Google Pixel 7
Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Appareil photo secondaire: 10.8 MPix (1.22 µm, 92.8°, f/2.2, Fixfocus)
Price comparison
Moyenne de 104 notes (à partir de 163 critiques)
Critiques pour le/la Google Pixel 7
Le plus petit des modèles de la série Google Pixel 7 possède non seulement un facteur de forme plus compact que le modèle Pro, mais doit également s'accommoder de quelques compromis sur le plan technique. Quels sont-ils et s'ils sont perceptibles dans une utilisation quotidienne, découvrez-les dans notre revue.
Source: Frandroid

Qu'attend-on d'un téléphone ? Il doit à la fois téléphoner, assurer une belle expérience de visionnage, offrir une autonomie pour tenir au moins la journée, prendre de bonnes photos, etc. Pourquoi je vous parle de ça ? Parce que le Google Pixel 7 est un téléphone excessivement équilibré qui a bien compris ceci. Il parvient à ne jamais être mauvais dans aucun des usages attendus d'un téléphone en 2022. Même lorsque c'est un peu moins bon, cela reste tout à fait acceptable. Pour exemple, son autonomie, bien qu'un peu moins insubmersible que l'année dernière, reste très rassurante avec sa journée et demie d'utilisation. Sa puce, même si elle n'explose pas les scores, assure tout de même, y compris en jeu 3D. Son seul vrai défaut repose dans une charge très lente, qui vous obligera sans doute à le brancher la nuit.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 06/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 70% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 90%
Source: Journal du Geek

Dans l’absolu, les nouveaux Google Pixel 7 ne sont qu’une évolution des Pixel 6 mais force est de constater que Google a bien appris de ses erreurs et des retours utilisateurs. Du coup, on peut le dire, les Google Pixel 7 n’ont jamais été aussi complets qu’en cette fin d’année 2022. En plus de cela, Google se permet de ne pas augmenter les prix, ce qui positionnent les Pixel 7 comme d’excellents rapports qualité-prix. Grosse mention sur l’offre de précommande du Pixel 7 avec les Pixel Buds Pro qui en fait un excellent duo à un prix tout doux, surtout quand on compare à l’équivalent chez Apple ou Samsung. Encore une fois, Google nous montre ce que doit être l’expérience Android sur un smartphone et c’est pour cela que beaucoup recherche l’expérience d’Android Stock. Dans tous les cas, Google nous livre des Pixel 7 complets avec sans doute ce qui se fait de mieux en photo à l’heure actuelle. Les Pixel 7 font partie de ces rares smartphones où on peut prendre des photos les yeux fermés et être sûr du résultat. Comme l’année dernière, les Pixel 7 et Pixel 7 Pro sont relativement similaires dans la réalité et la seule vraie différence, et à l’heure du choix, c’est l’importance qu’on portera au zoom périscopique et à la taille d’écran. Et encore une fois, avec les performances du Super Res Zoom et son prix plus raisonnable, on conseillera d’avantage le Pixel 7 au Pixel 7 Pro.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/22/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Presse Citron

Le Pixel 7 est-il le meilleur smartphone du marché en 2023 ? Non. D’autres modèles le surclassent sur certains critères, comme l’autonomie ou les performances brutes. Pourtant, on ne peut s’empêcher d’aimer, que dis-je, d’adorer ce Pixel 7. D’abord pour ses qualités intrinsèques : il est élégant, bien conçu, dispose d’un magnifique écran, d’une interface léchée, d’une autonomie confortable et surtout de talents de photographe incomparables à ce niveau de prix. Car oui, c’est bien son positionnement tarifaire qui fait de ce Pixel 7 un incontournable. À 649 euros, il coûte quasiment 500 euros de moins que son principal concurrent, l’iPhone 14. Pourtant, il l’égale, voire le supplante sur bien des points. Plus que l’appareil lui-même, c’est la proposition de Google qui nous séduit. Alors que tous les géants de l’industrie technologique augmentent significativement leurs prix sous couvert d’inflation et de pénuries, Google ne bouge pas d’un iota. De quoi rendre le prix du Pixel 7 encore plus attractif ? À n’en pas douter. À l’heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, il n’existe aucune proposition plus intéressante que le Pixel 7 sur le marché. Alors, à moins d’être allergique à Android ou fan d’Apple (ou les deux), il n’y a aucune raison de ne pas se laisser séduire par ce petit bijou de technologie. Notre coup de coeur !
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/18/2023
Notes: Note globale: 89% prix: 95% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Source: Frandroid

Dans l'ensemble, la Pixel Experience est une excellente interface, sans doute l'une des meilleures en 2022 sur Android. En plus d'être un mètre étalon sur la fluidité, elle a deux grands avantages sur ses concurrents : l'unicité offerte par les services Google et l'apport régulier de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Ces deux points attireront surtout un public passionné de nouvelles technologies et plutôt à l'aise avec Google. Quelques points viennent un tout petit peu chagriner l'expérience. Il y a malheureusement encore des bugs bloquants à signaler. Certes, rien qui ne puisse être réglé avec un bon vieux redémarrage, mais ça coince encore un peu. Notons tout de même qu'Android 13 sur les Pixel 7 est bien mieux fini qu'Android 12 ne l'était sur les Pixel 6. Quelques efforts d'ergonomie manquent encore pour aider les utilisateurs à trouver immédiatement tout ce qu'ils cherchent. Bref, ces petites anicroches empêchent encore d'en faire la référence absolue sur Android, mais l'interface de Google reste néanmoins excellente et comblera la plupart des utilisateurs.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: 01Net

Que dire du Pixel 7, si ce n’est qu’il s’agit sans doute d’un des meilleurs smartphones de l’année ? Format parfait, écran au top, autonomie très bonne, et la « sauce secrète » de Google en plus, autrement dit une partition logicielle excellente et une copie très réussie en photo… ce smartphone a presque tout pour plaire. Presque, car on regrette quand même l’absence de grosses nouveautés logicielle dans cette fournée 2022. Ainsi qu’une charge un peu lente, si on la compare aux nombreux concurrents chinois de Google. Ce ne sont finalement que de menus défauts, qui ne gâchent en rien le plaisir à l’utilisation. Une vraie réussite !
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/17/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 90% mobilité: 90%
Source: Geeks and Com

En conclusion, le Pixel 7 de Google est un appareil performant et très agréable à utiliser. Avoir la dernière version d’Android sans surcouche permet aussi d’avoir une expérience plus fluide. Les appareils photo utilisent les nombreuses fonctions d’intelligence artificielle afin de proposer des résultats assez surprenants. Néanmoins, l’appareil n’est pas une révolution et peut-être qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de passer à ce modèle si vous avez déjà le précédant. Les améliorations sont subtiles, mais offrent une transition en douceur vers les prochaines technologies développées par l’entreprise américaine.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/24/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 75%
Source: Presse Citron

Le Pixel 7 est-il le meilleur smartphone du marché ? Non. D’autres modèles le surclassent sur certains critères, comme l’autonomie ou les performances brutes. Pourtant, on ne peut s’empêcher d’aimer, que dis-je, adorer ce Pixel 7. À l’heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, il n’existe aucune proposition plus intéressante que le Pixel 7 sur le marché. Alors, à moins d’être allergique à Android ou fan d’Apple (ou les deux), il n’y a aucune raison de ne pas se laisser séduire par ce petit bijou de technologie. Notre coup de coeur !
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 89% prix: 95% performances: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Source: Charles Tech

Le Pixel 7 est le smartphone 100% Google. Le smartphone est construit par Google, vendu par Google et son OS est codé par Google. Ce contrôle total sur le produit se ressent. L'expérience d'utilisation est impeccable, le smartphone est rapide malgré des performances loin d'être extrêmes et la qualité photo est tout bonnement excellente.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/07/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% prix: 90% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 80%
Source: Clubic

Finalement, le plus difficile n’est pas de savoir s’il est le meilleur à son prix, il l’est. Le vrai challenge est de savoir qui choisir entre lui et un Pixel 6 Pro désormais disponible, presque au même prix, soit 799 euros. La réponse est dans le format. Si vous ne jurez que par des smartphones plutôt compacts, le Pixel 7 reste un meilleur investissement. Il sera plus puissant, plus endurant, plus joli et un peu meilleur en photo. Si vous adorez vous divertir sur une large dalle et si pour vous le téléobjectif est une obligation, alors tournez-vous vers le 6 Pro. Dans tous les cas, il n’y aura pas de mauvais choix.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/25/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 80% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 80%
Source: Phonandroid

Même si l’on reste sur notre faim en termes de performances ou de nouveautés, ce Pixel de moyenne de gamme demeure une référence dans le monde mobile. Un smartphone puissant, doué pour la photo et la vidéo (notamment dans l’obscurité), moins pour le jeu vidéo. Sans gros défaut, ce Pixel 7 est le parfait rapport qualité/prix pour un usage avancé, sans débourser plus de 650 euros. Ses capacités en intelligence artificielle sont bluffantes. Certainement un smartphone qui mérite sa place sur le podium des meilleurs smartphones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Presse Citron

Le Pixel 7 est-il le meilleur smartphone du marché ? Non. D’autres modèles le surclassent sur certains critères, comme l’autonomie ou les performances brutes. Pourtant, on ne peut s’empêcher d’aimer, que dis-je, adorer ce Pixel 7. D’abord pour ses qualités intrinsèques. Il est élégant, bien conçu, dispose d’un magnifique écran, d’une interface léchée, d’une autonomie confortable et surtout de talents de photographe incomparables à ce niveau de prix. Car oui, c’est bien son positionnement tarifaire qui fait de ce Pixel 7 un incontournable. À 649 euros, il coûte quasiment 500 euros de moins que son principal concurrent, l’iPhone 14. Pourtant, il l’égale voire le supplante sur bien des aspects. Plus que l’appareil lui-même, c’est la proposition de Google qui nous séduit. Alors que tous les géants de l’industrie technologique augmentent significativement leurs prix sous couvert d’inflation et de pénuries, Google ne bouge pas d’un iota. De quoi rendre le prix du Pixel 7 encore plus attractif ? À n’en pas douter. À l’heure où nous écrivons ces lignes, il n’existe aucune proposition plus intéressante que le Pixel 7 sur le marché. Alors, à moins d’être allergique à Android ou fan d’Apple (ou les deux), il n’y a aucune raison de ne pas se laisser séduire par ce petit bijou de technologie. Notre coup de coeur !
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 89% prix: 95% performances: 90% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Source: Journal du Geek

Dans l’absolu, les nouveaux Google Pixel 7 ne sont qu’une évolution des Pixel 6 mais force est de constater que Google a bien appris de ses erreurs et des retours utilisateurs. Du coup, on peut le dire, les Google Pixel 7 n’ont jamais été aussi complets qu’en cette fin d’année 2022. En plus de cela, Google se permet de ne pas augmenter les prix, ce qui positionnent les Pixel 7 comme d’excellents rapports qualité-prix. Grosse mention sur l’offre de précommande du Pixel 7 avec les Pixel Buds Pro qui en fait un excellent duo à un prix tout doux, surtout quand on compare à l’équivalent chez Apple ou Samsung. Encore une fois, Google nous montre ce que doit être l’expérience Android sur un smartphone et c’est pour cela que beaucoup recherche l’expérience d’Android Stock. Dans tous les cas, Google nous livre des Pixel 7 complets avec sans doute ce qui se fait de mieux en photo à l’heure actuelle. Les Pixel 7 font partie de ces rares smartphones où on peut prendre des photos les yeux fermés et être sûr du résultat. Comme l’année dernière, les Pixel 7 et Pixel 7 Pro sont relativement similaires dans la réalité et la seule vraie différence, et à l’heure du choix, c’est l’importance qu’on portera au zoom périscopique et à la taille d’écran. Et encore une fois, avec les performances du Super Res Zoom et son prix plus raisonnable, on conseillera d’avantage le Pixel 7 au Pixel 7 Pro.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: CNet France

Le Pixel 7 est un choix solide pour ceux qui veulent un téléphone Android avec un écran de taille modérée et un bon appareil photo à un prix raisonnable. Il n'est pas si différent du Pixel 6, mais c'est un bon signe car cela montre que Google s'en est tenu à la même formule gagnante qu'il a établie l'année dernière, ce qui a donné lieu à un autre téléphone phare Android bien équilibré qui continue de sous-coter Apple et Samsung en termes de prix.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Les Numeriques

Comme son prédécesseur, le Google Pixel 7 est un excellent smartphone. Il profite d’un bel écran, d’un SoC puissant et d’un très bon duo de capteur en photo. De plus, son positionnement tarifaire le rend plus abordable que l’immense majorité de ses concurrents haut de gamme, sans pour autant faire de réelles concessions. On peut certes lui reprocher sa chauffe en jeu, sa recharge toujours lente ou sa trop grande similitude avec le Pixel 6, mais ces défauts pèsent peu au regard de l’expérience générale, encore plus intuitive sous Android 13.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
Source: Nextpit France

Google veut vraiment être l'Apple d'Android, quitte à émuler au Pixel près même les pires aspects de la stratégie de la marque à la Pomme. Et comme avec l'iPhone 14, le Pixel 7 ne propose pas grand-chose de plus que son prédécesseur. Pour autant, Google n'est pas Apple, et le Pixel 7 n'est pas un iPhone. Contrairement à Apple, Google n'a pas outrageusement augmenté ses prix en 2022. 649 euros pour le Pixel 7, c'est un tarif très compétitif et un rapport qualité/prix très honnête. On a une expérience photo de haut vol avec un double module 50 MP très polyvalent. L'expérience logicielle, si Google évite les déboires du Pixel 6 l'an dernier, est excellente. Android 13 est un OS très complet, les quelques fonctionnalités exclusives aux Pixel sont super sympas à utiliser.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Frandroid

À l'arrivée, le Pixel 7 est un téléphone qui peut être recommandé aisément à tout type de profil. Il coche toutes les cases (excepté la charge) tout en brillant sur quelques points. Jetez dans la marmite son « sweet spot » tarifaire, juste à l'entrée du haut de gamme, et vous avez un smartphone qui a l'air de dire à ses futurs acheteurs : « À quoi bon payer plus ? Je fais tout ce que vous attendez d'un téléphone : je sais à la fois téléphoner, assurer une belle expérience de visionnage, offrir une autonomie pour tenir au moins la journée, prendre de bonnes photos... »
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 70% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 90%
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC

Le Pixel 7 n’a certainement pas ce qu’il faut pour convaincre les possesseurs d’un Pixel 6 de renouveler leur mobile. Et ce n’est pas plus mal pour la planète ! Ils ne sont pas la cible. Ici, Google cherche à attirer les personnes à la recherche d’un téléphone durable (cinq ans de mises à jour), résistant (Gorilla Glass Victus, IP68) et très capable dans tous les domaines. C’est un fait, le Pixel 7 n’apporte pas grand-chose à la formule initiée l’an dernier par le fabricant. N’en déplaise, difficile de reprocher grand-chose au smartphone, si ce n’est ce stockage plafonné à 256 Go et l’absence de téléobjectif qui manquera aux photographes en herbe.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/12/2022
Source: Nextpit France

Mes premières impressions sur le Google Pixel 7 sont assez positives. Je trouve le prix de 649 euros très correct et Google est l'un des seuls fabricants à ne pas avoir augmenté ses prix cette année. J'ai hâte de pouvoir tester les nouvelles fonctionnalités de l'application photo et je sais que l'expérience photo promet d'être bonne. L'objectif principal de 50 MP a un capteur assez grand pour capter plein de détails, il faudra juste voir ce que donne le zoom numérique. Je trouve dommage que Google ne propose pas un écran 120 Hz sur le Pixel 7 et que la recharge filaire de 20 W soit aussi faible. Mais l'essentiel de l'expérience utilisateur se concentre de toute façon sur la partie logicielle avec Android 13 dans sa forme la plus pure et surtout la plus complète. Les quelques fonctions exclusives aux Pixel ont l'air intéressante, notamment la transcription des messages vocaux. Dans tous les cas, je vous donnerai mon avis complet et définitif une fois que j'aurai testé le Pixel 7 de long en large. Je vous donne rendez-vous mardi prochain.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/06/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Critiques dans des langues étrangères
Source: Amateur Photographer

It may well do. But in practice, images from the two phones look pretty similar, as the computational photography on offer is amongst the best in both the Pixel 7 and the Pixel 7a, with some really useful photographic features; including motion blur, astrophotography, and for portraits real tone. There is of course the issue of some images looking like they’ve had the HDR settings turned up to the max, and there is no way to avoid this without shooting raw. If you can get used to this, then you’ll be very pleased with the images this smartphone produces. Both mostly have the same modes on offer, though the Pixel 7 has Action Pan and the 7a doesn’t. The Pixel 7 also offers a few more advantages of its own over the cheaper phone. It can charge wirelessly, which is one of those things that doesn’t sound like much, but once you get used to having it you wonder how you ever did without it. It can also offer much more storage, with a 256GB version as well as the standard 128GB.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 09/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Dave 2D

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 08/02/2023
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 08/02/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Digital Spy

It should come as no surprise that the Pixel 7 gets a thumbs up from us – it's an excellent smartphone and, even if we pretend that the Pixel 7a doesn't exist, it's still terrific value at its starting price of £599 (it's currently down to £445). We live in a world where you can buy the Pixel 7a, so we'd still go with that if you want most of what's great about a Pixel at a lower price (we're in a cost-of-living crisis, after all). If you must have the latest and best from Google, you can't go wrong with the polished Google Pixel 7. Compared to the Pixel 6, the design is more refined, it's got the latest clever features, new photography skills and an improved high-res selfie camera. And while it shares a lot with the 7a, it's the better pick for battery life, faster charging and a bigger display.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 08/01/2023
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 07/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Amateur Photographer

The Google Pixel 7 a lovely mid-price phone with enough features and performance to keep most users happy, especially at its current price which is $599/£599 for the 128GB version. The lack of a telephoto and a macro camera are negatives and if you want those features and a bigger display then go for the Pixel 7 Pro. The 128GB version is now $599/£724 from $899/£849, and the 256GB is $699/£824 from $999/£949. However, if you don’t want to stretch that far, then you will still get an excellent camera system from the Pixel 7, and this includes an improved selfie-camera, quicker night mode, as well as general phone improvements, including a quicker fingerprint sensor, support for face-unlock, and a slightly smaller design and body. Like the Pixel 7 Pro, the lack of a Pro or Manual mode on the Pixel 7 could be a deal breaker for some, as for some people this can be genuinely useful.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/20/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. Attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/19/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 07/07/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Android Police

In the initial review back when the Pixel 7 just launched, I would be the first person to say that it is the upper midrange Android phone to buy. The equation changes with the Pixel 7a, though, which was introduced during Google I/O in May 2023. The Pixel 7a has all the features that the Pixel 7 has, including the same processor, the same amount of storage and RAM, a display that is only a tad smaller, and an ever-so-slightly downgraded camera setup. However, I much prefer its excellent plastic back that doesn't shatter as easily, and battery life has treated me very well on 7a, too. The Pixel 7 is only a little more expensive than the Pixel 7a at $600 vs. $500, but even if they were available at the same price, I would pick the Pixel 7a for its more durable build and its now slightly longer update window.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/23/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Tech Spurt

Comparing Google's Pixel 7a vs the Pixel 7 and Pro, to see which smartphone boasts the best camera tech, gaming experience etc for you. I've tested all three as my full-time phone, including the affordable Pixel 7a and that pricey 7 Pro. So here's my verdict on how they stack up and check out my unboxing and review of all three! The Google Pixel 7a costs just £449 in the UK and offers very similar specs to the Pixel 7. Performance is handled by the Tensor G2, with 8GB RAM, while the 90Hz OLED screen is another FHD panel with HDR10 support. However, the Pixel 7a sports a different camera sensor (IMX787) vs the 7 and 7 Pro, which use an Octa PD Quad Bayer setup instead. All the same, photo quality is similar until the lighting is more ambient, while Google's phones all deliver 4K 60FPS video recording. Gamers will enjoy a smooth (ish) frame rate on Genshin Impact, along with the Game Dashboard feature. It's stock Android 13 on all three smartphones, with years of OS and security updates lined up. Battery life is thankfully good on all three too. The Pixel 7a struggled for the first week, but since then it's been more dependable, with over six hours of screen on time per charge. The 7 and 7 Pro recharge faster however, with 30W tech.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 05/15/2023
Source: CNet

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 05/12/2023
Source: Trusted Reviews

The Pixel 7 is a very strong phone overall, with the camera being its most notable strength. While there are many other excellent handsets available to buy, often at extortionate prices, I wholeheartedly believe that this one is really worth the $599/£599 asking price, which is good value for photographic performance of this calibre, and its premium-looking and robust design also belies that rather more modest price tag. That’s not to say that the device is without its faults, of course. The good-looking camera bar can sometimes be a little impractical, the charging speed lags behind many of its Android rivals, and it doesn’t have a telephoto camera or a 120Hz display refresh rate. That said, these all amount to fairly minor quibbles, that really shouldn’t be dealbreakers for the majority of buyers. If you’re looking for a mid-range Android phone, and a good camera is your priority, it’s going to be very hard to look past the Pixel 7.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/10/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Android Central

Overall, the Pixel 7 is a fun phone to use, and Google is definitely giving the Assistant more to do to solidify its place in our lives. Whether you want to take advantage of that is up to you, but Google is making AI harder to ignore with each new generation of phones. Even when it comes to the camera, Google's AI pretty much steals the show, but in the best way possible. If a good smartphone camera is what you're looking for, there are plenty of options out there, but the Pixel 7 might be the best among them. One thing is clear: the Pixel 7 is a refined Pixel 6, and Google seems to be coming into its own when it comes to hardware. The new Tensor G2 isn't a big leap forward, and the phone's design is barely changed, but it's the little tweaks here and there that give this phone an edge over its predecessors and, hopefully, when up against the 2023 set of flagship phones. If you were put off by the Pixel 6 or did not want to jump on the first-generation bandwagon, this phone (and that price tag) should get you back on the Pixel train.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/26/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: 9to5google

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/21/2023
Source: Tech Spurt

Google's Pixel 7a launch isn't far off, but should you wait for this mid-range phone or just buy the Pixel 7 now? This week we run through the big Pixel 7a rumours, including camera tech, battery and other specs, before Google I/O 2023 kicks off. That May 10 event is likely to be our first sighting of the budget handset, although the Pixel 7a could also be launched in the proceeding weeks ahead of the projected June release date. The main difference is that design, with a plastic finish replacing the glass and metal of the original phone. But once you squint at the internals, there's little between this Google pair. The Pixel 7a should sport a slightly smaller OLED screen, now with 90Hz refresh. You'll likely have a stereo speaker setup, plus the same Tensor G2 chipset - so gaming shouldn't be a problem. Likewise, the Pixel 7a will go toe to toe with its flagship sibling for camera tech, offering another 50MP Quad Bayer sensor and ultra-wide alternative.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/14/2023
Source: Laptop Mag

The Google Pixel 7 continues to be one of the best compact android phones — sporting a refined design, stellar cameras, and the vastly improved Tensor G2 chipset, with great value for money to boot. The compromises Google made are in the right areas for most users, but they are still sacrifices to the battery and performance nonetheless.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/07/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Amateur Photographer

The Google Pixel 7 a lovely mid-price phone with enough features and performance to keep most users happy, especially at its current price which is $349/£474 for the 128GB version and £574 for the 256GB. The lack of a telephoto and a macro camera are negatives and if you want those features and a bigger display then go for the Pixel 7 Pro. The 128GB version is now $599/£724 from $899/£849, and the 256GB is $699/£824 from $999/£949. However, if you don’t want to stretch that far, then you will still get an excellent camera system from the Pixel 7, and this includes an improved selfie-camera, quicker night mode, as well as general phone improvements, including a quicker fingerprint sensor, support for face-unlock, and a slightly smaller design and body. Like the Pixel 7 Pro, the lack of a Pro or Manual mode on the Pixel 7 could be a deal breaker for some, as for some people this can be genuinely useful. But if you don’t want to spend flagship money on a smartphone and simply want an excellent camera system, then the Pixel 7 offers an excellent combination of features, for a great price. At $349/£474 you get a great main camera, a very good ultra-wide, and a decent selfie camera. Whilst we’d love to see a macro mode, we think the computational photography features help make up for this. The computational photography on offer is amongst the best, with some really useful photographic features, including motion blur, astrophotography, and for portraits real tone. There is of course the issue of some images looking like they’ve had the HDR settings turned up to the max, and there is no way to avoid this without shooting raw, but if you can get used to this, then you’ll be very pleased with the images this smartphone produces.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/04/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/30/2023
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Trusted Reviews

The Pixel 7 is a very strong phone overall, with the camera being its most notable strength. While there are many other excellent handsets available to buy, often at extortionate prices, I wholeheartedly believe that this one is really worth the $599/£599 asking price, which is good value for photographic performance of this calibre, and its premium-looking and robust design also belies that rather more modest price tag. That’s not to say that the device is without its faults, of course. The good-looking camera bar can sometimes be a little impractical, the charging speed lags behind many of its Android rivals, and it doesn’t have a telephoto camera or a 120Hz display refresh rate. That said, these all amount to fairly minor quibbles, that really shouldn’t be dealbreakers for the majority of buyers. If you’re looking for a mid-range Android phone, and a good camera is your priority, it’s going to be very hard to look past the Pixel 7.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/17/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%

The Google Pixel 7 is priced at Rs 59,999 in India with a one year warranty, which makes it a good Rs 25,000 cheaper than the Pixel 7 Pro. It can often be spotted for Rs 5,000 to 10,000 lower in online sales. What one needs to let go of for that price difference is a higher resolution curved display, a dedicated telephoto camera (the one on the 7 Pro is quite awesome) and auto-focus on the ultra-wide camera, thus forfeiting its macro capabilities. For 25K less, I can live without them given that we still get the same primary camera, the same processing hardware and the exact software experience here. Add to that, fast and periodic software updates for the foreseeable future, making the Pixel 7 an excellent all-round phone under 60K. Yes, you may need to spend more on a relevant fast charger if you don’t have one already, and even then the charging times are anything but fast for this age. Despite that, the Pixel 7 is a strong option in this budget. As for alternatives, there are quite a few in this budget, but when it comes to pure Android experience and main camera performance, there are none. I would still like to recommend a couple of options that offer some extras in other departments. Firstly, the Realme GT 2 Pro with powerful processing hardware, an excellent display, good cameras and fast charging. And secondly, the newly launched powerhouse, the OnePlus 11 5G is arguably the most powerful phone out there at the moment with versatile cameras, an even better display and faster charging. Choose one depending on the features that appeal to you more.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 02/28/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tom's Guide

When the Pixel 7 launched at $599, costing hundreds less than the comparable iPhones and Samsung Galaxy offerings, it made a strong case as to why it should be your daily driver. But since then new iPhone 14 has launched, and with new Galaxy S23 phones on the way the question is… is the Google Pixel 7 still a good purchase in 2023?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/09/2023

Between the value-driven Google Pixel 7 and the premiere flagship Pixel 7 Pro, which phone should you buy? We've got the answers. , while no longer the latest smartphones on the market, are still the best representation of Google's Android vision. The two come with all the latest Android fix-ins, like built-in VPN service and effortless cross-platform Spotify and YouTube playing, and are primed with some of the best camera systems that we've tested at ZDNET. Most importantly, they've proven to be really great smartphones. So, if you're not sold on Apple or Samsung's latest $1,200 smartphones, I don't blame you, and you've also come to the right place. While I'm not here to convince you to buy one phone over the other, I've listed below the key buying reasons for both models so you can make the ideal purchase decision. Are you ready? Let's go.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 02/03/2023
Source: DxOMark

In our tests, the Google Pixel 7 delivered a very good front camera performance, offering identical results to the flagship Pixel 7 Pro in terms of color and exposure, and getting very close in many other test areas. There were some noteworthy differences between the two devices as well, though. The focus, which was a point of criticism in our Pixel 7 Pro test, was at close range slightly worse on our Pixel 7 test unit. As a result, textures were not quite as well rendered on the 7 as they were on the 7 Pro, for both Photo and Video. Our testers also saw noticeable differences in the bokeh mode. Unlike the Pro model, the Pixel 7 did not apply a blur gradient to the front of the scene (between camera and subject), which resulted in a lower bokeh score. In video mode, some artifacts, for example ghosting, were a little more visible on the Pixel 7. These minor differences aside, the Google Pixel 7 still delivered a very reliable front camera performance and is among the best options for passionate selfie shooters.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/27/2023
Source: Irish Mirror

Google’s Pixel 7 is something of a triumph, offering an unrivalled Android user experience at a mid-range price that significantly undercuts flagships from competitors. The firm’s software, camera and smart AI systems blend beautifully on this handset which has been reduced to €574 on the Google Store which is something of a bargain for what you are getting. It is essentially a smaller version of one of the best phones of 2022, Google’s Pixel 7 Pro. A stylish, well-performing phone with plenty of smart features and great software and cameras.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/07/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Android Authority

By comparison, the Pixel 7 Pro has seen a few more noteworthy upgrades than its little sibling, including a 5x periscope camera and a wider ultrawide camera that finally has autofocus. It also continues to boast a brighter 120Hz QHD display, marginally faster charging, and a notably bigger battery. Google has seemingly paid less attention to improving the regular Pixel 7 formula. Even so, these are all worthwhile compromises to save a considerable $300 over Google’s premium flagship. Although those really into their photography will no doubt be (rightly) tempted by the Pro model, there’s a lot of phone to love with the Pixel 7, and it comes at a price that’s virtually impossible to regret. That makes the Pixel 7 incredibly easy to recommend, whether you’re looking for a phone to take you through a busy work day, handle gaming sessions on your commute, or snap great-looking pictures of your loved ones. Google’s affordable flagship can do it all.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% prix: 100% performances: 80% écran: 80% mobilité: 80% finition: 90%
Source: OI Spice Tech News

The Pixel 7 is definitely a downgrade in the in-hand feel, build quality, and design, battery life, when compared to the Pro variant. But at the same time, the phone offers decent performance and a beautiful camera quality experience, which makes this phone more attractive. However, there are no significant updates from the Pixel 6 phones. If you have a Pixel 6-series phone, we won’t suggest you upgrade to this phone. But if you have an older Google phone, then it is worth replacing, while it could be a whole new experience if you are switching from other Android brand smartphones. In case you are looking for an alternative option, you can check out the OnePlus 10 Pro as it provides well-rounded features.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/11/2022
Source: Digital Trends

I am very happy to recommend my Pixel 7 to anyone wanting a reasonably priced smartphone with a great camera, excellent software, and for the most part, long battery life. Notice I said “my” Pixel 7? It’s because I’m not absolutely sure everyone will have the same experience with the Pixel that arrives on their doorstep. Joe’s experience with the Pixel 7 Pro is very different from mine with the Pixel 7, and other reviews online also highlight issues I have not faced at all. I don’t lack confidence in MY Pixel 7, but I do lack confidence in the Pixel 7 as a whole — it’s rare to see and hear differing opinions and experiences about a new device, and that sounds alarm bells. The same inconsistency happened with the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, making it doubly frustrating. I want to tell you to buy this phone with confidence, but I can only do so with that slight caveat for now. The Pixel 7 has a few problems, most notably the troubling gaming performance and slow charging, but neither of these blight the phone horribly. It’s a great smartphone, and although not a huge upgrade over the Pixel 6, the price makes it highly desirable, considering the camera’s ability and the quality software installed. It’s just that I’m not absolutely convinced the Pixel 7 you will get will be identical to mine. Is it worth the risk? Sure, just make a note of Google’s 15-day return guidelines in case it’s a lemon.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/01/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: Tom's Guide

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/30/2022
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/30/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Gadgetbyte Nepal

Wrapping up this review, despite some obvious downsides, the Google Pixel 7 is an outstanding semi-flagship phone! And if you are someone who wants to upgrade from a mid-range device to the Pixel 7, it is going to be a great upgrade. Trust me! One crucial thing that I forgot to mention is that if you are living in India, the Pixel 7 is slightly overpriced right now at Rs. 60,000. During the first sale, I got around Rs. 6,000 off using bank offers, although that offer is no longer available. But I am pretty sure that there are going to be similar offers in the coming days, so watch out for that! Google has done it again. The Pixel 7 offers a fantastic smartphone experience with an especially impressive camera setup; while still managing to undercut most of the competition in terms of price.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/27/2022
Notes: Note globale: 92% prix: 100% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 85% finition: 95%
Source: Gadgets Now

Google Pixel 7 comes with a price tag of Rs 59,999. The smartphone will first impress you with its look and then with its performance. It has everything that you would want from a flagship smartphone. The Tensor chipset delivers a smooth performance and the camera on the Pixel 7 does a wonderful job. We just had a little bit issue with the battery but other than that the Pixel 7 is one of the best Android phones you can get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/20/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: Expert Reviews

At a time when the price of most goods is rising, the Pixel 7 comes as a welcome change. Its generational differences may be minor on the whole but the decision to charge the same as last year – and undercut practically all competitors – is the smartest move Google could have possibly made in 2022. It’s not only the low price that proves attractive, however – there’s plenty else to like. The Pixel 7’s photographic smarts make it one of the best choices around for on-the-go Instagrammers and the huge battery life boost is a welcome improvement as well. If you want a flagship but don’t want to pay flagship prices, this is the phone to get.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/17/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: DxOMark

Despite a slightly smaller battery capacity and similar behavior, the Google Pixel 7 achieved a higher global score than the Pixel 6, thanks to improved efficiency. However, its overall autonomy is below average when compared with other devices in the High-end ($400-599) segment. When testing each individual usage separately, the device still showed high consumption whether at home or on the go, but it put in a decent performance when gaming. Even though the device can use a 30W charger (not included), the Pixel 7’s wired charging was poor, as was its wireless charging. Moreover, a five-minute charge provided less than 3 hours of additional autonomy, which is low compared to other phones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/16/2022
Source: DxOMark

With a DXOMARK Audio score of 123, the Google Pixel 7 delivered an average performance for the High-end segment. In playback, our testers found it to be best for gaming, with use case results for listening to music and watching movies coming in slightly lower. Despite some minor imperfections, audio artifacts were overall controlled very well. Sound sources were perceived at the right distance and the depth of the sound scene was rendered nicely. However, timbre was overall poor, lacking warmth, and dynamics rendition tended to be unreliable. While maximum loudness was average, our testers found volume steps to be inconsistent. Recording results were better than for playback, especially when using the main and front cameras. Pixel 7 recordings offered good tonal balance and dynamics. Three built-in microphones helped capture a wide sound scene, with accurate and realistic distance and depth rendition, and the audio zoom feature did a good job at reducing background noise. Recordings with the memo app left some room for improvement, though. They are mono only and the signal-to-noise ratio was poor.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/16/2022
Source: Tom's Guide

From Photo Unblur to Face Unlock, the new Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro have a lot of capabilities, but some need to be enabled or found first. We especially like Locked Folders for photos. Here are seven Pixel 7 features you should try right away.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/12/2022
Source: Think Digit

Pixel fans will rejoice knowing that the Pixel 7 offers everything that makes a Pixel phone desirable – fantastic camera performance and optimised and clean software. Add to that a bright OLED display, decent battery life, and a compact build, and you have what could be a winning Android smartphone formula. However, this phone doesn't hold a candle to the raw performance offered by the iPhones and Samsung flagships of this world.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/07/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 80% performances: 79% finition: 83%
Source: Talk Android

As a budget flagship, I think the Pixel 7 is an excellent choice for most people and especially for anyone looking for a high-end camera without the high-end price tag. There’s still some things that could be done better, like the battery life and the phone living up to the Tensor G2’s hype, but nothing here is bad. The phone works extremely well, it’s fast, cameras are excellent, and Google’s software is always pleasant to use. It’s almost exactly what you’d think of when you try and imagine Android’s take on an iPhone, for better or worse. I’d still like to see Google’s commitment to software updates on the Pixel line stretch further than three years, but aside from that gripe it’s a great option and alternative for someone that’s looking to move away from an iPhone, or they’re just wanting to shake things up and not buy another Samsung when it’s upgrade time.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 11/06/2022
Source: NDTV Gadgets

Google's Pixel 7 is a solid premium smartphone with good camera performance, battery life and a decent display. It's not going to win many points on style and design, mainly because it appears very similar to the mid-range Pixel 6a (Review), even though it's built using more premium materials. A solid competitor to the Pixel 7 is the Samsung Galaxy S22 5G (Review). It is compact, offers similar battery life, a faster 120Hz refresh rate, and the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC. It also looks more premium with its razor-thin display bezels and is available from Rs. 62,999. The Google Pixel 7 Pro gets just about everything right save for battery life and charging speeds, which falls short of expectations. Samsung's Galaxy S22 Ultra (Review) may cost a lot more with prices starting from Rs. 1,08,990, but it adds equally good value by offering better battery life, faster 45W charging, a built-in S-Pen stylus, unique design, and better telephoto capabilities. As for direct competitors to the Pixel 7 Pro, we have the Samsung Galaxy S22+ 5G (Review) at Rs. 84,999 onwards and the Vivo X80 Pro (Review) at Rs. 79,999. These two phones definitely offer good value and equally impressive camera performance as the Pixel 7 Pro. What gives the Pixel an edge though is its software experience and the promise of timely software updates, which will always arrive on the Pixel 7 series before any other smartphone.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/04/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% prix: 90% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%

The Pixel 7, thanks to its compact size, matte aluminium side rails and lower asking price, is the better value of these two devices, but the 7 Pro is definitely more eye-catching. If you can spare the extra Rs 25,000 and absolutely need the larger screen size and that extra camera, go for the Pixel 7 Pro. But if you want a bang-for-buck, quintessential Pixel experience in a delightful little package, buy the Pixel 7. Either way, at least from our experience, you can’t go wrong.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/31/2022
Source: The Guardian

The Pixel 7 is a cracking top-end Android phone at a great price. It offers most of what makes the Pixel 7 Pro one of the best smartphones of the year, with a few corners cut to be under £600 at a time when technology is getting more expensive, not less. You get a good-looking, well-performing device with plenty of smart features and good software with at least five years of support. You’ll struggle to find as good a camera for the price. The 6.3in screen is a good size, if not the most advanced, and the battery life is solid if a bit short of the best. With rivals costing north of £750, the Pixel 7’s biggest problem is that Google’s other more affordable phone, the Pixel 6a, offers 70% of the performance of the new phone for about £400.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/31/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Stuff TV

The majority of Android fans will be very happy with a Pixel 7 in their pocket. It takes fantastic photos, delivers punchy performance and lasts all day away from the mains. That it’s a fair bit cheaper than Samsung and Apple’s mainstream models is a big win, as is the fact Google hasn’t bumped the price over last year’s model. The small yet effective styling updates make a big difference too. It doesn’t exist in isolation, of course. The bigger Pixel 7 Pro is a more accomplished snapper thanks to a dedicated telephoto lens, and the 90Hz refresh rate is out of step with the rest of the phone world. If your budget will stretch that far, and you don’t mind the a screen with curved edges, we reckon it’s worth the extra outlay.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/31/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: The Times of India

The Google Pixel 7 is a top flagship smartphone candidate and competes with iPhone 13 (and by the same virtue, iPhone 14), Samsung Galaxy S22 and other flagship grade smartphones in the price range. And while it will always be debatable whether it is the better smartphone, we believe what can be said with certainty is that what it offers is definitely unique. In terms of camera prowess, there is no better alternative you can find in this price range or even beyond it. Its sheer range and diversity while taking images is what makes it my favorite camera smartphone of the year. In terms of pure performance, it is definitely not the most powerful and both the iPhone 14 and Samsung S22 will take the lead. It should be noted that while the CPU is every bit as capable, it's the GPU that lags behind for Pixel 7. The only complaints for me are around the charging speed, video recording which is still above average but leaves a lot to be desired and the bezels on its chin, I really don't have a lot I dislike on the smartphone. With a competitive price of Rs. 59,999, it becomes really difficult to ask for a lot more. If you are a regular smartphone user who likes to take photos (or wants to like to take photos) then this smartphone will make you fall in love with itself. And not just during the camera experience but even doing regular tasks would feel like a breath of fresh air. If your wallet can handle the price, we would definitely recommend that you go for it.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Trusted Reviews

The Pixel 7 is a very strong phone overall, with the camera being its most notable strength. While there are many other excellent handsets available to buy, often at extortionate prices, I wholeheartedly believe that this one is really worth the $599/£599 asking price, which is good value for photographic performance of this calibre, and its premium-looking and robust design also belies that rather more modest price tag. That’s not to say that the device is without its faults, of course. The good-looking camera bar can sometimes be a little impractical, the charging speed lags behind many of its Android rivals, and it doesn’t have a telephoto camera or a 120Hz display refresh rate. That said, these all amount to fairly minor quibbles, that really shouldn’t be dealbreakers for the majority of buyers. If you’re looking for a mid-range Android phone, and a good camera is your priority, it’s going to be very hard to look past the Pixel 7.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/28/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: GSM Arena

The Pixel 7 is definitely one of the best options in the €600-700 range. It has a flagship-worthy performance, although a bit lower than you'd expect; it's one of the best phones for mobile photography, if not the best-in-class, and it has bright OLED, great-sounding stereo speakers, long battery life (with the size category in mind) and exceptional software ensuring timely updates and smart features. Sadly, there are a few caveats to consider here. There's no true telephoto camera; the display is limited to 90Hz; some of the most advanced software features are region-dependant, and the charging solution is just way too outdated for a 2022 flagship release. All things considered, the Pixel 7, along with the Pixel 7 Pro, are the best smartphones from Google, and that means something in this context. We've seen Google messing up smartphone releases more than once. Luckily, the Pixel 7 isn't one of those times. So, do we recommend it? Yes, for sure! At that price, the Pixel 7 offers a unique combination of ultra-premium camera experience, long battery life and AI-based features that make it the smartest kid on the block.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/27/2022
Notes: Note globale: 86%
Source: Phandroid

At a price of 599 bucks (the same price as last year’s Pixel 6), I do think that the Pixel 7 is a great Android phone especially given the relatively low cost, which makes it considerably more affordable than competing flagships like the Samsung Galaxy S22, the iPhone 14, and even the OnePlus 10 Pro. If you are a Pixel fan, then this is the perfect upgrade for you, even more so if you want a slightly more affordable Pixel flagship that comes with the Google-centric features that you’ve come to love through the years. On the other hand, if your Pixel 6 is still running perfectly and if budget is a concern, then you might want to hold onto that for now and wait for a price drop. With that said though, the Pixel 7 is a solid smartphone, and definitely one worth looking into.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/27/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: 91mobiles

The Pixel 7 retails for Rs 59,999 in India and for the price, will undoubtedly be construed as expensive, by many. Having said that, while there is an argument to be made against the smartphone’s performance chops, there is no denying that the handset is still plenty and can run most apps and games at competent settings. Furthermore, the smartphone offers what is quite possibly, the best camera array in its segment too. Add to that the unit’s robust build quality and other quality-of-life features including but not limited to a refined software experience and support for wireless charging and the Pixel 7 is a winner in my books.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/26/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 70% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 80%
Source: Android Central

The Pixel 7 may not offer any huge upgrades or even a drastically new design, but what Google gives us is a refinement of what it started last year that delivers a bit more bang for our buck. For the same price as last year's Pixel 6, there's plenty to like.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/26/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: 9to5google

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/22/2022
Source: Gadgetguy

The Google Pixel 7 is a worthy addition to the lineup, especially considering it’s kept a sub-$1000 price tag despite everything that’s going on in the world. It’s a compelling offering for the Android faithful, offering a range of improvements on the Pixel 6, although probably not enough to convince you to ditch last year’s model. Especially when you consider that most of the improvements are software based, meaning they may well eventually come to earlier Pixel handsets. If you are in the market for a new Pixel, also keep in mind that the Pixel 7 Pro isn’t actually that much more expensive. If you care about things like the Pixel 7 Pro’s improved screen, extra RAM, telephone lens or 5G mmWave, then you might consider it extra money well spent.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 88% prix: 90% performances: 855% finition: 90%
Source: The Verge

The 7 and 7 Pro are good, sometimes great phones, but at the same time, I think they fall short of the “simply powerful, super helpful” device Google is marketing. It hasn’t quite reached this vision of a device that effortlessly navigates customer service calls for you, blends voice assistant features seamlessly with the rest of your UI, and takes photo bombers out of the background of your shots. These things sort of work sometimes but not well enough to really wow anyone. But more importantly, the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro do the essentials better than the 6 and 6 Pro did. They unlock more quickly, the camera improvements keep them on par with the competition, and they look and feel like the genuine flagship article. The extra features that don’t quite land are just that — extras. They might one day evolve into something that makes the Pixel a smarter smartphone than the competition, but for now, the 7 and 7 Pro are just plain competitive. For anyone looking for an alternative to the two biggest players in the US, “competitive” is just what we need.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: Phone Arena

The Pixel 7 is, by all means, an excellent and compact Android phone. What it lacks in terms of performance, it makes up in terms of "smarts" and user experience. It's a great compact Android phone, a breath of fresh air from your average smartphone that's pushing 6.7-inches in size. The Pixel 7 is a no-frills device. It's the phone you'd recommend to someone who's not awed by the latest cutting-edge tech and doesn't really know what a synthetic benchmark is , but would rather have a compact device that looks and feels good, and also offers very good user experience. Despite a few slight interface issues with the camera and somewhat uninspiring battery life during gaming, the Pixel 7 is a great compact phone that is really enjoyable to use. While the Pixel 7 Pro is definitely a much better phone, with a sharper, larger, and even smoother display, an extra 5X telephoto camera and better battery life, the Pixel 7 is more affordable and basically offers 90% of the same Pixel experience. With the amount of revisions it exacts on the Pixel 6, the Pixel 7 is a great follow-up to what was already one of the very good phones of 2021. It addresses some key aspects of the Pixel experience and feels like a solid choice that one should definitely shortlist when considering a compact and capable phone in late 2022 and beyond. And with a starting price of $599 for the entry-level version, it's an excellent deal.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: Slashgear

You can hop off the fence now: the Google Pixel 7 is well worth the $599 you'll pay Google to own it. If you're already looking at the Pixel 7 as your next daily driver, your considerations for alternatives should all have Pixel in their name. The officially-discontinued Google Pixel 6 is a perfectly viable alternative, assuming that you're able to find one to match your carrier and at decent discount from the original $599 list price. If you're looking for the least expensive yet highly reliable Android experience on the market today, you'll do well to look at the Google Pixel 6a. The display doesn't get as bright as the Pixel 7, and you'll have less of an ability to capture massive photos, but you'll have all the basics you need in the most compact Pixel still sold as-new today. If you're trying to decide between the Pixel 7 and the Pixel 7 Pro, meanwhile, you're going to have a tougher time. If the added screen size and slightly more powerful set of cameras is worth ramping up to the Pro's $899 starting price, it'll probably be worth what you pay. You might also find yourself debating whether you want a flat display panel or a curved-edge panel — a matter of personal taste that can really make or break a smartphone experience. You might even end up having to decide between the two unique color combinations of the cases in the Pixel 7's Lemon Grass (the version we're reviewing here) and the Pixel 7 Pro's Hazel (the version you'll see in our Pixel 7 Pro review). Otherwise you'll be going for Snow (white) or Obsidian (black), with a variety of color-matched protective cases available from Google, too. One thing's not up for question, though: 2022's Pixel line-up is every bit the combination of polished hardware and software talents that we were hoping for.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/21/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: The Indian Express

I’ll admit the return of the Pixel 7 series is tempting. These devices are supposed to showcase the best of Google’s Android and come with many promises. The Pixel 7 delivers on several key areas. It is one of the best cameras you can get in this price segment. The performance is good enough, though it might not be as powerful as some other flagships in a similar segment. What annoys me is the charging speed and the few software issues which need to be ironed out. Google also needs to get a bit more vocal and clear about after-sales support, which has been a concern in the past. I would say get the Pixel 7 if you have been waiting for an alternative flagship. Away from the usual Apple or OnePlus or Samsung options.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/20/2022
Source: Business Standard

The Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are among the best Android smartphones to experience Google’s software prowess. These smartphones seem ordinary on paper, but Google’s experience-oriented software-related enhancements put them a notch above other premium smartphones. Therefore, do not judge the Pixel 7 series on the specifications sheet alone.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/20/2022
Source: Android Authority

The Pixel 7 is a home run for Mountain View. With long-term software support, an expansive app and feature ecosystem, and solid performance, the Pixel 7 covers all the bases and then some for a price that’s $200 less than the competition. Furthermore, the camera package is excellent, on balance, and remains one of the leading reasons to dive into Google’s handset. But if that’s not enough, the prospect of future feature drops hints that the phone will only become better over time, just like the Pixel 6. The only real criticism we can level is that the handset isn’t a meaningful improvement over the previous generation. Google has, thankfully, kept its price stagnant to reflect this. Although the addition of Tensor G2, stronger rear glass, a retooled fingerprint scanner, and a new selfie snapper are nice to have (not to mention the improved data reception), they’re not a reason to upgrade. The slow charging times and so-so speakers also take some polish off the handset, highlighting that Google had to retain some compromises to keep the price down.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/20/2022
Source: Digital Spy

It should come as no surprise that the Pixel 7 gets a thumbs up from us – it's an excellent smartphone and, even if we pretend that the Pixel 6 doesn't exist, it's still terrific value at its starting price of £599. We live in a world where the Pixel 6 is still kicking around, though, so we'd still go with that one if you want most of what's great about a Pixel at a lower price (we're in a cost-of-living crisis, after all). If you must have the latest from Google, you can't go wrong with the polished Google Pixel 7. The design is more refined, it's got the latest clever features, new photography skills and an improved high-res selfie camera.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Source: Android Central

The Pixel 7 may not offer any huge upgrades or even a drastically new design, but what Google gives us is a refinement of what it started last year that delivers a bit more bang for our buck. For the same price as last year's Pixel 6, there's plenty to like.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: XDA Developers

If you have been remotely interested in owning a Pixel phone, now is the time to jump on board. The Pixel 7 is the most polished Android phone, and arguably the smartest smartphone. Its $599 starting price is also a bargain relative to what other brands are charging in the smartphone space, particularly in the U.S. If you manage to get a deal on top of that, that is just icing on an excellent cake. However, if you already own the Pixel 6, then I don't think you need to upgrade (unless you can get a good trade-in deal). The Pixel 7 mostly improves on nighttime photography and the fingerprint scanner. Otherwise, most of what makes the Pixel 7 great is still applicable to the Pixel 6. It took seven generations, but the Pixel has finally matured to become a very viable Android alternative to the iPhone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Source: Cashify

The Pixel 7 is a banger for those who like Google phones. Like its predecessor, it offers an amazing experience along with Pixel-exclusive features. The new design looks great, and I don’t need to say much about its cameras. The new Tensor G2 chip works flawlessly in everyday life, and the bright AMOLED display goes in hand-in-hand with it. The battery life could have been better, but the fast charging support makes up for it. All in all, the eye-catching design with the stellar camera performance makes the Google Pixel 7 a great premium Android phone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/18/2022
Source: Tech Guru Daily

Google has done it again with the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro and produced a value product that offers excellent performance and includes one of the best cameras you’ll find on a smartphone.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/17/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: Hot Hardware

If you've got a Pixel 6 or 6 Pro that you like, you don't need to upgrade to the new models because they're not vastly better. Google has said most of the AI enhancements from these phones will make their way to last year's models, and they've still got years of software support ahead of them. For those who are due for an upgrade, however, the new Pixel 7 and 7 Pro are excellent choices. They have superb software, class-leading cameras, and flagship-level build quality. Battery life between the two is more middling, but the positives vastly outweigh the negatives here. If you're choosing between the phones, the Pixel 7 for $600 is a really outstanding value. The Pixel 7 Pro is great if you want a larger phone and/or a telephoto camera, but its $300 premium over the standard Pixel 7 may or may not be palatable for everyone.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/17/2022
Source: Hardware Zone

That said, Google’s lack of improvements to the Pixel 7’s battery life and raw performance might leave them struggling to compete with true premium flagship alternatives. Its predecessors were excused since it was Google’s first rodeo with its proprietary Google Tensor chipset. But, it’s been a year now, and seeing no improvements in Tensor G2’s performance or battery uptime makes the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro less appealing to current Pixel 6 series users. We had no choice, but to penalise the Pixels on their performance rating for the lapse. If it wasn’t possible to create huge leaps in processing performance, then perhaps Google should at least consider packing its 30W charger in the box (or offering it as a local bonus) to shore up its value proposition against other competitive Android devices. After all, it’s easier to hook users over with obvious benefits before you lock them in with Pixel’s amazing user experience, interface, and cameras. Google also hasn’t made upgrading easier for loyal Pixel 6 fans, since there are no trade-up promotions, no change in official pricing, and no freebies or loyalty bonuses for #teampixel. While its variant availability did improve from last year's 128GB-only spread, Google also did not bring in more colour options for the 256GB SKU, and completely left out 512GB option for the local market. If anything, the older Pixel 6 and 6 Pro received an official price cut (S$50 for Pixel 6, S$300 off for Pixel 6 Pro) on the Google Store at the time of writing. Perhaps the irony isn’t lost on Google with how Pixel 7 and 7 Pro seems attractive to nearly everyone else but existing Pixel 6 series users. Perhaps it matters more to Google that you’re #teampixel, enjoying all its software features on a high-quality, pure Android phone.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/16/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Pocket Lint

The overriding feeling of using the Pixel 7 is that not much has really changed since the previous model. Yes, there are enhancements to some of the features and a slimming down of the body, and that does make a difference, but the essence of Pixel remains the same. It's essentially like using a slightly better, more grown up version of the Pixel 6.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/16/2022
Source: Tom's Guide

The Pixel 7 builds on the Pixel 6's success with the usual stellar cameras and a more advanced Tensor chipset. It's not going to dethrone the iPhone 14 or Galaxy S22, but the Pixel 7 certainly puts up a good fight.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/15/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Ausdroid

The only issue of note I’ve run across so far is that when the phone is doing anything processor intensive, it gets pretty hot. Things like using the camera for a solid block of time or performing Bluetooth or wireless intensive activities like streaming music or using the GPS. It’s not a ‘Call Mythbusters and see if we can fry an egg on this thing’ hot, but you could probably use it to soothe a sore muscle or two.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/14/2022
Source: Android Headlines

The Google Pixel 7 is the new default Android smartphone that everyone should consider. It’s just $599 (or $699 if you’re on Verizon, due to mmWave 5G). Which is super cheap for a flagship smartphone. Considering Apple’s cheapest iPhone 14 model is $799, and Samsung’s cheapest S22 model is also $799. Making it super competitive. Google has checked just about every box with the Pixel 7 here. The only major drawback is really the charging speed. And if you’re only charging at night, then it’s not really a big deal.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: Digital Trends

I am very happy to recommend my Pixel 7 to anyone wanting a reasonably priced smartphone with a great camera, excellent software, and for the most part, long battery life. Notice I said “my” Pixel 7? It’s because I’m not absolutely sure everyone will have the same experience with the Pixel that arrives on their doorstep. Joe’s experience with the Pixel 7 Pro is very different from mine with the Pixel 7, and other reviews online also highlight issues I have not faced at all. I don’t lack confidence in MY Pixel 7, but I do lack confidence in the Pixel 7 as a whole — it’s rare to see and hear differing opinions and experiences about a new device, and that sounds alarm bells. The same inconsistency happened with the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, making it doubly frustrating. I want to tell you to buy this phone with confidence, but I can only do so with that slight caveat for now. The Pixel 7 has a few problems, most notably the troubling gaming performance and slow charging, but neither of these blight the phone horribly. It’s a great smartphone, and although not a huge upgrade over the Pixel 6, the price makes it highly desirable, considering the camera’s ability and the quality software installed. It’s just that I’m not absolutely convinced the Pixel 7 you will get will be identical to mine. Is it worth the risk? Sure, just make a note of Google’s 15-day return guidelines in case it’s a lemon.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 70%
Source: DxOMark

Though it is not quite on par with the Google Pixel 7 Pro, the Pixel 7’s performance is nonetheless head and shoulders above that of many other devices — and in fact, as of this writing, it is in first place among all devices in the High-end category, and is in the Top 10 among all tested phones in the DXOMARK database. The Google Pixel 7 matches the Pixel 7 Pro in its handling of HDR10 video content, with both devices achieving very good adapted brightness and contrast, thus providing a pleasant viewing experience. While both Google phones handle frame drops well, the Pixel 7 comes out ahead of its larger sibling in the motion attribute, as no stutters are visible on the smaller device when gaming. For all other attributes, however, the Pixel 7 lags behind the Pro version, particularly in terms of color on angle and touch. That said, the Pixel 7 performs very well considering its segment, even outperforming the iPhone 14, even if the Apple product is in the Premium segment.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: Techradar

You feel the absence of features that are exclusive to the Pixel 7 Pro, but what the standard Pixel 7 does offer – from its distinct design to its creative and capable camera and intelligent user experience – make it a great value-for-money flagship buy.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 80% performances: 80% écran: 70% mobilité: 70% finition: 80%
Source: Mashable

The latest additions to Google’s Pixel line don’t bring much in the way of surprise. After six years of producing its own in-house phones, Google knows what it’s doing. And since last year brought a total redesign and a new custom chip, it’s only natural that this year’s Pixel offering is more iterative than revolutionary. True as that is, I still feel that the Pixel 7 Pro is an incredible phone that is well worth an upgrade if you’ve been sitting on an older Pixel or Android phone for a few years. It’s all about the cameras; the telephoto lens produces stunning 30x photos and macro focus brings out the best in tiny objects like flowers and raindrops. It’s merely a nice bonus that you get a bit more RAM and storage with the 7 Pro. That’s not to say anything negative about the Pixel 7, which is a fine phone in its own right with well-above-average cameras and high octane performance. I just don’t feel that it’s different enough from Pixel 6 or even Pixel 6a to warrant the upgrade. At US$599, the Pixel 7 certainly has a more agreeable price than the US$899 Pixel 7 Pro, but if you want a cheaper but still kinda new Pixel, just get the US$450 Pixel 6a instead.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: India Today

But overall, even at their respective MRPs the Pixel 7 and the Pixel 7 Pro are excellent choices. Even the areas -- display and design -- where previous Pixels would seem ordinary, the new Pixel 7 and the 7 Pro excel. So, if a high-end Pixel has been on your mind, or if you just want to get the best Android phone, go ahead, and get the Pixel 7 or the Pixel 7 Pro. Although, that 128GB storage -- it's the only variant available in India -- can be a bit of a downer for some.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: T3

The Google Pixel 7 doesn't cost an eye-watering amount of money but manages to deliver in plenty of ways. Just like the phones that came before it, the focus is on the software and camera system, but this time things have been taken up a notch with a fresh design and the new Tensor G2 chipset.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/13/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: 9to5google

The Pixel 6 was good but flawed, Google seems to have fixed the issue and the result is an even better-value Pixel!
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: Engadget

While the specs and hardware haven’t changed a ton since last year’s device, the new Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro offer even better software, a Tensor G2 chip and the same great pricing. Battery life is also solid, especially on the smaller Pixel 7. And thanks to a slightly smaller 6.3-inch, the Pixel 7 is also a better choice for compact phone fans than before. As for the Pixel 7 Pro, not only does it have a slightly longer 5x optical zoom, it can also use its ultra-wide angle lens to take macro photos. On top of that, its curvy edges are also 20 percent flatter than before, so it's nice to hold and there’s less visual distortion around the edge of the screen. All told, between improved software and a price that starts at just $599 for the Pixel 7 or $899 for the Pixel 7 Pro, Google’s latest flagships are some of the best premium phones for the money.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: CNet

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: Marques Brownlee

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: Mrwhosetheboss

I spend a LOT of time trying to make my videos as concise, polished and useful as possible for you - if you would like to support me on that mission then consider subscribing to the channel - you'd make my day
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: Tom's Guide

The Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are two of the most impressive Pixel phones yet thanks to a powerful Tensor G2 chipset and excellent camera performance.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/13/2022
Source: CNet

The Pixel 7 is a continuation of the Pixel 6, offering a good combination of useful features, solid camera technology and the right pricing. It comes after Google tried a few different strategies to make its Pixel phones stand out over the past several years. The Pixel 4, for example, had a motion-sensing radar system to enable faster unlocking and touchless gestures. But it never caught on. Google then simplified the Pixel 5 by removing this radar system and focusing more squarely on the camera. The Pixel 6, however, seems to have set the direction that Google intends to stick with for the foreseeable future by adding features that take advantage of its Tensor chip. That said, there are some improvements I'd like to see in the Pixel 8, particularly around battery life. Samsung also beats Google when it comes to Android software generation support, display brightness and the sheer magnification level of its camera zoom. However, the Pixel 7's zoom is impressively clear at its maximum level, and features like Photo Unblur help the Pixel's camera continue to stand out. Overall, the Pixel 7 packs a lot of value, especially for $599, making it a strong choice for Android fans upgrading from a phone that's more than two or three years old.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 88%
Source: Trusted Reviews

Even in a short time of using it, the Pixel 7 certainly has managed to charm us quite a bit. The design looks good and, importantly, quite different from its peers at a time when smartphones increasingly resemble each other, while our initial impressions of the camera are very positive as well. As expected, this handset also offers us the trademark stripped-down software experience so that you get Android 13 at its purest, and we haven’t encountered the bugs that bedeviled the Pixel 6 at launch. However, it does have to be noted that there really aren’t that many changes here when compared directly with the Pixel 6, and so with that in mind we’ll be paying particular attention to the device’s performance and battery life when completing the full review, as these were two potential points for improvements from last time around. What’s more, despite its flash appearance, the flat-edged camera bump hasn’t really won me over as an ergonomic improvement for the user.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/12/2022
Source: PC Mag

If there’s one thing Google gets right each year with its base model Pixel phones, it’s the price. With the $599 Pixel 7, Google has crafted an absolutely stellar smartphone with most of the features offered by the more expensive Pixel 7 Pro, but for $300 less. Stepping up to the larger Pro primarily nets you a faster, sharper screen and a powerful telephoto camera, which might not be worth the extra money for many users. Moreover, the Pixel 7 edges past the Galaxy S22 on camera and battery performance for $200 less, even if it falls a little short on cell connectivity. Between its solid performance, stellar cameras, and unique design, the Pixel 7 has virtually everything you can want in a $600 phone, earning it our Editors' Choice award.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Tech Advisor

Considering the Pixel 7 is more of the same from Google and at the same price as last year’s Pixel 6 it’s another successful flagship Android smartphone representing great value for money. The fact that things haven’t moved on from the Pixel 6 very much only really matters for owners of last year’s model – and I doubt they will be chomping at the bit to upgrade. However, in the wider market, the Pixel 7 is a solid and desirable handset. For less money than a lot of key rivals you get a very well-rounded and pleasant experience. It’s good that Google has refined the design to be less of a brick and you get a great set of specs and features including a lovely screen, excellent cameras, solid performance and good software support into the future. Of course, it’s not perfect as things like Face Unlock do not meet the standard of the iPhone and charging speeds are behind the times. Still, these are relatively small blotches on what is otherwise a very accomplished phone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: What Hi-Fi

The Pixel 7 boasts a solid and eye-catching design, smooth day-to-day operation and a bountiful feature set, making it a fine choice for those wanting to take their first step into the world of Android phones. It's the ideal choice if all you’re after is a worry-free Android smartphone, particularly if you’ve been on the iOS side for some time. It’s just a shame, then, that the picture and sound isn’t up there with the best in class, namely the iPhone 14 and Xperia 10 IV. Still, if a 'good enough' AV performance is, well, good enough, the Pixel 7 is a nice phone to live with.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: OI Spice Tech News

The Google Pixel 7 was announced in October 2022, and the expected price of this phone is $529 (Rs 42,000 in India) approx. This 5G smartphone equips a 6.3-inches AMOLED display panel with a 90Hz refresh rate. Besides this, the screen is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass victus protection and IP68 dust/water resistance. Apart from this, you will also receive a 10.8MP ultrawide selfie camera lens at the front. The back panel introduces a 50MP primary camera with OIS support and a 12MP ultrawide camera lens. As for video recording, the phone can record 4K videos at 60fps with gyro-EIS support from the back camera. Besides this, the phone is available with 8GB RAM accompanied by 128GB to 256GB internal storage. As for the performance end, the Google Pixel 7 equips a 5nm – Google Tensor G2 chipset that renders a max of 2×2.85GHz clocking speed with Mali-G710 MC10 GPU. The Google Pixel 7 runs on the latest Android 13 OS. As for the color options, the smartphone comes in Obsidian, Lemongrass, and Snow Colors. Lastly, the phone is powered by a Li-Ion 4355 mAh battery that fuels through a 30W fast charging. The Google Pixel 7 also supports 20W fast wireless and reverse charging.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/12/2022
Source: Engadget

When stacking Google’s latest handsets up against the competition, it's best to tackle each phone separately. For the Pixel 7, even without much in the way of new hardware, you're getting a phone with a great screen, even better battery life and one of the best software packages around — now with new perks like an improved Direct My Call and enhanced photo processing. But most importantly, with a starting price of just $599, it's a way better value than the basic flagships from Apple and Samsung. The one drawback is that if you need mmWave 5G, you'll have to go with one of the slightly more expensive $699 carrier models sold by Verizon, AT&T and others. Meanwhile, with a price of $899, the Pixel 7 Pro is like an even more well-equipped version of the S22+ for the same money. You get a big 6.7-inch OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, a longer 5x zoom and superior camera quality. I also think the Pixel 7 Pro flat-out looks better too. That leaves stuff like an ultra-wide cam that can also shoot macros as a nice cherry on top. Also, if you don't care about stylus support, I'd argue that the Pixel 7 Pro makes a lot more sense than the super expensive S22 Ultra. And I haven’t even touched on Google’s new and improved Real Tone processing mostly because, even though I’m biracial, both sides of my family are lacking in the melanin department, and I just haven’t had time to really put it through its paces. But regardless of which one you prefer, with the Pixel 7 line and Tensor G2, Google is really showing how a software-first approach to phone design can really shine.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: NDTV Gadgets

The Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are both good-looking devices that show off Google's in-house hardware and software capabilities and have some upgrades in the camera department too. The three-year Android upgrade promise should satisfy consumers who want to stick with one smartphone for a long time. Considering that Google is making a comeback in the Indian market after four long years with flagship devices, it'll be interesting how consumers react to these phones, especially now that there are so many options in each of the price segments that these phones will sell in. We will be testing both phones to bring you full reviews very soon, so stay tuned to Gadgets360 for more updates on these devices.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/12/2022
Source: GSM Arena

The smaller Pixel 7 feels like a notable downgrade at first, especially in terms of design and feel in hand, but acquits itself well in everyday use thanks to great performance and camera quality, both of which match its elder brother. It is also a fair bit cheaper, which makes up for some of the issues with the design. Overall, the Pixel 7 phones may not seem all that exciting, especially if you already own a Pixel 6 device, but those upgrading from an older model or switching from another brand should find plenty to like on both.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Source: Mobile Syrup

Ultimately, the Pixel 7 does a great job building on the foundation Google laid with the Pixel 6. It may be an iterative update, but as I said up top, I think this is what the Pixel line needs. I liked the Pixel 6 a lot when I reviewed it, with most of my complaints being minor issues or related to buggy initial software. The Pixel 7 delivers that experience with improvements and polish that make using the phone a smoother, more enjoyable experience. If you bought a Pixel 6 last year, there really isn’t anything the Pixel 7 does that makes it worth upgrading to. Even still, if you can get a deal on the Pixel 6, it’s arguably worth getting over the Pixel 7 given the minor improvements (plus, Google will likely bring some of the new features to the Pixel 6 via future software updates). But if you have an older Pixel phone and held off on an upgrade to the Pixel 6 over bugs and other issues, the Pixel 7 may be a better bet thanks to the added polish. Moreover, the Pixel 7 has me excited to see how Google continues to build out the Pixel line and expand the ecosystem in the future.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: Tom's Guide

Sleeker, smarter, and still cheap. We went hands-on with the new Google Pixel 7 and 7 Pro, which start at $599 and $899 respectively.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 10/08/2022
Source: Engadget

We cut down the pieces of Google's keynote relating to the just-announced Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro so that you can get fully caught up in under six minutes.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/07/2022
Source: Engadget

Both the Pixel 7 and 7 Pro felt snappy and the phones’ high refresh rate displays made switching between apps feel super smooth. That said, it’s still up to Google to avoid any bugs or issues with future software updates like we experienced on the Pixel 6.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/07/2022
Source: CNet

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/07/2022
Source: Marques Brownlee

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/07/2022
Source: Mobile Syrup

I didn’t get the chance to really test the G2 out, but the phone seems snappy and responsive. I also snapped a few pictures at Google’s event, and they looked solid, although similar to the experience with the Pixel 6. Of course, we’ll need to do more camera testing, but I’m quite happy with what I’ve seen so far. I also tried out the ultrawide front camera and can see how it would be useful when taking selfies with large groups of friends. You won’t need a selfie stick anymore. These specs aren’t the most impressive on the market, but at a $799 price tag, Google’s Pixel 7 offers a lot of high-end features. Jon will be putting the smartphone’s cameras, Face Unlock and more through their paces, so keep an eye out for our full review in the coming days. The Pixel 7 is now available for pre-order and will release on October 13th.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/06/2022
Source: Phone Arena

We are merely two days to the unveiling of the Pixel 7, but it's unlikely that many of these leaked specs and other details will change in any dramatic way. We expect the Pixel 7 to generally continue the strong legacy established by the Pixel 6 series, though we hope that the Pixel 7 doesn't get as much negative press as the Pixel 6 did with the software bugs and issues that marred its release.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/04/2022
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 07/17/2023
Notes: Note globale: 95%
Source: PC Welt

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/15/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Inside Handy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/31/2023
Notes: Note globale: 95%
Source: Computerbild

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 95%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/10/2022
Notes: Note globale: 91% performances: 98% équipement: 97% écran: 99% mobilité: 93%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/31/2022
Notes: Note globale: 88% performances: 90% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 100%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/31/2022
Source: Netzwelt

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 82% équipement: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 90%
Source: Gamestar

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/27/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/20/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Tech Stage

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Source: n-tv

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/12/2022
Source: Nextpit Germany

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/07/2022
Source: Ofertaman

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 04/04/2024
Source: Ofertaman

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 01/10/2024
Source: Ofertaman

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 09/04/2023
Source: Ofertaman

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 05/26/2023
Source: Ofertaman

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 04/27/2023
Source: Ofertaman

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 02/17/2023
Source: Profesional Review

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/11/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% prix: 90% performances: 87% mobilité: 83% finition: 92%
Source: Computerhoy

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 12/31/2022
Notes: Note globale: 91%
Source: Zona Movilidad

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 12/15/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Xataka

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 88% écran: 90% mobilité: 88% finition: 90%
Source: Hipertextual

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Source: Canaltech

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 02/28/2023
Source: Evo smart

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 03/10/2023
Source: Batista70Phone

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2023
Notes: Note globale: 90% équipement: 85% écran: 80% mobilité: 85% finition: 90% ergonomie: 90%
Source: DDay IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 11/18/2022
Notes: Note globale: 86% prix: 90% finition: 80%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/25/2022
Notes: Note globale: 86% prix: 85% équipement: 85% écran: 85% mobilité: 70% finition: 85% ergonomie: 85%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: Multiplayer IT

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Notes: Note globale: 88%
Source: Tutto Android

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/13/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 95% mobilité: 78% finition: 88%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 87% prix: 82% équipement: 85%
Source: Andrea Galeazzi

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 86% prix: 85% écran: 88% mobilité: 69% finition: 90%
Source: Quotidiano Hardware Upgrade

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 10/12/2022

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 11/25/2022
Notes: Note globale: 84%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: XGN

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/29/2022
Notes: Note globale: 85%
Source: FWD

Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/19/2022
Notes: Note globale: 75%
Source: GSM Maniak

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 11/01/2023
Source: ITC UA

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Source: MobilArena HU

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/21/2023
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 90% mobilité: 60% finition: 100%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/13/2022
Notes: Note globale: 95%
Source: Mere

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 12/27/2022
Notes: Note globale: 83%
Source: M3 PC för alla

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 10/14/2022
Notes: Note globale: 80%

Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/12/2022
Notes: Note globale: 82%
ARM Mali-G710 MP7:
L'ARM Mali-G710MC10 est une carte graphique intégrée haut de gamme pour les smartphones avec 10 des 16 cœurs possibles. Elle est basée sur la troisième génération de l'architecture Valhall d'ARM, qui offre des performances et une efficacité énergétique supérieures de 20 % à celles de la génération précédente. Dans le Dimensity 9000, le G710 est produit dans le processus moderne 4nm.
Ces cartes devraient être capables de faire tourner tout les jeux d'aujourd'hui, mais la plupart d'entre eux uniquement en détails moyens ou faibles et avec des résolution basses. Les plus vieux jeux ou les jeux moins gourmands restent jouables avec de beaux graphismes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des cartes graphiques mobiles et ainsi que dans notre liste des Benchmarks affiliés.
Tensor G2:
SoC haut de gamme avec 8 cœurs en trois clusters (2x Exynos X1 2,8 GHz/ 2x Cortex-A76 2,25 GHz/ 4x A55 1,8 GHz) et un GPU intégré ARM Mali-G710 MP7. Intègre une unité TPU rapide personnalisée par Google pour l'accélération de l'IA.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des processeurs mobiles.
6.30": Seuls quelques smartphones possèdent une telle diagonale d’écran.
Un écran de plus grandes dimensions permettent des résolutions plus élevées, les détails comme la finesse des lettres seront meilleurs. Néanmoins, un écran de plus petite taille est synonyme de consommation énergétique moindre et souvent d’un terminal plus compact, plus léger et plus abordable.
>> Pour en savoir un peu plus sur la finesse des pixels à l'écran, jetez un coup d'œil à notre liste des DPI (PPP, points par pouce).
87.63%: Voici une bonne note au dessus de la moyenne. Mais vous ne devez pas oublier qu'il y a de 10 à 15% de portables avec de meilleures notes.
>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre guide d'achat pour les ordinateurs portables.