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Asus ROG Phone 8 Gamme

Asus ROG Phone 8Processeur: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 SD 8 Gen 3
Carte graphique: Qualcomm Adreno 750
Écran: 6.78 pouces
Poids: 0.225kg
Prix: 1000, 1499 euros
Note moyenne: 85.91% - Bon
Moyenne de 113 notes (à partir de 177 critiques)
prix: 73%, performances: 96%, équipement: 94%, écran: 91%, mobilité: 87%, finition: 90%, ergonomie: 93%, degré de nuisance: 92%


Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro

Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Asus ROG Phone 8 ProOrdinateur portable: Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Processeur: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 SD 8 Gen 3
Carte graphique: Qualcomm Adreno 750
Écran: 6.78 pouces, 20:9, 2400 x 1080 pixels
Poids: 0.225kg
Prix: 1499 euros
Liens: Asus Page d'accueil
 Asus Section dédiée aux ordinateurs portables

Price comparison

Note moyenne: 85.19% - Bon

Moyenne de 94 notes (à partir de 150 critiques)



88.6% Test de l'Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : du smartphone de jeu au smartphone haut de gamme | Notebookcheck
L'Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro est en train de passer d'un produit de niche à un produit grand public. Avec le Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, 24 Go de mémoire vive et 1 To d'espace de stockage, cet appareil de 6,78 pouces gagnera certainement le cœur des joueurs. Dans notre test, il s'est également révélé être un appareil polyvalent au design discret et aux nombreuses fonctionnalités, donnant du fil à retordre à des concurrents tels que l'iPhone 15 Pro Max ( Apple ).
Prise en main de l’Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition : toujours une bête de course, mais en toute discrétion
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC Français
Plus discrète, cette nouvelle génération joue une carte moins exclusive que ses glorieux aînés. Le ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition affiche ainsi des mensurations plus classiques, même s’il reste un gros bébé. Il conserve toutefois assez d’éléments qui en font toujours un smartphone optimisé pour le jeu vidéo : les commandes tactiles supplémentaires, la double prise USB-C et, bien entendu, son fameux ventilateur actif. Son autonomie très solide ne parvient cependant pas à faire oublier un volet photo globalement décevant.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 03/18/2024
Prise en main de l’Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition : toujours une bête de course, mais en toute discrétion
Source: L' Eclaireur FNAC Français
Plus discrète, cette nouvelle génération joue une carte moins exclusive que ses glorieux aînés. Le ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition affiche ainsi des mensurations plus classiques, même s’il reste un gros bébé. Il conserve toutefois assez d’éléments qui en font toujours un smartphone optimisé pour le jeu vidéo : les commandes tactiles supplémentaires, la double prise USB-C et, bien entendu, son fameux ventilateur actif. Son autonomie très solide ne parvient cependant pas à faire oublier un volet photo globalement décevant.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 03/18/2024
83% Test ROG Phone 8 Pro : Le monstre en termes de performances
Source: Charles Tech Français
Le ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition d’Asus représente une nouveauté intrigante pour la série, avec Asus optant pour un design plus subtil pour attirer un public plus large. Personnellement, j’apprécie le style plus discret et la taille réduite, bien que la diminution des haut-parleurs soit décevante, tout comme la vulnérabilité de la coque aux rayures, surtout pour un téléphone de ce calibre. Cependant, là où cela compte le plus, ce téléphone brille avec une performance ultra-rapide, une longue autonomie de batterie et une multitude de fonctionnalités qui rendent le jeu en déplacement vraiment agréable. Bien que l’appareil photo nécessite des améliorations pour rivaliser avec les offres de Google et Samsung, l’ajout d’un nouveau téléobjectif est une avancée appréciable. Le Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro est un très bon smartphone, cependant, il chauffe rapidement.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/02/2024
Notes: Note globale: 83% performances: 100% écran: 80% mobilité: 90% ergonomie: 80%
83% Test ROG Phone 8 Pro : Le monstre en termes de performances
Source: Charles Tech Français
Le ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition d’Asus représente une nouveauté intrigante pour la série, avec Asus optant pour un design plus subtil pour attirer un public plus large. Personnellement, j’apprécie le style plus discret et la taille réduite, bien que la diminution des haut-parleurs soit décevante, tout comme la vulnérabilité de la coque aux rayures, surtout pour un téléphone de ce calibre. Cependant, là où cela compte le plus, ce téléphone brille avec une performance ultra-rapide, une longue autonomie de batterie et une multitude de fonctionnalités qui rendent le jeu en déplacement vraiment agréable. Bien que l’appareil photo nécessite des améliorations pour rivaliser avec les offres de Google et Samsung, l’ajout d’un nouveau téléobjectif est une avancée appréciable. Le Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro est un très bon smartphone, cependant, il chauffe rapidement.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/02/2024
Notes: Note globale: 83% performances: 100% écran: 80% mobilité: 90% ergonomie: 80%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Les Numeriques Français
Avec le ROG Phone 8 Pro, Asus fait le choix de la constance et propose une fois de plus un excellent smartphone gamer. L’appareil se révèle toujours plus puissant et profite d’un écran d’excellente facture. Son ambition est de contenter tous les usages, et si l’entreprise taïwanaise a revu le bloc photo en y ajoutant un téléobjectif, cela a le mérite d'accroître sa polyvalence, mais pour des résultats perfectibles. C’est avant tout dans l’optimisation pour le jeu que ce smartphone se démarque, et c’est ce qu’on lui demande. Il manque néanmoins à ce ROG Phone 8 Pro une politique de mise à jour plus généreuse pour en faire un choix idéal dans la durée.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Les Numeriques Français
Avec le ROG Phone 8 Pro, Asus fait le choix de la constance et propose une fois de plus un excellent smartphone gamer. L’appareil se révèle toujours plus puissant et profite d’un écran d’excellente facture. Son ambition est de contenter tous les usages, et si l’entreprise taïwanaise a revu le bloc photo en y ajoutant un téléobjectif, cela a le mérite d'accroître sa polyvalence, mais pour des résultats perfectibles. C’est avant tout dans l’optimisation pour le jeu que ce smartphone se démarque, et c’est ce qu’on lui demande. Il manque néanmoins à ce ROG Phone 8 Pro une politique de mise à jour plus généreuse pour en faire un choix idéal dans la durée.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 80% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
70% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : un smartphone de jeu qui n’oublie pas qu’il est aussi un téléphone
Source: CNet France Français
L’Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro est un téléphone onéreux. Seuls le Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra et l’iPhone 15 Pro Max s’approchent de ce prix élitiste. Mais si vous recherchez un monstre de puissance pour le gaming qui reste un téléphone élégant, son prix est comparable à d’autres téléphones haut de gamme avec 512 Go de stockage. C’est encore mieux si vous recherchez un téléphone puissant axé sur multimédia, grâce à son écran haute résolution, sa connectique, sa recharge rapide et sa prise casque. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas besoin d’un téléphone orienté gaming, mieux vaut patienter de voir ce que Samsung propose avec le Galaxy S24 et OnePlus avec le OnePlus 12. Les fans de ROG et ceux qui sont attirés par les smartphones de jeu trouveront de nombreux motifs de satisfaction avec le Phone 8 Pro. Son design plus léger, qui lui permet de se comporter davantage comme un téléphone standard, le rendra d’autant plus utilisable.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70%
70% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : un smartphone de jeu qui n’oublie pas qu’il est aussi un téléphone
Source: CNet France Français
L’Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro est un téléphone onéreux. Seuls le Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra et l’iPhone 15 Pro Max s’approchent de ce prix élitiste. Mais si vous recherchez un monstre de puissance pour le gaming qui reste un téléphone élégant, son prix est comparable à d’autres téléphones haut de gamme avec 512 Go de stockage. C’est encore mieux si vous recherchez un téléphone puissant axé sur multimédia, grâce à son écran haute résolution, sa connectique, sa recharge rapide et sa prise casque. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas besoin d’un téléphone orienté gaming, mieux vaut patienter de voir ce que Samsung propose avec le Galaxy S24 et OnePlus avec le OnePlus 12. Les fans de ROG et ceux qui sont attirés par les smartphones de jeu trouveront de nombreux motifs de satisfaction avec le Phone 8 Pro. Son design plus léger, qui lui permet de se comporter davantage comme un téléphone standard, le rendra d’autant plus utilisable.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70%
94% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : un virage réussi, pied au plancher
Source: 01Net Français
Non content d'être l'un des meilleurs smartphones pour jouer, Asus propose un excellent smartphone haut de gamme tout court. Grâce à son design plus sobre et son nouveau module caméra téléobjectif, le ROG Phone 8 pourrait être le modèle qui arrivera à enfin à convaincre un public plus large. On regrette que cela se fasse au détriment de l'autonomie qui est en recul par rapport au modèle précédent, sans pour autant que cela soit problématique pour l'utilisateur. Il reste maintenant à Asus à proposer une politique de mise à jour plus ambitieuse pour tenir tête aux meilleurs smartphones haut de gamme du marché.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 94% mobilité: 100%
90% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : le smartphone gaming fait (enfin) sa révolution
Source: Clubic Français
Asus se réinvente avec le ROG Phone 8 et ses modèles Pro. Une gamme de smartphones gaming surpuissants, qui adoptent un nouveau design à la fois plus fin et plus léger, et portent haut l'ambition de ne pas être que des téléphones de jeu. Grâce à de nouveaux appareils photo plus modernes, les ROG Phone 8 rattrapent l'important retard qu'avait accumulé la marque face à la concurrence. S'il est toujours tiré vers le bas par son ultra grand-angle et ses capacités vidéo limitées, les smartphones gaming d'Asus sont aujourd'hui bien plus polyvalents que par le passé. Mais c'est bien sûr côté jeux vidéo que les efforts sont les plus importants. Grâce aux atouts de la puce Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 et à toute une variété de fonctionnalités dédiées au jeu (gâchettes paramétrables, fonctions IA pratiques), il n'a jamais été aussi agréable de jouer sur smartphone. Du moins si l'on arrive à bien positionner ses mains pour ne pas être gêné par l'imposant bloc d'appareils photo !
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 70% finition: 90%
70% Test de l’Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition : le roi du gaming n’a pas volé sa couronne
Source: Frandroid Français
Finalement, l'Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition a plusieurs points communs avec le Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, et probablement beaucoup avec le Galaxy S24 Ultra qui devrait sortir très prochainement. Donc si vous n'êtes pas un gros joueur de jeux vidéo, le meilleur modèle de Samsung vous conviendra parfaitement, d'autant plus qu'il est plus polyvalent (photographie, logiciel) et au même prix, pour des performances un peu moindres. Mais si vous adorez jouer à des jeux vidéo très gourmands comme « Genshin Impact » ou à des titres qui demandent beaucoup de ressources graphiques, le dernier ROG Phone le plus haut de gamme devrait parfaitement vous convenir. Pour ses performances bien sûr : il n'y a pas mieux sur le marché. Mais aussi pour toutes les petites fonctionnalités qu'il apporte : l'accessoire ventilateur, les gâchettes tactiles ou encore toute l'ergonomie de la surcouche. Cela se fait au prix de concessions importantes : seulement deux ans de mises à jour Android, ça pourrait presque être éliminatoire sur le marché haut de gamme.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 100% écran: 70% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
80% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro, quand le gaming devient premium
Source: Journal du Geek Français
Les années se suivent et se ressemblent. Alors que les smartphones sont de plus en plus puissants, les éditeurs ne suivent pas encore et on retrouve un manque de nouveaux jeux AAA capables de profiter des nouvelles performances qu’apportent les nouveaux SoC de Qualcomm ou autres. On est en 2024 et quand on teste les jeux sur Android, on tester encore des titres comme Genshin Impact, Diablo Immortals ou encore Call of Duty Mobile. Ces jeux sont ultra optimisés depuis quelques années et on ne verra pas forcément, à l'usage, de différences entre un ROG Phone de l’année dernière et le nouveau ROG Phone 8 Pro. Mais heureusement, cette année, à défaut de voir des nouveautés dans le monde du gaming, Asus en a profité pour apporter tout un tas de nouveautés qui ne passeront pas inaperçues. On commence déjà par le nouveau design qui peut autant plaire aux gamers qu’au grand-public. Et parce que le grand-public est désormais une cible potentielle, Asus apporte aussi un nouveau bloc photo.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
94% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : un virage réussi, pied au plancher
Source: 01Net Français
Non content d'être l'un des meilleurs smartphones pour jouer, Asus propose un excellent smartphone haut de gamme tout court. Grâce à son design plus sobre et son nouveau module caméra téléobjectif, le ROG Phone 8 pourrait être le modèle qui arrivera à enfin à convaincre un public plus large. On regrette que cela se fasse au détriment de l'autonomie qui est en recul par rapport au modèle précédent, sans pour autant que cela soit problématique pour l'utilisateur. Il reste maintenant à Asus à proposer une politique de mise à jour plus ambitieuse pour tenir tête aux meilleurs smartphones haut de gamme du marché.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 94% mobilité: 100%
90% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : le smartphone gaming fait (enfin) sa révolution
Source: Clubic Français
Asus se réinvente avec le ROG Phone 8 et ses modèles Pro. Une gamme de smartphones gaming surpuissants, qui adoptent un nouveau design à la fois plus fin et plus léger, et portent haut l'ambition de ne pas être que des téléphones de jeu. Grâce à de nouveaux appareils photo plus modernes, les ROG Phone 8 rattrapent l'important retard qu'avait accumulé la marque face à la concurrence. S'il est toujours tiré vers le bas par son ultra grand-angle et ses capacités vidéo limitées, les smartphones gaming d'Asus sont aujourd'hui bien plus polyvalents que par le passé. Mais c'est bien sûr côté jeux vidéo que les efforts sont les plus importants. Grâce aux atouts de la puce Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 et à toute une variété de fonctionnalités dédiées au jeu (gâchettes paramétrables, fonctions IA pratiques), il n'a jamais été aussi agréable de jouer sur smartphone. Du moins si l'on arrive à bien positionner ses mains pour ne pas être gêné par l'imposant bloc d'appareils photo !
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 70% finition: 90%
70% Test de l’Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition : le roi du gaming n’a pas volé sa couronne
Source: Frandroid Français
Finalement, l'Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition a plusieurs points communs avec le Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, et probablement beaucoup avec le Galaxy S24 Ultra qui devrait sortir très prochainement. Donc si vous n'êtes pas un gros joueur de jeux vidéo, le meilleur modèle de Samsung vous conviendra parfaitement, d'autant plus qu'il est plus polyvalent (photographie, logiciel) et au même prix, pour des performances un peu moindres. Mais si vous adorez jouer à des jeux vidéo très gourmands comme « Genshin Impact » ou à des titres qui demandent beaucoup de ressources graphiques, le dernier ROG Phone le plus haut de gamme devrait parfaitement vous convenir. Pour ses performances bien sûr : il n'y a pas mieux sur le marché. Mais aussi pour toutes les petites fonctionnalités qu'il apporte : l'accessoire ventilateur, les gâchettes tactiles ou encore toute l'ergonomie de la surcouche. Cela se fait au prix de concessions importantes : seulement deux ans de mises à jour Android, ça pourrait presque être éliminatoire sur le marché haut de gamme.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 70% performances: 100% écran: 70% mobilité: 80% finition: 70%
80% Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro, quand le gaming devient premium
Source: Journal du Geek Français
Les années se suivent et se ressemblent. Alors que les smartphones sont de plus en plus puissants, les éditeurs ne suivent pas encore et on retrouve un manque de nouveaux jeux AAA capables de profiter des nouvelles performances qu’apportent les nouveaux SoC de Qualcomm ou autres. On est en 2024 et quand on teste les jeux sur Android, on tester encore des titres comme Genshin Impact, Diablo Immortals ou encore Call of Duty Mobile. Ces jeux sont ultra optimisés depuis quelques années et on ne verra pas forcément, à l'usage, de différences entre un ROG Phone de l’année dernière et le nouveau ROG Phone 8 Pro. Mais heureusement, cette année, à défaut de voir des nouveautés dans le monde du gaming, Asus en a profité pour apporter tout un tas de nouveautés qui ne passeront pas inaperçues. On commence déjà par le nouveau design qui peut autant plaire aux gamers qu’au grand-public. Et parce que le grand-public est désormais une cible potentielle, Asus apporte aussi un nouveau bloc photo.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : notre prise en main du smartphone qui veut aller « au-delà du gaming »
Source: 01Net Français
Ce premier contact avec le smartphone nous a agréablement surpris. Asus propose toujours un smartphone gamer, mais son nouveau design plus sobre pourrait être la porte d’entrée pour convaincre un public plus large. Nous continuons d’utiliser le smartphone quotidiennement et vous livrerons prochainement notre avis complet sur le ROG Phone 8 Pro à travers un test complet. Nous reviendrons plus en détail sur son écran, son autonomie, son interface, la qualité du bloc caméra et, évidemment, les performances. D’ici là, n’hésitez pas à nous donner votre avis sur le ROG Phone 8 en commentaires et si vous avez des questions spécifiques, nous nous efforcerons d’y répondre lors de notre test complet qui ne devrait plus tarder.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/09/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro : notre prise en main du smartphone qui veut aller « au-delà du gaming »
Source: 01Net Français
Ce premier contact avec le smartphone nous a agréablement surpris. Asus propose toujours un smartphone gamer, mais son nouveau design plus sobre pourrait être la porte d’entrée pour convaincre un public plus large. Nous continuons d’utiliser le smartphone quotidiennement et vous livrerons prochainement notre avis complet sur le ROG Phone 8 Pro à travers un test complet. Nous reviendrons plus en détail sur son écran, son autonomie, son interface, la qualité du bloc caméra et, évidemment, les performances. D’ici là, n’hésitez pas à nous donner votre avis sur le ROG Phone 8 en commentaires et si vous avez des questions spécifiques, nous nous efforcerons d’y répondre lors de notre test complet qui ne devrait plus tarder.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/09/2024

Critiques dans des langues étrangères

80% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro review: most powerful smartphone in the market?
Source: 91mobiles Anglais EN→FR
The ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro, with its revamped aesthetics and cameras, can be considered a “massy” smartphone, though it is still best suited for gamers. It may also be an ideal smartphone if you want to enjoy unparalleled performance, thanks to an overclocked Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and the latest memory standards onboard. However, the ROG Phone 8 Pro is yet to unlock native Gen AI features, and for that, the Google Pixel 8 Pro (review) or the Samsung Galaxy S24 (review) series might be better. If your budget is tight and you still want a gaming-centric device with a decent amount of focus on cameras, the iQOO 12 (review) won’t disappoint. But if numbers and design matter to you and you want to enjoy the smoothest scrolling experience, perhaps best of the best in terms of performance, the ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro stands tall over its rivals.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/06/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 85% écran: 80% mobilité: 80% finition: 80%
80% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro review: most powerful smartphone in the market?
Source: 91mobiles Anglais EN→FR
The ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro, with its revamped aesthetics and cameras, can be considered a “massy” smartphone, though it is still best suited for gamers. It may also be an ideal smartphone if you want to enjoy unparalleled performance, thanks to an overclocked Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and the latest memory standards onboard. However, the ROG Phone 8 Pro is yet to unlock native Gen AI features, and for that, the Google Pixel 8 Pro (review) or the Samsung Galaxy S24 (review) series might be better. If your budget is tight and you still want a gaming-centric device with a decent amount of focus on cameras, the iQOO 12 (review) won’t disappoint. But if numbers and design matter to you and you want to enjoy the smoothest scrolling experience, perhaps best of the best in terms of performance, the ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro stands tall over its rivals.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 06/06/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% performances: 85% écran: 80% mobilité: 80% finition: 80%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Manila Shaker Anglais EN→FR
In the world of gaming smartphones, ASUS has been a dominant force with its ROG Phone series. Now, they’re back with the latest addition to their lineup – the ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro. Is this merely a flashy gaming device, or is it a sleek powerhouse in disguise? Let’s all find out!
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 03/25/2024
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Manila Shaker Anglais EN→FR
In the world of gaming smartphones, ASUS has been a dominant force with its ROG Phone series. Now, they’re back with the latest addition to their lineup – the ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro. Is this merely a flashy gaming device, or is it a sleek powerhouse in disguise? Let’s all find out!
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 03/25/2024
95% ASUS ROG Phone 8 and 8 Pro Gaming Smartphones Review: Hot and Fast!
Source: Root Nation Anglais EN→FR
Before, I had never tested the ROG Phone, and I’ll admit, not being a gamer, I was skeptical about the model. What could a gaming phone offer compared to the full-fledged flagships I’m used to? It turns out that the ROG Phone in its eighth generation can offer a lot. If earlier ROG Phones were purely gaming devices with a specific design, then the ROG Phone 8 Pro is more of a solid premium smartphone that, among other things, is excellent for gaming. ASUS ROG Phone 8 ProThe hero of the review stands out with a relatively compact body, exquisite materials, and IP68 protection. The LTPO AMOLED display with a refresh rate of up to 165 Hz and a peak brightness of 2500 nits is simply captivating. While the cameras may not quite reach the level of flagship photography, they capture excellent images and stand out with strong optical stabilization.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/20/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% prix: 80% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
95% ASUS ROG Phone 8 and 8 Pro Gaming Smartphones Review: Hot and Fast!
Source: Root Nation Anglais EN→FR
Before, I had never tested the ROG Phone, and I’ll admit, not being a gamer, I was skeptical about the model. What could a gaming phone offer compared to the full-fledged flagships I’m used to? It turns out that the ROG Phone in its eighth generation can offer a lot. If earlier ROG Phones were purely gaming devices with a specific design, then the ROG Phone 8 Pro is more of a solid premium smartphone that, among other things, is excellent for gaming. ASUS ROG Phone 8 ProThe hero of the review stands out with a relatively compact body, exquisite materials, and IP68 protection. The LTPO AMOLED display with a refresh rate of up to 165 Hz and a peak brightness of 2500 nits is simply captivating. While the cameras may not quite reach the level of flagship photography, they capture excellent images and stand out with strong optical stabilization.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/20/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% prix: 80% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Manila Shaker Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 03/18/2024
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Manila Shaker Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 03/18/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition doubles up as gaming powerhouse and everyday flagship smartphone
Source: Irish Mirror Anglais EN→FR
This is the most powerful phone on the planet for gamers, as you might expect, but it’s also got a dazzling pin sharp display, superfast charging, a versatile camera system and a slick and slim streamlined design that makes it more suitable for use as an everyday smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 03/17/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition doubles up as gaming powerhouse and everyday flagship smartphone
Source: Irish Mirror Anglais EN→FR
This is the most powerful phone on the planet for gamers, as you might expect, but it’s also got a dazzling pin sharp display, superfast charging, a versatile camera system and a slick and slim streamlined design that makes it more suitable for use as an everyday smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 03/17/2024
85% ROG Phone 8 Pro – review of a gaming smartphone from ASUS
Source: Mezha EN Anglais EN→FR
Quite significant changes in the ROG Phone 8 Pro indicate that the manufacturer, perhaps not in the first place, but tried not to go the old way and move the device from the exclusive niche of gaming devices to the broader category of flagships. This is evidenced by the new design, which got rid of many of the features of its predecessors, improved water protection, and a new telephoto camera. This also led to some simplifications, such as a change in the position of the speakers and front camera, as well as a reduction in battery capacity due to the smaller body than before. Has ROG Phone become worse or less interesting than before? However, it hasn't escaped its own caste either. It's still an expensive smartphone, with all the special features that will primarily interest gamers, and definitely not be useful to ordinary users. Nevertheless, ROG Phone 8 Pro definitely stands out among the modern variety, so it will find its buyer. And such a person should be satisfied with their choice.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/13/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85%
85% ROG Phone 8 Pro – review of a gaming smartphone from ASUS
Source: Mezha EN Anglais EN→FR
Quite significant changes in the ROG Phone 8 Pro indicate that the manufacturer, perhaps not in the first place, but tried not to go the old way and move the device from the exclusive niche of gaming devices to the broader category of flagships. This is evidenced by the new design, which got rid of many of the features of its predecessors, improved water protection, and a new telephoto camera. This also led to some simplifications, such as a change in the position of the speakers and front camera, as well as a reduction in battery capacity due to the smaller body than before. Has ROG Phone become worse or less interesting than before? However, it hasn't escaped its own caste either. It's still an expensive smartphone, with all the special features that will primarily interest gamers, and definitely not be useful to ordinary users. Nevertheless, ROG Phone 8 Pro definitely stands out among the modern variety, so it will find its buyer. And such a person should be satisfied with their choice.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/13/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85%
80% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review: One Piece Still Missing
Source: Slashgear Anglais EN→FR
The ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro is available from ASUS's website for $1,199 with 16GB of RAM and 512 GB of storage. As reviewed (with 24GB/1TB RAM/ROM) ASUS is asking $1,499. If you want to save some money, the ASUS ROG Phone 8 has the same specifications, except for 16 GB of RAM, 256 GB of storage, an RGB ROG logo on the back (instead of the AmiMe LED screen) — and that will keep you under the comma at $999. That's probably the smartest way to spend your money. The LED screen is nice and fun to show off at parties. It's also genuinely useful when you have your phone face down on a table and a message comes in. But if you're on a budget, you should have no problem picking up the ROG phone 8. This phone is a gamer's phone, no doubt. ASUS wants you to imagine it standing toe-to-toe with the best from Samsung or even OnePlus, and in most areas it certainly does.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/11/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review: One Piece Still Missing
Source: Slashgear Anglais EN→FR
The ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro is available from ASUS's website for $1,199 with 16GB of RAM and 512 GB of storage. As reviewed (with 24GB/1TB RAM/ROM) ASUS is asking $1,499. If you want to save some money, the ASUS ROG Phone 8 has the same specifications, except for 16 GB of RAM, 256 GB of storage, an RGB ROG logo on the back (instead of the AmiMe LED screen) — and that will keep you under the comma at $999. That's probably the smartest way to spend your money. The LED screen is nice and fun to show off at parties. It's also genuinely useful when you have your phone face down on a table and a message comes in. But if you're on a budget, you should have no problem picking up the ROG phone 8. This phone is a gamer's phone, no doubt. ASUS wants you to imagine it standing toe-to-toe with the best from Samsung or even OnePlus, and in most areas it certainly does.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/11/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro will have two variants — the 16GB RAM and 512GB storage combo is priced at Php 60,995 while the 24GB RAM and 1TB combo is priced at Php 75,995. Both will also come with a free AeroActive Cooler X worth Php4,995.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/07/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais EN→FR
Now, before we wrap this review up, let’s address the elephant in the room – the price. The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro with 16GB RAM and 512GB of internal is priced at Php 60,995 while the 24GB RAM and 1TB combo is priced at Php 75,995. Only the 24GB RAM and 1TB variant will come with a free AeroActive Cooler X (worth Php4,995). The cost is definitely not for everybody but it promises an unparalleled mobile gaming experience in a not too obvious “made for gaming” package. While its competition may offer arguably better value for the cost. It’s crucial to note the differences – the lack of IP68 water and dust resistance, Qi wireless charging, and the versatile camera setup. The ROG Phone 8 Pro positions itself not just as a purely gaming smartphone but as a flagship phone with gaming DNA. So what did you guys think of the Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro, let’s be honest if you had unlimited funds, which gaming phone would you get?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/07/2024
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro will have two variants — the 16GB RAM and 512GB storage combo is priced at Php 60,995 while the 24GB RAM and 1TB combo is priced at Php 75,995. Both will also come with a free AeroActive Cooler X worth Php4,995.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/07/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Yugatech Anglais EN→FR
Now, before we wrap this review up, let’s address the elephant in the room – the price. The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro with 16GB RAM and 512GB of internal is priced at Php 60,995 while the 24GB RAM and 1TB combo is priced at Php 75,995. Only the 24GB RAM and 1TB variant will come with a free AeroActive Cooler X (worth Php4,995). The cost is definitely not for everybody but it promises an unparalleled mobile gaming experience in a not too obvious “made for gaming” package. While its competition may offer arguably better value for the cost. It’s crucial to note the differences – the lack of IP68 water and dust resistance, Qi wireless charging, and the versatile camera setup. The ROG Phone 8 Pro positions itself not just as a purely gaming smartphone but as a flagship phone with gaming DNA. So what did you guys think of the Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro, let’s be honest if you had unlimited funds, which gaming phone would you get?
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/07/2024
ROG Phone 8 Pro Malaysia review: What’s a gaming smartphone anyway?
Source: Soycincau Anglais EN→FR
And yeah, as you can see, the ROG Phone 8 lineup is a little pricey now. Starting at just shy of four grand for the base model and rising to just under six grand for the Pro Edition with the bundled cooler, it’s quite a bit more than last year’s ROG Phone 7 series that was priced at RM3,599 onwards. Granted, inflation is a thing and it’s not like the Ringgit is getting stronger anyways. Asus isn’t the only one with rising prices too, as the new Samsung Galaxy S24 series for instance now starts at a whopping RM4,099 with no option available for under four grand. Even OnePlus, the once beloved flagship killing brand, has priced the OnePlus 12 at RM4,599, significantly more than the RM3,299 that the OnePlus 11 went for. Going back to the ROG Phone 8 Pro series though, I still have to admit, this is a good smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/04/2024
ROG Phone 8 Pro Malaysia review: What’s a gaming smartphone anyway?
Source: Soycincau Anglais EN→FR
And yeah, as you can see, the ROG Phone 8 lineup is a little pricey now. Starting at just shy of four grand for the base model and rising to just under six grand for the Pro Edition with the bundled cooler, it’s quite a bit more than last year’s ROG Phone 7 series that was priced at RM3,599 onwards. Granted, inflation is a thing and it’s not like the Ringgit is getting stronger anyways. Asus isn’t the only one with rising prices too, as the new Samsung Galaxy S24 series for instance now starts at a whopping RM4,099 with no option available for under four grand. Even OnePlus, the once beloved flagship killing brand, has priced the OnePlus 12 at RM4,599, significantly more than the RM3,299 that the OnePlus 11 went for. Going back to the ROG Phone 8 Pro series though, I still have to admit, this is a good smartphone.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/04/2024
Review – ROG Phone 8 & ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition
Source: NLT Anglais EN→FR
Finally – the question of whether should you buy the ROG Phone 8 series of gaming smartphones. I think if you want the latest and greatest performance, then this is definitely the best choice. But the design choice is very polarizing this time. Some people like this new design, some people absolutely despise it. ROG also put a lot of focus on the cameras for this generation, that’s why we have a thick camera bump here. A lot of people hate that ROG is putting better cameras on these phones – but some people are forgoing any specialty of the ROG Phone in favor of the iPhone 15 Pro Max because of the cameras. You see the difficult balancing act that ROG has to do? Speculation – I think ROG is putting more focus on the camera this time around and try to appeal to more people, so they have to do this. This is actually the exact same steps that Black Shark took when they transitioned from the Black Shark 3 to the Black Shark 4.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/30/2024
Review – ROG Phone 8 & ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition
Source: NLT Anglais EN→FR
Finally – the question of whether should you buy the ROG Phone 8 series of gaming smartphones. I think if you want the latest and greatest performance, then this is definitely the best choice. But the design choice is very polarizing this time. Some people like this new design, some people absolutely despise it. ROG also put a lot of focus on the cameras for this generation, that’s why we have a thick camera bump here. A lot of people hate that ROG is putting better cameras on these phones – but some people are forgoing any specialty of the ROG Phone in favor of the iPhone 15 Pro Max because of the cameras. You see the difficult balancing act that ROG has to do? Speculation – I think ROG is putting more focus on the camera this time around and try to appeal to more people, so they have to do this. This is actually the exact same steps that Black Shark took when they transitioned from the Black Shark 3 to the Black Shark 4.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/30/2024
69% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: the gamer goes mainstream!
Source: Phone Arena Anglais EN→FR
The ROG Phone 8 Pro definitely has a bit of give and take to it. It's very fast, we like how it looks, its speakers are great (though not as good as before), its display is beautiful. The camera is OK by today's standards — it doesn't wow us, and occasionally disappoints, but we don't mind using it as a daily carry. Hardcore fans have already reacted to the reduced bezels, therefore the change in how the phone handles for actual gaming. Others are ecstatic over the inclusion of water-resistance this time around. We would have no trouble recommending it, as it has a lot going for it. But, since its asking price is north of $1,000, we do feel the need to point out that it comes with the promise of 2 years of software updates and 4 years of security patches, in an industry where 4 years of updates is becoming the minimum.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/29/2024
Notes: Note globale: 69%
100% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition Review: The best phone for gaming
Source: Android Headlines Anglais EN→FR
Now for the question that you’re likely asking yourself if you’ve read this monster of a review. Should buy the ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition? Or Any of the ROG Phone 8 Series models? I think that depends on what you want out of a smartphone. As with every other ROG Phone in the past, one of the main factors of betting into these devices is if you want something that’s geared more towards mobile gaming, then you should definitely get this device. And because of the improvements ASUS has made to it this year, it’s easier to recommend to more mainstream consumers. The style has been toned down and things like the camera have been improved to where they could absolutely work for someone who isn’t a hardcore gamer. And that seems like what ASUS was trying to do here. As always, the ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition and its counterparts are powerhouse phones with performance and battery life. And if those are two other important things to you, then those are two more reasons to buy this device.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/29/2024
Notes: Note globale: 100%
69% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: the gamer goes mainstream!
Source: Phone Arena Anglais EN→FR
The ROG Phone 8 Pro definitely has a bit of give and take to it. It's very fast, we like how it looks, its speakers are great (though not as good as before), its display is beautiful. The camera is OK by today's standards — it doesn't wow us, and occasionally disappoints, but we don't mind using it as a daily carry. Hardcore fans have already reacted to the reduced bezels, therefore the change in how the phone handles for actual gaming. Others are ecstatic over the inclusion of water-resistance this time around. We would have no trouble recommending it, as it has a lot going for it. But, since its asking price is north of $1,000, we do feel the need to point out that it comes with the promise of 2 years of software updates and 4 years of security patches, in an industry where 4 years of updates is becoming the minimum.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/29/2024
Notes: Note globale: 69%
100% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition Review: The best phone for gaming
Source: Android Headlines Anglais EN→FR
Now for the question that you’re likely asking yourself if you’ve read this monster of a review. Should buy the ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition? Or Any of the ROG Phone 8 Series models? I think that depends on what you want out of a smartphone. As with every other ROG Phone in the past, one of the main factors of betting into these devices is if you want something that’s geared more towards mobile gaming, then you should definitely get this device. And because of the improvements ASUS has made to it this year, it’s easier to recommend to more mainstream consumers. The style has been toned down and things like the camera have been improved to where they could absolutely work for someone who isn’t a hardcore gamer. And that seems like what ASUS was trying to do here. As always, the ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition and its counterparts are powerhouse phones with performance and battery life. And if those are two other important things to you, then those are two more reasons to buy this device.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/29/2024
Notes: Note globale: 100%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Smartphone Review
Source: OI Spice Tech News Anglais EN→FR
The ROG Phone 8 Pro brings IP68 certification and offers excellent display, improved brightness, magical HDR capabilities, and adaptive refresh rate support. All of those factors combined with enhanced gimbal stabilization and upgraded camera setup. However, the design gives a fresh take on the overall aesthetic, while the hardware pushes the limits to the extreme. Overall, it’s the best deal if you want a gaming-focused device. But at the same time, if you are looking for a similar deal in the gaming-centric segment, you should consider getting the ZTE Nubia Red Magic 9 Pro phone. It brings almost the same features and gaming experience. Besides this, it only costs 2/3 of the ROG Phone 8 Pro edition. But nowadays, you don’t need a gaming phone to enjoy an impeccable gaming experience, especially when you have a budget to purchase the Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro. Instead of that, you can check out other popular flagship phones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/27/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Smartphone Review
Source: OI Spice Tech News Anglais EN→FR
The ROG Phone 8 Pro brings IP68 certification and offers excellent display, improved brightness, magical HDR capabilities, and adaptive refresh rate support. All of those factors combined with enhanced gimbal stabilization and upgraded camera setup. However, the design gives a fresh take on the overall aesthetic, while the hardware pushes the limits to the extreme. Overall, it’s the best deal if you want a gaming-focused device. But at the same time, if you are looking for a similar deal in the gaming-centric segment, you should consider getting the ZTE Nubia Red Magic 9 Pro phone. It brings almost the same features and gaming experience. Besides this, it only costs 2/3 of the ROG Phone 8 Pro edition. But nowadays, you don’t need a gaming phone to enjoy an impeccable gaming experience, especially when you have a budget to purchase the Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro. Instead of that, you can check out other popular flagship phones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/27/2024
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: a gaming phone for everyone
Source: Techradar Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro is an outstanding gaming phone with some of the fastest performance on the market, but that’s not what makes it interesting. This is the first gaming phone that’s a genuine pleasure to use day to day, with a refined design, solid camera, and welcome features like wireless charging and an IP68 rating.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 80% performances: 100% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: grown-up gamer
Source: Stuff TV Anglais EN→FR
Having tested multiple generations of ROG Phone, it was obvious to me that Asus has the whole “gaming phone” thing down to a fine art. This 2024 iteration brings changes meant to appeal to a wider audience than just hardcore mobile gamers – but not all are outright successes. The slimmer dimensions, subtler styling and stealthy LEDs make this a more grown-up handset for sure. But ditching the dual front-facing speakers and adding a punch-hole camera will court controversy with owners of older ROG phones. As much as the cameras are a big step up from last year, they’re still not on par with similarly-priced all-rounder flagships – and those phones can deliver similar gaming performance if you’re not playing for hours at a time. Serious players will love the dual USB ports, external cooler and Air Trigger controls, though. If gaming matters most, but you felt previous ROG Phones were a bit too one-dimensional to make your only smartphone, you’ll find plenty to like about this latest version.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro - MORE Than a Gaming Phone!
Source: Matthew Moniz Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: a gaming phone for everyone
Source: Techradar Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro is an outstanding gaming phone with some of the fastest performance on the market, but that’s not what makes it interesting. This is the first gaming phone that’s a genuine pleasure to use day to day, with a refined design, solid camera, and welcome features like wireless charging and an IP68 rating.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 80% performances: 100% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: grown-up gamer
Source: Stuff TV Anglais EN→FR
Having tested multiple generations of ROG Phone, it was obvious to me that Asus has the whole “gaming phone” thing down to a fine art. This 2024 iteration brings changes meant to appeal to a wider audience than just hardcore mobile gamers – but not all are outright successes. The slimmer dimensions, subtler styling and stealthy LEDs make this a more grown-up handset for sure. But ditching the dual front-facing speakers and adding a punch-hole camera will court controversy with owners of older ROG phones. As much as the cameras are a big step up from last year, they’re still not on par with similarly-priced all-rounder flagships – and those phones can deliver similar gaming performance if you’re not playing for hours at a time. Serious players will love the dual USB ports, external cooler and Air Trigger controls, though. If gaming matters most, but you felt previous ROG Phones were a bit too one-dimensional to make your only smartphone, you’ll find plenty to like about this latest version.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro - MORE Than a Gaming Phone!
Source: Matthew Moniz Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
The ROG Phone 8 Pro FULL REVIEW - Should You Buy?
Source: The Tech Chap Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/17/2024
The ROG Phone 8 Pro FULL REVIEW - Should You Buy?
Source: The Tech Chap Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/17/2024
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition Review
Source: Trusted Reviews Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition has toned down the flashy gaming design to appeal to a wider audience, consequently seeing compromises to the battery and speakers, but the 165Hz AMOLED screen, speedy performance and suite of gaming features nevertheless make this a good option for hardcore gamers.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition Review
Source: PC Mag Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition is a sleek phone with excellent gaming performance. It can handle the most demanding tasks thanks to its advanced cooling tech and included fan. While it's a gaming phone first, it's also a great all-rounder thanks to its mainstream design, solid cameras, good wireless performance, loudspeakers, and high-quality build. It's easy to recommend to Android gamers who want the best phone money can buy, but it's quite expensive at $1,499. If you're looking to spend less, the RedMagic Pro 9 isn't as durable, has weaker speakers, a lesser software commitment, and falls short on camera quality, but it offers similar gaming performance to the ROG Phone 8 for half the price.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review
Source: Tech Advisor Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro largely succeeds in its mission to evolve beyond being a mere gaming device. Not only does it boast awesome processing power that can handle any game or task, but it adds an attractively streamlined design and an improved triple lens camera system. Yes, it remains expensive, but the combination of a sharp display, speedy charging, versatile cameras and peerless performance help justify the cost. If you’re looking for a high-end Android phone and can afford it, the ROG Phone 8 Pro is definitely worth considering.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: The ultimate gaming phone — even when you’re not gaming
Source: Tom's Guide Anglais EN→FR
Asus is trying to redefine the gaming phone with the ROG Phone 8 Pro, improving some of the rough edges associated with this kind of device. As a result, the ROG Phone 8 Pro offers the same basic abilities as other premium phones, including a telephoto lens. While it still delivers power and a long-lasting battery, the ROG Phone 8 Pro now offers a more complete premium Android experience.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
75% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: I'm not sure this is a gaming phone
Source: Android Police Anglais EN→FR
I hate to say it, but I can't recommend the ROG Phone 8 Pro for most gamers. I can't get past the pinhole in the screen; it's unacceptable for a gaming device. But plenty of you may disagree, and you are in the market for this phone, which means you may enjoy it as it's a killer device otherwise. The price is high, but you get what you pay for, and with the improved cameras, the ROG Phone can finally stand up to Samsung and Google. You won't get seven years of support like those two, but at least you won't have to compromise on camera quality if you choose to go with Asus. On the other hand, if you are similar to me and demand purpose-built gaming devices, especially when playing mobile games, the improved cameras won't mean much when you lose the dual front-facing speakers and gain a hole in the screen.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 75%
90% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro review: The gaming phone is all grown up
Source: Android Central Anglais EN→FR
ASUS is doing things differently with the ROG Phone 8 Pro. The phone has an all-new design aesthetic that's much more mainstream than its predecessors, but you still get a secondary screen at the back — only this time, it's a dot matrix panel. It is the fastest phone I've ever used, and high refresh rate gaming is an absolute delight thanks to all the thoughtful extras. The screen has gotten a considerable upgrade, and it sports thinner bezels. But it's the cameras where things truly stand out, with ASUS outfitting new lenses and a 3x optical zoom module. Combine that with IP68 ingress protection, wireless charging, and a clean software with no bloatware, and it's easy to see why this is one of my favorite devices of the year. Ultimately, the ROG Phone 8 Pro is no longer a niche device that's only good for gaming — this is a phenomenal all-rounder that can hold its own against the best that Android has to offer.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
92% Asus ROG Phone 8/8 Pro review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
Overall, we understand and support the changes Asus has introduced with the ROG Phone 8 family. In more ways than one, this move from purely gamer-focused device to one with a more general appeal has been an ongoing process for a good few ROG Phone generations. If this is what it takes for more people to notice the excellent ROG Phone family, then it is more than warranted. Plus, at its heart, the ROG Phone 8/8 Pro is still a gaming beast with excellent hardware and arguably industry-leading software to ensure the best possible gaming experience out there. It's just that it comes in a more mainstream package this time around.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 92%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition | Unboxing & Gaming Review
Source: Tech Spurt Anglais
Unboxing ASUS' ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition with a review of the gaming performance and everyday smartphone experience. We tour all of the ROG Phone 8 Pro's game features and compare vs the regular model, including in-depth Genshin Impact testing! 2024 has only just begun and already the Red Magic 9 Pro has stiff competition! Yet another Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 gaming mobile has arrived, with a more compact design, upgraded cameras and the usual excellent features (plus a few new ones). The ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro, and regular ROG Phone 8, both boast impressive performance and cooling tech. The likes of Genshin Impact play beautifully, although it's not quite the perfect gaming experience. Note that this Edition model comes with a bundled ICE cooler, as you can see in this unboxing. Older versions of the cooler accessory are not supported here on the ROG Phone 8 Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Can A Gaming Phone Go Mainstream?
Source: Marques Brownlee Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
ROG Phone 8 Series might be the gaming phones with most mainstream appeal to come out of the ROG family as of yet making the ROG Phone 8 Pro the most compact and pocketable ROG Phone yet. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition Review
Source: Trusted Reviews Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition has toned down the flashy gaming design to appeal to a wider audience, consequently seeing compromises to the battery and speakers, but the 165Hz AMOLED screen, speedy performance and suite of gaming features nevertheless make this a good option for hardcore gamers.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition Review
Source: PC Mag Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition is a sleek phone with excellent gaming performance. It can handle the most demanding tasks thanks to its advanced cooling tech and included fan. While it's a gaming phone first, it's also a great all-rounder thanks to its mainstream design, solid cameras, good wireless performance, loudspeakers, and high-quality build. It's easy to recommend to Android gamers who want the best phone money can buy, but it's quite expensive at $1,499. If you're looking to spend less, the RedMagic Pro 9 isn't as durable, has weaker speakers, a lesser software commitment, and falls short on camera quality, but it offers similar gaming performance to the ROG Phone 8 for half the price.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review
Source: Tech Advisor Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro largely succeeds in its mission to evolve beyond being a mere gaming device. Not only does it boast awesome processing power that can handle any game or task, but it adds an attractively streamlined design and an improved triple lens camera system. Yes, it remains expensive, but the combination of a sharp display, speedy charging, versatile cameras and peerless performance help justify the cost. If you’re looking for a high-end Android phone and can afford it, the ROG Phone 8 Pro is definitely worth considering.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: The ultimate gaming phone — even when you’re not gaming
Source: Tom's Guide Anglais EN→FR
Asus is trying to redefine the gaming phone with the ROG Phone 8 Pro, improving some of the rough edges associated with this kind of device. As a result, the ROG Phone 8 Pro offers the same basic abilities as other premium phones, including a telephoto lens. While it still delivers power and a long-lasting battery, the ROG Phone 8 Pro now offers a more complete premium Android experience.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
75% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review: I'm not sure this is a gaming phone
Source: Android Police Anglais EN→FR
I hate to say it, but I can't recommend the ROG Phone 8 Pro for most gamers. I can't get past the pinhole in the screen; it's unacceptable for a gaming device. But plenty of you may disagree, and you are in the market for this phone, which means you may enjoy it as it's a killer device otherwise. The price is high, but you get what you pay for, and with the improved cameras, the ROG Phone can finally stand up to Samsung and Google. You won't get seven years of support like those two, but at least you won't have to compromise on camera quality if you choose to go with Asus. On the other hand, if you are similar to me and demand purpose-built gaming devices, especially when playing mobile games, the improved cameras won't mean much when you lose the dual front-facing speakers and gain a hole in the screen.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 75%
90% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro review: The gaming phone is all grown up
Source: Android Central Anglais EN→FR
ASUS is doing things differently with the ROG Phone 8 Pro. The phone has an all-new design aesthetic that's much more mainstream than its predecessors, but you still get a secondary screen at the back — only this time, it's a dot matrix panel. It is the fastest phone I've ever used, and high refresh rate gaming is an absolute delight thanks to all the thoughtful extras. The screen has gotten a considerable upgrade, and it sports thinner bezels. But it's the cameras where things truly stand out, with ASUS outfitting new lenses and a 3x optical zoom module. Combine that with IP68 ingress protection, wireless charging, and a clean software with no bloatware, and it's easy to see why this is one of my favorite devices of the year. Ultimately, the ROG Phone 8 Pro is no longer a niche device that's only good for gaming — this is a phenomenal all-rounder that can hold its own against the best that Android has to offer.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
92% Asus ROG Phone 8/8 Pro review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
Overall, we understand and support the changes Asus has introduced with the ROG Phone 8 family. In more ways than one, this move from purely gamer-focused device to one with a more general appeal has been an ongoing process for a good few ROG Phone generations. If this is what it takes for more people to notice the excellent ROG Phone family, then it is more than warranted. Plus, at its heart, the ROG Phone 8/8 Pro is still a gaming beast with excellent hardware and arguably industry-leading software to ensure the best possible gaming experience out there. It's just that it comes in a more mainstream package this time around.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 92%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition | Unboxing & Gaming Review
Source: Tech Spurt Anglais
Unboxing ASUS' ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition with a review of the gaming performance and everyday smartphone experience. We tour all of the ROG Phone 8 Pro's game features and compare vs the regular model, including in-depth Genshin Impact testing! 2024 has only just begun and already the Red Magic 9 Pro has stiff competition! Yet another Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 gaming mobile has arrived, with a more compact design, upgraded cameras and the usual excellent features (plus a few new ones). The ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro, and regular ROG Phone 8, both boast impressive performance and cooling tech. The likes of Genshin Impact play beautifully, although it's not quite the perfect gaming experience. Note that this Edition model comes with a bundled ICE cooler, as you can see in this unboxing. Older versions of the cooler accessory are not supported here on the ROG Phone 8 Pro.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Can A Gaming Phone Go Mainstream?
Source: Marques Brownlee Anglais
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais
ROG Phone 8 Series might be the gaming phones with most mainstream appeal to come out of the ROG family as of yet making the ROG Phone 8 Pro the most compact and pocketable ROG Phone yet. Check out our video review to learn ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW about the phone's top features, build and screen quality, battery life, performance, and camera image quality.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
75% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Review: A Gaming Smartphone That Remembers It's a Phone
Source: CNet Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro is an expensive phone at $1,200 with only the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max coming close to that price, but if you are looking for a high-spec gaming monster that still feels like a sleek phone, it is comparably priced against what we'd expect from other high-end phones with 512GB of storage. Doubly so if you are looking for a media-focused powerhouse, thanks to its high refresh display, connectivity options, fast charging and headphone jack. However most people who aren't looking for a gaming-focused phone should wait and see what Samsung is planning to reveal with its rumored Galaxy S24 line and OnePlus with the OnePlus 12. Even though neither company specifically focuses on gaming, both make phones that readily play most mobile games, provide broader photography support and longer software update timelines.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/15/2024
Notes: Note globale: 75%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Review: Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 For The Win
Source: Hot Hardware Anglais EN→FR
It may not look like your typical gaming phone, but that's what the ROG Phone 8 Pro is at its core. When you fire up a game, the ROG Phone 8 Pro will show its true colors. You'll have the best visual experience possible, no matter what title. Asus bundles numerous quality-of-life software features for more convenient gaming, and the phone's shoulder buttons will make you an absolute terror in games like Call of Duty Mobile and Fortnite. This is probably the best mobile gaming experience you'll get outside of a dedicated gaming handheld. If you're not the type to unwind with an hour or two of mobile gaming at the end of the day, there's still a few reasons to consider the ROG Phone 8. Though you can spend less to get phones with better cameras, displays, and update prospects perhaps, performance enthusiasts will enjoy what's on tap here.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/15/2024
75% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Review: A Gaming Smartphone That Remembers It's a Phone
Source: CNet Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro is an expensive phone at $1,200 with only the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and iPhone 15 Pro Max coming close to that price, but if you are looking for a high-spec gaming monster that still feels like a sleek phone, it is comparably priced against what we'd expect from other high-end phones with 512GB of storage. Doubly so if you are looking for a media-focused powerhouse, thanks to its high refresh display, connectivity options, fast charging and headphone jack. However most people who aren't looking for a gaming-focused phone should wait and see what Samsung is planning to reveal with its rumored Galaxy S24 line and OnePlus with the OnePlus 12. Even though neither company specifically focuses on gaming, both make phones that readily play most mobile games, provide broader photography support and longer software update timelines.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/15/2024
Notes: Note globale: 75%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Review: Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 For The Win
Source: Hot Hardware Anglais EN→FR
It may not look like your typical gaming phone, but that's what the ROG Phone 8 Pro is at its core. When you fire up a game, the ROG Phone 8 Pro will show its true colors. You'll have the best visual experience possible, no matter what title. Asus bundles numerous quality-of-life software features for more convenient gaming, and the phone's shoulder buttons will make you an absolute terror in games like Call of Duty Mobile and Fortnite. This is probably the best mobile gaming experience you'll get outside of a dedicated gaming handheld. If you're not the type to unwind with an hour or two of mobile gaming at the end of the day, there's still a few reasons to consider the ROG Phone 8. Though you can spend less to get phones with better cameras, displays, and update prospects perhaps, performance enthusiasts will enjoy what's on tap here.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/15/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro first impressions: old tricks, new design!
Source: Phone Arena Anglais EN→FR
On first impressions — the ROG Phone 8 Pro is definitely an intriguing device. Even people at the office who scoffed at the rather large and unwieldy ROG Phones of the past were interested in the new shape an entranced by that matte glass back. Now, it's time to run it through the ringer, put a SIM card in it, and see if it is, indeed, a "premium everyday phone". Stay tuned!
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/10/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro first impressions: old tricks, new design!
Source: Phone Arena Anglais EN→FR
On first impressions — the ROG Phone 8 Pro is definitely an intriguing device. Even people at the office who scoffed at the rather large and unwieldy ROG Phones of the past were interested in the new shape an entranced by that matte glass back. Now, it's time to run it through the ringer, put a SIM card in it, and see if it is, indeed, a "premium everyday phone". Stay tuned!
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/10/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro hands-on review: grown-up gamer
Source: Stuff TV Anglais EN→FR
Having used multiple generations of ROG Phone now, I already knew Asus had gotten the whole “gaming phone” thing down to a fine art. And yet at first glance I’m still very impressed by the 2024 iteration. It’s clearly a more grown-up handset – one that I’d be happy to use on the daily – but manages to retain all the features I’d expect once it’s time to play. A full review, with performance, battery life and camera tests, will follow in the next few weeks. Until then, I’m not sure how the ROG Phone 8 Pro stacks up to this year’s other early arrivals. Hopefully Asus has put the effort in on the photography front, as secondary snappers were the outgoing model’s biggest limitation. If it can compete with more mainstream models for zoom and ultrawide shots, I’d have no hesitation in recommending it to gamers and non-gamers alike.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/09/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro hands-on: The gaming phone grows up
Source: Tom's Guide Anglais EN→FR
As things stand, the Asus ROG Phone 8's pitch is very appealing. It'll in theory still offer all the mobile gaming comforts we're used to from previous ROG Phones, but with fewer sacrifices to the all-round performance that normal Android flagship phones provide so well. Asus has certainly provided the specs required to meet this claim, although it's a shame the battery's had to shrink as a result. Plus the 32MP sensors taking 8MP shots thing is a little odd, at least on paper. But the ROG Phone 8 still has the key gaming credentials of a big bright display, the latest chipset and lots of RAM, so even if Asus’ gambit to pull in more typical smartphone buyers doesn’t work, gaming phone fans will hopefully still find a lot to like here.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/09/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro hands-on review: grown-up gamer
Source: Stuff TV Anglais EN→FR
Having used multiple generations of ROG Phone now, I already knew Asus had gotten the whole “gaming phone” thing down to a fine art. And yet at first glance I’m still very impressed by the 2024 iteration. It’s clearly a more grown-up handset – one that I’d be happy to use on the daily – but manages to retain all the features I’d expect once it’s time to play. A full review, with performance, battery life and camera tests, will follow in the next few weeks. Until then, I’m not sure how the ROG Phone 8 Pro stacks up to this year’s other early arrivals. Hopefully Asus has put the effort in on the photography front, as secondary snappers were the outgoing model’s biggest limitation. If it can compete with more mainstream models for zoom and ultrawide shots, I’d have no hesitation in recommending it to gamers and non-gamers alike.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/09/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro hands-on: The gaming phone grows up
Source: Tom's Guide Anglais EN→FR
As things stand, the Asus ROG Phone 8's pitch is very appealing. It'll in theory still offer all the mobile gaming comforts we're used to from previous ROG Phones, but with fewer sacrifices to the all-round performance that normal Android flagship phones provide so well. Asus has certainly provided the specs required to meet this claim, although it's a shame the battery's had to shrink as a result. Plus the 32MP sensors taking 8MP shots thing is a little odd, at least on paper. But the ROG Phone 8 still has the key gaming credentials of a big bright display, the latest chipset and lots of RAM, so even if Asus’ gambit to pull in more typical smartphone buyers doesn’t work, gaming phone fans will hopefully still find a lot to like here.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/09/2024
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro hands-on: Close to perfection
Source: Android Central Anglais EN→FR
There's much more to talk about the ROG Phone 8 Pro, but I'll reserve that for the full-fledged review. The cameras in particular are much better than previous years, and the 50MP Sony IMX890 lens has proven reliability. The software is also among the best of any phone today; ZenUI has a clean interface without any bloatware, and you get extensive customizability. The only downside is that the phone will get just two platform updates. I bugged ASUS for years to change its stance, but the brand only guarantees two Android OS updates along with four years of security updates. That's not nearly adequate when you consider most other brands offer four OS updates as standard, with the Pixel 8 series going up to seven. There isn't much of a difference between the ROG Phone 8 and the Pro model, with the latter getting the 24GB/1TB variant and the AeroActive Cooler X out of the box.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/08/2024
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro hands-on: Close to perfection
Source: Android Central Anglais EN→FR
There's much more to talk about the ROG Phone 8 Pro, but I'll reserve that for the full-fledged review. The cameras in particular are much better than previous years, and the 50MP Sony IMX890 lens has proven reliability. The software is also among the best of any phone today; ZenUI has a clean interface without any bloatware, and you get extensive customizability. The only downside is that the phone will get just two platform updates. I bugged ASUS for years to change its stance, but the brand only guarantees two Android OS updates along with four years of security updates. That's not nearly adequate when you consider most other brands offer four OS updates as standard, with the Pixel 8 series going up to seven. There isn't much of a difference between the ROG Phone 8 and the Pro model, with the latter getting the 24GB/1TB variant and the AeroActive Cooler X out of the box.
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/08/2024
87% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/02/2024
Notes: Note globale: 87% performances: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
87% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/02/2024
Notes: Note globale: 87% performances: 85% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
98% Das Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro lässt kaum Wünsche offen
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 98% prix: 60% performances: 98% équipement: 100% écran: 99% mobilité: 95%
98% Das Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro lässt kaum Wünsche offen
Source: Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 98% prix: 60% performances: 98% équipement: 100% écran: 99% mobilité: 95%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Highend trifft Top-Haptik
Source: Stadt-bremerhaven Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/21/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Highend trifft Top-Haptik
Source: Stadt-bremerhaven Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/21/2024
90% Starkes Gaming-Smartphone mit vielen Funktionen
Source: PC Welt Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Starkes Gaming-Smartphone mit vielen Funktionen
Source: PC Welt Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
97% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition im Test: Wasserdichtes für Gamer
Source: Computerbild Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 97%
97% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition im Test: Wasserdichtes für Gamer
Source: Computerbild Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 97%
95% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro, review completa en español
Source: Game IT Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% performances: 100% finition: 100%
95% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro, review completa en español
Source: Game IT Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 10/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% performances: 100% finition: 100%
80% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Geeknetic Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Review
Source: Geeknetic Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Tudo Celular Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/24/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 90%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Tudo Celular Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/24/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80% prix: 90%
90% Análise ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro – O smartphone de jogos que quer ser mais do que isso
Source: Android Geek Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Análise ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro – O smartphone de jogos que quer ser mais do que isso
Source: Android Geek Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: PC Guia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 02/26/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: PC Guia Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très courte, Date: 02/26/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Recensione ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: sempre estremo ma oggi alla portata di tutti
Source: Tutto Android Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/02/2024
Recensione ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: sempre estremo ma oggi alla portata di tutti
Source: Tutto Android Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 05/02/2024
74% Recensione Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: non solo Gaming
Source: Evo smart Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/31/2024
Notes: Note globale: 74% prix: 60% performances: 90% écran: 80% mobilité: 70%
74% Recensione Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: non solo Gaming
Source: Evo smart Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/31/2024
Notes: Note globale: 74% prix: 60% performances: 90% écran: 80% mobilité: 70%
85% ROG Phone 8 Pro, la recensione di un gaming phone (finalmente) diverso realizzato da ASUS
Source: Multiplayer IT Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85%
85% ROG Phone 8 Pro, la recensione di un gaming phone (finalmente) diverso realizzato da ASUS
Source: Multiplayer IT Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85%
84% Recensione Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Andrea Galeazzi Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 84% prix: 71% écran: 93% mobilité: 90% finition: 85%
85% Recensione ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: lo smartphone più completo
Source: Smart World Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85% prix: 70% équipement: 100% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90% ergonomie: 90%
85% Recensione ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: lo smartphone più completo
Source: Smart World Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85% prix: 70% équipement: 100% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90% ergonomie: 90%
84% Recensione Rog Phone 8 Pro, taglio netto col passato tra vantaggi e svantaggi, ma...
Source: Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 84% équipement: 84%
84% Recensione Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro
Source: Andrea Galeazzi Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 84% prix: 71% écran: 93% mobilité: 90% finition: 85%
85% Recensione ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: lo smartphone più completo
Source: Smart World Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85% prix: 70% équipement: 100% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90% ergonomie: 90%
85% Recensione ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: lo smartphone più completo
Source: Smart World Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85% prix: 70% équipement: 100% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90% ergonomie: 90%
84% Recensione Rog Phone 8 Pro, taglio netto col passato tra vantaggi e svantaggi, ma...
Source: Italien IT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 84% équipement: 84%
Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: flagowiec z Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 i ekranem 165 Hz. Brzmi nieźle? To jednak nie wszystko
Source: Techno Senior Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/20/2024
Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: flagowiec z Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 i ekranem 165 Hz. Brzmi nieźle? To jednak nie wszystko
Source: Techno Senior Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/20/2024
92% Czy to najlepszy telefon w swojej kategorii? Test ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition
Source: GSM Maniak Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 92% performances: 100% écran: 95% mobilité: 80%
92% Czy to najlepszy telefon w swojej kategorii? Test ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition
Source: GSM Maniak Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 92% performances: 100% écran: 95% mobilité: 80%
Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition - jest dużo szybszy od Galaxy S24 Ultra
Source: GSM Online Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/14/2024
Test Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition - jest dużo szybszy od Galaxy S24 Ultra
Source: GSM Online Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/14/2024
89% Recenzja Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition. Wyspecjalizowany model premium
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/25/2024
Notes: Note globale: 89% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
89% Recenzja Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition. Wyspecjalizowany model premium
Source: Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/25/2024
Notes: Note globale: 89% performances: 90% écran: 90% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro to „wilk w owczej skórze”. Test potwora dla graczy
Source: Telepolis Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro to „wilk w owczej skórze”. Test potwora dla graczy
Source: Telepolis Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/07/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/07/2024
85% Обзор ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: игровой флагман с вау-эффектом
Source: ITC UA RU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/25/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85%
85% Обзор ASUS ROG Phone 8 Pro: игровой флагман с вау-эффектом
Source: ITC UA RU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 04/25/2024
Notes: Note globale: 85%
80% Обзор Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: игровой телефон для всех
Source: RU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Обзор Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: игровой телефон для всех
Source: RU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro - az élet nem csak játék és mese
Source: MobilArena HU HU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 100% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro - az élet nem csak játék és mese
Source: MobilArena HU HU→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: prix: 70% écran: 100% mobilité: 90% finition: 80%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: nabušený herní telefon, který není jen pro hráče (recenze)
Source: CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/19/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: nabušený herní telefon, který není jen pro hráče (recenze)
Source: CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/19/2024
91% Recenze Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: herní smartphone nové generace
Source: CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 91% performances: 97% équipement: 95% mobilité: 90% finition: 93%
91% Recenze Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: herní smartphone nové generace
Source: CZ→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 91% performances: 97% équipement: 95% mobilité: 90% finition: 93%
95% 游戏智能手机评测 ASUS ROG Phone 8 和 8 Pro:又热又快!
Source: Root Nation CN zh-CN→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/19/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% prix: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
95% 游戏智能手机评测 ASUS ROG Phone 8 和 8 Pro:又热又快!
Source: Root Nation CN zh-CN→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/19/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% prix: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
90% Test Asus Rog Phone 8 Pro
Source: NO→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Test Asus Rog Phone 8 Pro
Source: NO→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: Äntligen en sober och komplett gaming-mobil
Source: M3 PC för alla SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
80% Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: Äntligen en sober och komplett gaming-mobil
Source: M3 PC för alla SV→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: cel mai tare telefon de gaming vrea să fie flagship complet
Source: →FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 02/12/2024
Asus ROG Phone 8 Pro: cel mai tare telefon de gaming vrea să fie flagship complet
Source: →FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 02/12/2024


Asus ROG Phone 8

Spécifications de l'ordinateur portable

Asus ROG Phone 8Ordinateur portable: Asus ROG Phone 8
Processeur: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 SD 8 Gen 3
Carte graphique: Qualcomm Adreno 750
Écran: 6.78 pouces, 20:9, 2400 x 1080 pixels
Poids: 0.225kg
Prix: 1000 euros
Liens: Asus Page d'accueil
 Asus Section dédiée aux ordinateurs portables

Price comparison

Note moyenne: 89.5% - Très bon

Moyenne de 18 notes (à partir de 27 critiques)



100% Test du smartphone Asus ROG Phone 8 : performant dans tous les domaines et pour tous les publics
Source: Les Mobiles Français
Lors de notre prise en main rapide du téléphone Asus ROG Phone 8, nous avons été particulièrement séduits non seulement par le design de l’appareil, mais aussi par ses performances, aux premiers abords. Celles-ci se sont confirmées lors de notre test. En effet, l’appareil livre une excellente prestation, pour ne pas dire l’une des meilleures du moment. Avec son apparence plus sobre, à l’extérieur, il ne renie rien de son côté gaming, à l’intérieur. On est impressionné par les possibilités de personnalisation de l’interface et la multitude de paramètres disponibles. Les performances sont bel et bien au rendez-vous permettant d’avoir, entre les mains, un smartphone ultra rapide et agréable au quotidien. Il peut séduire à coup sûr les joueurs les plus exigeants et saura également convaincre un public bien plus large à la recherche d’un compagnon solide. Le volet photo est tout aussi satisfaisant avec des clichés clairs, précis et détaillés. On apprécie son étanchéité ainsi que la possibilité de chargement sans fil.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 02/03/2024
Notes: Note globale: 100%
100% Prise en main rapide du smartphone ROG Phone 8 : compact, séduisant, pour la vie de tous les jours et bien au-delà
Source: Les Mobiles Français
Notez qu’après la configuration de l’appareil, on est plongé dans l’ambiance gaming avec quelques séquences qui permettent de prendre en main le mobile et de, si besoin, découvrir ses capacités audio, vidéo et les touches sensitives en tirant sur des vaisseaux jouant avec le gyroscope pour les viser. C’est une excellente entrée en matière… Avec des performances toujours plus importantes, un design retravaillé, efficace, mais sobre, un excellent écran conservé et surtout une partie photo convaincante, du moins lors de nos premiers essais, le ROG Phone 8, mais aussi ses déclinaisons n’ont rien à envier au meilleur smartphone du marché offrant des prestations au moins aussi bonnes. Nous vous proposerons prochainement un test complet de l’appareil pour voir quels sont réellement ses avantages et essayer de lui trouver des inconvénients, s’il y en a.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 100%

Critiques dans des langues étrangères

60% Asus ROG Phone 8 review: drops the ball on key gaming features
Source: Techradar Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 ticks a few boxes for gamers: it has a top-end chipset, a high refresh rate display and useful software tools. However, issues with its design make it tricky to use for actual gaming, and it costs a lot more than it really should.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 06/29/2024
Notes: Note globale: 60% prix: 50% performances: 80% écran: 80% mobilité: 70% finition: 70%
ASUS ROG Phone 8 Review: Maybe Mainstream Is Better After All
Source: Anglais EN→FR
The ASUS ROG Phone 8, then, is a weird phone in a weird spot. It has shed some of its gamer aesthetic, now looking nearly identical to the actual mainstream Zenfone 11 Ultra at a glance. And with the image change, comes compromises in the mobile gaming experience, such as the punch-hole camera cutout, and no more front-facing stereo speakers. But for what it’s worth, I’m of the opinion that the IP68 rating is worth all of those sacrifices. It’s also a shame that it shares the camera configuration with the previous generation, where the Pro variants – and the base model for the international market – got the arguably more useful optical zoom shooter. In the Malaysian market, that may be a reason to go for those instead of the base model.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 04/26/2024
84% ROG Phone 8 Review – Refined Gaming Flagship Tested
Source: Hitech Century Anglais EN→FR
The ROG Phone 8 is in the running as one of the best gaming phones of 2024 that is adept at both gaming and work in equal measure. While it sheds its gaming-oriented design, it does not skimp on performance and gaming-oriented features including its side-mounted USB-C port, shoulder-mounted Air Trigger haptic buttons and unique convection cooling design. It is also one of the few flagship phones with a 3.5mm audio jack, marking it out as an exceptional rarity among other flagship phones.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 04/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 84% prix: 80% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 70%
95% ASUS ROG Phone 8 and 8 Pro Gaming Smartphones Review: Hot and Fast!
Source: Root Nation Anglais EN→FR
Before, I had never tested the ROG Phone, and I’ll admit, not being a gamer, I was skeptical about the model. What could a gaming phone offer compared to the full-fledged flagships I’m used to? It turns out that the ROG Phone in its eighth generation can offer a lot. If earlier ROG Phones were purely gaming devices with a specific design, then the ROG Phone 8 Pro is more of a solid premium smartphone that, among other things, is excellent for gaming. ASUS ROG Phone 8 ProThe hero of the review stands out with a relatively compact body, exquisite materials, and IP68 protection. The LTPO AMOLED display with a refresh rate of up to 165 Hz and a peak brightness of 2500 nits is simply captivating. While the cameras may not quite reach the level of flagship photography, they capture excellent images and stand out with strong optical stabilization.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/20/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% prix: 80% performances: 100% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%
Asus ROG Phone 8 Smartphone Review
Source: OI Spice Tech News Anglais EN→FR
The Asus ROG Phone 8 is a true masterpiece when it comes to delivering exceptional performance. With this device, you can enjoy high-end games without any hassle, while the software interface can provide a personified gaming experience. The display also provides smooth touch response and bright colors with proper HDR control and refresh rate. Although, the camera department might not be a strong point of this Asus phone. But still, the phone can deliver great value to the users. Depending on the availability the average price could differ from country to country. However, it didn’t deny the fact that the device looks slightly overpriced if you look at the alternative options. For instance, the ZTE Nubia Red Magic 9 Pro has almost everything that you need from a gaming-centric phone, whether it’s performance, battery life, or advanced display quality.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 02/19/2024
Review – ROG Phone 8: Lots of changes
Source: Tech Critter Anglais EN→FR
A few weeks ago, ROG announced the arrival of the new ROG Phone 8 series. It’s a lot earlier compared to its predecessor, and with it comes a lot of changes. We have a brand new design that affects many different aspects of the phone to the point that the entire community is rather polarized. Some love it, some absolutely despise it. But we’re not here for opinions today – so let’s see what the fuss is about.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/30/2024
ROG Phone 8 review - Still a gaming phone but with a questionable design choice
Source: Tech Nave Anglais EN→FR
I think overall the ROG Phone 8 performs well as a gaming phone and does what it does best. However, I'm not so sure of ASUS' decision to go mainstream. Some gamers aren't fond of the boring downgraded look, the punch-hole front camera and the new dual speaker location. The photo quality is just fine and can be improved further. A perfect analogy of this would be ASUS promoting a ROG gaming laptop that looks like a normal Vivobook. There's nothing wrong with that. But it's just...not appealing and it's hard to cater to both casual and gamers. Moreover, the ROG Phone 8 is not the only one with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. There will be a few more flagships this year with this chipset that will handle mobile gaming very well. At the price range of RM3999, the ROG Phone 8 looks safe for now. But I reckon more fans and gamers are more interested in the ROG Phone 8 Pro, which looks cooler.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/30/2024
Review – ROG Phone 8 & ROG Phone 8 Pro Edition
Source: NLT Anglais EN→FR
Finally – the question of whether should you buy the ROG Phone 8 series of gaming smartphones. I think if you want the latest and greatest performance, then this is definitely the best choice. But the design choice is very polarizing this time. Some people like this new design, some people absolutely despise it. ROG also put a lot of focus on the cameras for this generation, that’s why we have a thick camera bump here. A lot of people hate that ROG is putting better cameras on these phones – but some people are forgoing any specialty of the ROG Phone in favor of the iPhone 15 Pro Max because of the cameras. You see the difficult balancing act that ROG has to do? Speculation – I think ROG is putting more focus on the camera this time around and try to appeal to more people, so they have to do this. This is actually the exact same steps that Black Shark took when they transitioned from the Black Shark 3 to the Black Shark 4.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/30/2024
90% ASUS ROG Phone 8 review: flagship gaming phone has never been better
Source: Creative Bloq Anglais EN→FR
The ASUS ROG Phone 8 may be a phone for gamers, but ASUS has toned down the branding this year and given us a competitor to the Galaxy S23 Ultras of this world. It’s an expensive purchase, however, so you need to be sure it’s the one you want before you click the ‘Buy’ button.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/18/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
92% Asus ROG Phone 8/8 Pro review
Source: GSM Arena Anglais EN→FR
Overall, we understand and support the changes Asus has introduced with the ROG Phone 8 family. In more ways than one, this move from purely gamer-focused device to one with a more general appeal has been an ongoing process for a good few ROG Phone generations. If this is what it takes for more people to notice the excellent ROG Phone family, then it is more than warranted. Plus, at its heart, the ROG Phone 8/8 Pro is still a gaming beast with excellent hardware and arguably industry-leading software to ensure the best possible gaming experience out there. It's just that it comes in a more mainstream package this time around.
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 92%
100% Asus ROG Phone 8 review: the best gaming phone gets better
Source: T3 Anglais EN→FR
Long story short, if you're looking to buy a dedicated gaming phone there really are only a couple of options worth consideration. If you want one which isn't emblazoned with RGB lights and other gamer-centric features, it's even tougher. This Asus ROG Phone 8 should be top of your list, without question. It's not only a phenomenal handset, it doesn't look out of place in among other traditional phones. Those additions to the camera this time out have really elevated the performance here. It's ultimately the phone which most users probably should pick, even if they aren't entirely gaming obsessed.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Courte, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 100%
90% ASUS ROG Phone 8 review: Should you buy it?
Source: Android Authority Anglais EN→FR
In summary, the ROG Phone 8 and 8 Pro are the most well-rounded iterations of ASUS’ gaming formula yet. A slimmer design, improved cameras, and wireless charging creature comforts make this a premium gaming phone that doesn’t compromise on being, well, a phone. But this design has left less room for gaming-specific hardware, such as the cooling port, and the phone can run hotter than gamers have come to expect from the series. Overall, these changes are for the better, and gamers will surely embrace the slight diversion in direction. However, despite these changes, it’ll struggle to muscle in meaningfully on the mainstream flagship competitors, who still prioritize a more robust photography experience and many more years of support that appeal to a broader audience.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/15/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
80% I reviewed a new Android phone that could kill the Galaxy S24 Ultra
Source: Digital Trends Anglais EN→FR
I’ve used every ROG Phone since the very first, and the ROG Phone 8 Pro is the first one where I haven’t felt the need to include a caveat in my review by stating at least once that you have to be a hardcore gamer to really enjoy it. The design, IP rating, performance, charging, and camera are all tailored to normal, everyday use, and it is a much easier phone to live with than you may expect given its pedigree. It’s less hassle and there are fewer compromises, so more people can enjoy the monster performance on offer, but there’s still enough of Asus’s gaming expertise inside to make it better than other flagships for gaming — just. Make no mistake, it may look a bit more ordinary this time, but at its heart, the ROG Phone 8 Pro is an absolute powerhouse and will obliterate any task — not just games — in record time while seemingly not breaking a sweat. When the entire world of gaming phones is going through a major change, it’s the sensible route for Asus to take.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/15/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
90% ASUS ROG Phone 8 hands-on impressions: A classier gaming phone
Source: Android Authority Anglais EN→FR
While the final verdict will have to wait for our review, it’s clear from just an early look that ASUS is offering a super solid package this year with the ROG Phone 8 series. As for when you can buy one and for how much, ASUS hasn’t revealed a US release date, but has confirmed that pricing will start at $1,099.99 for the base 12GB/256GB model, but with a pre-order price of $999.99. In the UK, the ROG Phone 8 starts at £949.99, while the ROG Phone 8 Pro comes in at £1,099, with pre-orders opening from January 9, 2024. What do you think of the ROG Phone 8 series? Let us know in the poll and drop any questions you might want us to address in our review in the comments.
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/09/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
ROG Phone 8: Is this the year world’s best mobile gaming smartphone from Asus goes mainstream?
Source: Irish Mirror Anglais EN→FR
As for a new Zenfone, fans will have to wait a little longer to find out what’s next. Kung revealed: “When we look back at what Zenfone has meant across the years, it is many different things, but I think one of the ideas that we have is to always try new things, always try and have fun with it and have a sense of purpose with it. And that will continue also. We haven't announced any Zenfone products yet for 2024, so stay tuned for that.”
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/08/2024
80% Muss Samsung sich Sorgen machen?
Source: Inside Handy Allemand DE→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 80%
95% ASUS ROG Phone 8, review completa en español
Source: Game IT Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 07/12/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% performances: 100% finition: 100%
90% ROG Phone 8, análisis: no es solo el móvil gaming más completo. Es también un gama alta espectacular
Source: Xataka Espagnol ES→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 01/16/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90% performances: 98% écran: 88% mobilité: 90% finition: 90%
90% Asus ROG Phone 8 review: gaming e lifestyle de mãos dadas e felizes
Source: 4G News Portugais PT→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 03/23/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% Gamingowa perełka. Recenzja ASUS ROG Phone 8
Source: Geex X-kom Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 02/26/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
90% SMARTFON w cenie KOMPUTERA (24GB RAM) – test ASUS ROG Phone 8
Source: Techno Strefa Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/17/2024
Notes: Note globale: 90%
Asus ROG Phone 8 - recenzja, test, opinia i dane techniczne
Source: Unite4buy Turque PL→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, De taille moyenne, Date: 01/15/2024
Trên tay ASUS ROG Phone 8 tại VN: Thay đổi toàn diện thiết kế, màn hình tràn viền, chống nước IP68
Source: Cell Phones VN→FR
Travaux pratiques, disponibles en ligne, Longue, Date: 01/24/2024
Review ASUS ROG Phone 8: HP Gaming Terbaik 2024 (Lagi)
Source: Jagat Review ID→FR
Critique simple, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/25/2024
95% 游戏智能手机评测 ASUS ROG Phone 8 和 8 Pro:又热又快!
Source: Root Nation CN zh-CN→FR
Comparaison, disponibles en ligne, Très longue, Date: 03/19/2024
Notes: Note globale: 95% prix: 80% écran: 100% mobilité: 100% finition: 100% ergonomie: 100%



Asus: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. est un important fabricant de matériel informatique taïwanais basé à Taipei, fondé en 1989. Sous la marque Asus, la société fabrique une large gamme de produits, notamment des ordinateurs portables, des ordinateurs de bureau, des cartes mères, des cartes graphiques, des moniteurs, des smartphones et des équipements réseau. , des systèmes complets et des composants PC pour les utilisateurs finaux.

Sous la marque ROG (Republic of Gamers), ASUS fabrique des ordinateurs portables de jeu connus des joueurs pour leurs spécifications puissantes, leurs cartes graphiques dédiées, leurs écrans à taux de rafraîchissement élevé et leurs systèmes de refroidissement avancés.

Au-delà des jeux, une large gamme d'ordinateurs portables est proposée pour différents besoins et budgets, des ultrabooks ultra-minces et légers aux convertibles 2-en-1 polyvalents et aux options économiques. En 2023, Asus détenait une part de marché mondiale de 7 % sur le marché des PC.

La satisfaction des clients vis-à-vis des ordinateurs portables ASUS concerne les performances, les fonctionnalités et le bon rapport qualité-prix des ordinateurs portables ASUS. Cependant, comme pour toute marque, des problèmes tels que la surchauffe, la compatibilité des pilotes ou des problèmes de qualité de construction sont parfois signalés.


Ces cartes devraient être capables de faire tourner tout les jeux d'aujourd'hui, mais la plupart d'entre eux uniquement en détails moyens ou faibles et avec des résolution basses. Les plus vieux jeux ou les jeux moins gourmands restent jouables avec de beaux graphismes.

Qualcomm Adreno 750:

Puce graphique pour smartphones et tablettes intégrée au SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Qualcomm affirme qu'il est 25 % plus rapide que l'Adreno 7340 dans le Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 et les premiers benchmarks montrent que le GPU peut battre l'iGPU Apple A17 Pro.

>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des cartes graphiques mobiles et ainsi que dans notre liste des Benchmarks affiliés.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 8:

SD 8 Gen 3: SoC haut de gamme pour smartphones présenté fin 2022 avec un noyau principal rapide basé sur une architecture ARM Cortex-X3 cadencée à 3,2 GHz. Deux autres cœurs de performance sont basés sur l'A715 et ne prennent en charge que les applications 64 bits. Les deux autres cœurs A710 prennent également en charge les applications 32 bits, tout comme les cœurs Cortex-A510 à économie d'énergie. En plus des cœurs de processeur, le SoC intègre un modem WiFi 7, un DSP Hexagon (pour l'accélération de l'IA) et un ISP Spectra. Le contrôleur de mémoire intégré prend en charge la mémoire rapide LPDDR5x jusqu'à 4 200 MHz. la 5G est incluse dans la puce avec le modem Snapdragon X70.

>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre comparaison des processeurs mobiles.

>> Pour en savoir un peu plus sur la finesse des pixels à l'écran, jetez un coup d'œil à notre liste des DPI (PPP, points par pouce).

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85.91%: Voici une bonne note au dessus de la moyenne. Mais vous ne devez pas oublier qu'il y a de 10 à 15% de portables avec de meilleures notes.

>> Plus d'informations sont à trouver dans notre guide d'achat pour les ordinateurs portables.

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