, plenty of people will want it, but there’s really no reason everyone should have to have it. If you’re looking to spend about $500 on an Android tablet and you know what you’re getting into, the Pixel Tablet is a fine option. It’s just easy to see ways the whole package could — and should — be better.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 75%
Source: Nextpit EN

Indeed, Google released a tablet that is rather impressive. Personally, I found the speaker dock station to be a valuable add-on, though it did not provide any extra features, apart from the improved audio and charging capabilities. As of now, I remain unconvinced by the Smart Home functionalities, and here's why: it's a tablet! When was the last time you heard of a Smart Home device that doubled up as a tablet? The inverse should also not be a standard expectation. That being said, upon my first impression, it appears Google still needs to improve the coveted "Android tablet experience", and I strongly believe this is the beginning of such efforts. In terms of hardware, the Pixel Tablet incorporated some solid components, but it still lags behind Samsung and Apple when it comes to advanced usage. Overall, I liked the tablet; it is compact and offers solid performance.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: 9to5google

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: CNet

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Engadget

The Pixel Tablet is a competent smart display that is also a tablet always charged and ready when you need it. Some quirks aside, it's a versatile product that deserves a spot in your home.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Marques Brownlee

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: MrMobile

Google has tried making cheap tablets, and it's tried making expensive ones; it's outsourced them, and it's made them in-house; it's built tablets for play and for work; it's released laptops disguised as tablets, and vice versa. In fact, Google has tried tablets so many times, in so many ways, over so many years ... that it's actually officially given up on them at least once! But what Google hasn't tried is making a tablet that turns into a Google Nest when you put it down – until now. That's what the Pixel Tablet is trying to be, and a week after welcoming it into my own "nest," I think it’s a truly special idea. I just wish I could trust Google to stick with it.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Dave 2D

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel Tablet might be portable, but it’s meant to have a place in your home. Thanks to the included speaker dock, the tablet transforms into a smart display and control center for your smart devices. We go hands-on with the $499 Google Pixel Tablet at Google I/O 2023, here are our first impressions.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 05/12/2023
Source: Marques Brownlee

We haven't had a hit Google tablet since Nexus 7. Does this one have the DNA to do it again?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/12/2023
Source: CNet

Fast, affordable and designed for the home, Google’s new tablet looks to make up for Android tablet mistakes of the past -- but where’s the keyboard?
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 05/11/2023
Source: Engadget

The Pixel Tablet is not just a tablet. It’s more like a smart display with an 11-inch screen you can remove, and comes with some special features. It’s the first tablet powered by a Tensor G2 chip, as well as the first tablet you can Chromecast to. Running Android 13, it has multitasking features, supports WhatsApp video calling and offers smart home controls to anyone in your home. Come May 10th, you’ll be able to pre-order it for $499, and that includes the speaker base.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 05/11/2023
Source: Laptop Mag

When it comes to the Google Pixel Tablet, the company didn’t make a better mousetrap per se, but it is an intriguing one. Choosing to go the entertainment/smart home route takes some of the pressure off of the slate. Sure, it’s more than powerful enough to run games, stream videos and even do some light productivity work. But at the end of the day, it’s not trying to be a laptop replacement like some of its competitors on the market. For the money, you get a stylish, well-built slate with all the Google goodness baked in that can effortlessly switch from a tablet to a smart home hub. Speaking of which, I definitely appreciate that the Charging Speaker Dock is included with the tablet so consumers can get the full experience out of the box. I’m excited to see how the Tensor G2 chip performs in tablet form, especially when it comes to battery life.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 05/11/2023
Source: Mobile Syrup

And, at the end of the day, both MobileSyrup’s Jon Lamont and I said that the Pixel Tablet feels like a Pixel device. And that’s not a bad thing, as you’re getting a pure Android experience as Google intended it, and both Jon and I love our Pixel smartphones. However, if you’re not a Pixel enthusiast, you might want to wait for the full review before pre-ordering the tablet.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 05/10/2023
Source: Phone Arena

Sorry to go so grim and dreary on the final point. The fact remains that we are exciting to see, touch, and test the Pixel Tablet. Who knows — it might blow us away and get us absolutely addicted to that Hub functionality. Quirks aside, it sounds like a very solid base tablet. It's priced pretty well at $499, but at that level, it's almost up against very, very tough competition.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/10/2023
Source: Techradar

Though it’s too soon to properly judge the Pixel Tablet and how it fares against rivals, it looks like a capable and versatile device, and is packed with features that expand its functionality beyond that of a mere slate. It's really several devices in one, and based on my brief hands-on time it seems to work seamlessly, especially with its Charging Speaker Dock – and it looks to be competitively priced too.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 05/10/2023
Source: Inside Handy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/12/2024
Source: RP-Online

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/03/2023
Source: Tablet Blog

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 08/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/20/2023
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/26/2023
Source: Computerbase

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Stadt-bremerhaven

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: MobiFlip

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/20/2023
Source: Hipertextual

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/11/2024
Source: Computerhoy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/24/2024
Notes: Note globale: 71%
Source: Xataka

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/22/2024
Notes: Note globale: 82% performances: 80% écran: 83% mobilité: 88% finition: 80%
Source: Canaltech

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 09/28/2023
Source: DDay IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/26/2024
Notes: Note globale: 75% prix: 70% finition: 70%
Source: Andrea Galeazzi

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 05/11/2024
Source: Igizmo

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 05/10/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Evo smart

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 05/10/2024
Notes: Note globale: 68% performances: 60% écran: 60% mobilité: 70%
Source: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/09/2024

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 05/07/2024
Source: Tutto Android

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/07/2024
Source: Mister Gadget

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/07/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Multiplayer IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/07/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 08/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 65% prix: 60% équipement: 75% écran: 75% mobilité: 75% finition: 85% ergonomie: 85%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/29/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: PC

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/27/2023
Notes: Note globale: 40%
Source: Cell Phones

Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/08/2023
Source: Komputer for alle

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 08/21/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86%
Source: Komputer for alle

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 06/30/2023
Notes: Note globale: 86%
Source: Mere

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 06/21/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 70% écran: 70%
Source: M3 PC för alla

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 78%
ARM Mali-G710 MP7:
L'ARM Mali-G710MC10 est une carte graphique intégrée haut de gamme pour les smartphones avec 10 des 16 cœurs possibles. Elle est basée sur la troisième génération de l'architecture Valhall d'ARM, qui offre des performances et une efficacité énergétique supérieures de 20 % à celles de la génération précédente. Dans le Dimensity 9000, le G710 est produit dans le processus moderne 4nm.
Ces cartes devraient être capables de faire tourner tout les jeux d'aujourd'hui, mais la plupart d'entre eux uniquement en détails moyens ou faibles et avec des résolution basses. Les plus vieux jeux ou les jeux moins gourmands restent jouables avec de beaux graphismes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des cartes graphiques mobiles et ainsi que dans notre liste des Benchmarks affiliés.
Tensor G2:
SoC haut de gamme avec 8 cœurs en trois clusters (2x Exynos X1 2,8 GHz/ 2x Cortex-A76 2,25 GHz/ 4x A55 1,8 GHz) et un GPU intégré ARM Mali-G710 MP7. Intègre une unité TPU rapide personnalisée par Google pour l'accélération de l'IA.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des processeurs mobiles.
10.95": Il est question de la diagonale d’écran la plus commune parmi les tablettes standards ainsi que certains convertibles de petites dimensions.
Un écran de plus grandes dimensions permettent des résolutions plus élevées, les détails comme la finesse des lettres seront meilleurs. Néanmoins, un écran de plus petite taille est synonyme de consommation énergétique moindre et souvent d’un appareil plus compact, plus léger et plus abordable.
>> Pour en savoir un peu plus sur la finesse des pixels à l'écran, jetez un coup d'œil à notre liste des DPI (PPP, points par pouce).
76.2%: La note n'est pas convaincante. On doit considérer qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'ordinateurs portables qui reçoivent une note en dessous de 60%. Ce portable est en dessous de la moyenne, Nous ne conseillons pas vraiment son achat.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre guide d'achat pour les ordinateurs portables.